Marvel's Undead Saiyan

Chapter 282 Dangerous!

Chapter 282 Dangerous!

Cold zone.

"Gohan! Look there is a faint light over there!!" Wanda, Pietro, and Sun Wuhan pushed forward all the way from the edge of the safe range. If they saw a player from an island country, they would kill them. Those who add will be beheaded.The world is often like that bird, good and bad.

Suddenly, Wanda grabbed Sun Wuhan's arm and pointed to the slightly glowing bump on the ground in the distance.

"Emergency Survival Suit!!" Sun Wuhan said in great surprise, his pupils shrinking.

"Yeah!! I forgot! Fortunately, you are here." Wanda said, looking at the strange emotion in Sun Wuhan's beautiful eyes.

"It's okay!!" Son Gohan touched the back of his head shyly and said with a smile.

"Let's go!!" Wanda said, before Sun Wufan could answer, she dragged him to the side.

Pietro has become a backdrop!

But just as Wanda and Sun Wuhan walked to the place not far from the emergency survival suit, Sun Wuhan frowned, and a deadly sense of crisis appeared in Sun Wuhan's heart!Sun Wuhan didn't explain, and acted decisively, stopped Wanda's waist, golden light glowed all over his body, currents flowed from time to time, and he quickly backed away!
Wanda exclaimed! !

However, I felt a big fiery hand on my waist, and when I saw myself leaning against Sun Wuhan's arms, his chest muscles were amazing!This damn sense of security! !Wanda's face couldn't help turning red, not because she was shy, but because
It didn't take long for Wanda to experience this wonderful feeling, but what happened in the next second made Wanda's heart shudder and her back feel cold! !
I saw that the place where the two people were before was instantly enveloped by a green poisonous gas! !The ground made a "chi chi" sound due to this poisonous gas, which shows how powerful the toxicity of corrosion is! !
In an instant, the ground was eroded by the poisonous gas to form a huge pit more than three meters deep! !And the depth is still sinking, but the speed is getting slower and slower.

"Who!!!" Sun Wuhan shouted to the side with a cold face, stopping Wanda behind him!Although Wanda's strength cannot be underestimated, in Sun Wuhan's heart, she is always a girl and should be protected by him! !And Sun Wuhan is also the first to capture where the breath of the coming person is.

Pietro, the background board, also came to Sun Wuhan's side to be vigilant at this time!

"Tsk tsk tsk!! Not bad, you can escape." A strong man with gloomy eyes and a confident smile on his face climbed out of the snow beside him, looked at Sun Wuhan and said.His voice was ugly, like metal rubbing against each other.

"Why do you want to kill me! This is just a game!" Sun Wuhan said with an angry face.Because that big pit has reached five meters deep!You must know that this is just the earth, if it were replaced by a human, it would turn into a pool of blood in an instant! !

"尜尜~~ Competition?! It's really childish. Tens of thousands of superpowers, only the top two are selected in the end, you tell me this is just a competition?! Naive, let me tell you, this competition is a competition , but it is declaring a truth! The law of the jungle! The survival of the fittest and the elimination of the weak!! You are very lucky! You were able to see my true face before you died. Those dozens of unlucky people before, even my handsome I didn't even see the face, so it became my stepping stone. Haha!!" The strong man said cruelly.

"Impossible!! You distorted the purpose of this game!!" Sun Wuhan said coldly.

"It's useless to talk too much! Anyway, you are just three dead people! I, the Corruptor, will send you to embrace Satan!" The Corruptor said harshly, and then quickly stretched out his hands, and a strong green flooded the space. shrouded! !
"Not good!! Pietro go back!!" Son Gohan suddenly thought that Pietro was just fast, without any protective measures!Hastily shouted to Pietro behind him.

Pietro also reminded with Sun Wufan? !It has already withdrawn from the range of the green gas in an instant! !

"This guy is really embarrassing." Wanda, who covered her whole body with chaos magic, rolled her eyes and complained after seeing Pietro's performance.

"Okay, Wanda, let's not talk about Pietro, he can't help it, after all, he doesn't have the same protective shield as the two of us." Sun Wuhan said patiently to Wanda on the side, while watching the erosion vigilantly. By.

"Well, let's not talk about him, but hello!" Wanda said quickly.

In the next second, Wanda's eyes flashed red!The red chaos magic wraps the corroder's gas, and then returns to the corroder!
The Corruptor inhaled the corrosive gas into his body in one gulp, and exhaled a long breath very comfortably.

Seeing this scene, Wanda was so angry that she threw a few magic bullets to the Corruptor.

At this moment, an imperceptible gleam flashed in the Invader's eyes.Dodge Wanda's magic bullet.

Soon Wanda's whole body was covered with green lines, protruding along the blood vessels! !

"Ahem~" Wanda spat out a mouthful of blood, and Sun Gohan's pupils shrank when he saw the blood, and the blood that Wanda spit out turned out to be green.

how come? ! !
"Haha!! Stupid woman!" The Corruptor taunted ruthlessly.

Just now, when Wanda released the magic bullet, there was no flaw in the magical obstacle avoidance around her body, but because of the release of magic, there was this flaw.The Corruptor seized the opportunity, and the green aura that had been ambushed for a long time was sucked into Wanda's body along the flaw.

Wanda is poisoned! !

Wanda sensed something strange in her body, and quickly used chaos magic to expel it.But this corrosive gas is hard to deal with! !
Fortunately, Wanda's life is not in danger for the time being.

"Damn it!!" Seeing Wanda's uncomfortable look, Sun Wuhan felt an inexplicable anger in his heart.

Dazzling golden light erupted from the whole body, rushing towards the corroder! !And the corroder burst out an extremely rich green gas from his whole body!
The concentration is so high that it looks like a churning liquid, and even the surrounding air makes a "chichi~" sound.

Sun Wuhan frowned, raised the Qi in his body again, and wrapped himself tightly.

Gradually condense a Qi Blade in his hand!He slashed at the corroder's dog's head fiercely!But the bad thing is that the corroder's gas is so corrosive that it can even corrode the gas released by Super Saiyan II.

The gas blade was corroded by the gas before it could get close to the corroder.

Sun Wuhan frowned so solemnly that water dripped out.Sun Wuhan glanced at Wanda who was suffering beside him.

"No, you can't test it anymore. Uncle Baiyu said that the higher the quality of energy, the more powerful it is. It's not about the quantity, but the quality. But the quantity will definitely produce a qualitative change. If it drags on, Wanda will definitely be in danger." Sun Gohan thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Wuhan stared at the Corruptor, with his hands on his waist.

A blue ball of light the size of a ping pong ball appeared in Sun Gohan's hand.

This is a hundred times compressed Kamepai Qigong wave, which is the result of Sun Wuhan's one-month training.

(End of this chapter)

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