Marvel's Undead Saiyan

Chapter 275 The World Power Contest is about to begin.

Chapter 275 The World Power Contest is about to begin.

On the same day, Bai Yu persuaded Qiqi with a lot of money to let Sun Wufan take a month to train with himself.After all, it's time to practice Sun Wutian's trumpet, and he must spend money to develop.

At night, the sky was lit up with golden light, fortunately, Son Gohan is still able to enter the transformation state of Super Two.

And Bai Yu just kept the state of not transforming, and fought against Sun Wufan! !
"Gohan, who did you learn these fancy moves from?! In actual combat, do you know that your fancy moves will make you look ugly!!"

"Gohan, in actual combat, you need to control the enemy with one move. If you can't control the enemy with one move, you have to consider the next move or attack or defend! Your moves are too rigid. It doesn't make you look like a robot."

"Gohan, Consciousness!! Fighting Consciousness!!"

"Gohan, your qigong wave energy is too loose! Don't waste your qi."

"Gohan, let you control your qi, not let you reduce the output of qi!! You must fully control every ounce of your qi!!"


In one month, Bai Yu not only let Sun Wuhan go to the sea to exercise his body, but also taught combat experience in actual combat. Learning from Bai Yu, the top existence of the pyramid, Sun Wuhan's growth can be said to have increased by dozens of times.

Moreover, in order to allow Sun Wuhan to fight for a long time, Bai Yu handed over the set of air condenser skills to Sun Wuhan.

On this day, the whole world is celebrating!

For this World Power Contest, the Domain of God spent huge sums of money, and used the universe-level technology it has mastered to transform the icy Pluto!It's just that although this planet has been transformed, it relies entirely on technology. Without decades of precipitation, this planet is still not suitable for ordinary people to live in.

But for super users, this is a hard requirement. Only if you can survive on this planet can you be considered as an entry ticket for the competition. No matter what you do, as long as you can survive on this planet for a week, you will be able to enter the final competition. competition venue!

The competition venue is the most comprehensively remodeled place, which can allow ordinary people to survive for five years, but the air still lacks an element of the earth. Once it exceeds five years, human beings will definitely die suddenly due to lack of substances.

on the TV.

"My friends in front of the TV, this is XXX TV station! I am XXX. After ten years of precipitation, the field of gods has reached a new high. In a way that we could not believe, we have held a sensational TV station all over the world. God's Domain Cup World Power Contest! Compared to everyone, it is already clear that the place where the competition will be held this time is actually Pluto!!!"

"This is simply unbelievable! Entering the universe has always been a dream pursued by human beings. Until today, the Domain of Gods has achieved it!! The Domain of Gods is indeed the world's number one gathering place for geniuses!"

"Let's take a look at the contestants who came to participate! What is that contestant doing? My God, he turned into a puddle and flowed to the front."

"Stab la la~"

"Oh my god! That contestant is actually electrified!!"

"These pictures are simply indescribable! It's amazing and unbelievable. I'm at a loss for words. It's time for the cameraman to show off your talents. Please pass these pictures to the audience friends in front of the TV steadily."

"Looking at the number of these contestants, there are tens of thousands! It can be seen that our earth is still full of talented people."

"Swoosh!!" "Boom!!"~~~
Just as the reporter was reporting, the sky burst into fireworks.

"Starting to board the plane! For this competition, the God's Domain will send spaceships to send these contestants to Pluto! What follows is beyond our ability to report. Next, the exclusive reporter from the God's Domain will introduce it to you. "

On the TV, although the reporters said that the report would be from the Domain of Gods, the pictures were seamlessly connected! !

The picture is like shooting a movie, every angle is very clear!Moreover, the specific camera angle is very free.

This is a miniature unmanned aerial camera in the realm of the gods, the size of a fly, it can not only take pictures, but also collect sound!The careful girl Jeanves is in charge.

As soon as the screen changed, a person appeared in front of the TV!This person is Bai Qi who burns more gas than Tony!

"Hello everyone!! I am your favorite Kaihuang Baiqi!! Do you want to see my heroic figure? Do you want to see my bloody battle scene? Sorry, this time I am just a part-time report as a commentator member!" Bai Qi looked at those unmanned aerial cameras like a wild horse!
"Okay! Let's take a look, who is responsible for picking up and dropping off these contestants!" Bai Qi flew out of nowhere, and said to the camera while flying.

As soon as the screen changed, dozens of spaceships were parked in an exclusive parking area!Natasha and Steve stood above these spaceships and hovered impressively.

"Oh my god! What a handsome man and beautiful woman! But please pay attention, the woman in front of me is my favorite! Moreover, although Steve is very handsome, he is still a little bit worse than me!!" Bai Qi said exaggeratedly .

"Baiqi!! What are you talking about! I'm obviously more handsome than you?" Steve waved the shield in his hand at the cameras!Then shouted with a smile.

"Okay! For a centenarian like you, it's really good to be able to take care of yourself to this extent. Natasha, how is the work of picking up and dropping off the contestants?" Natasha asked gently.

"It's going very well! Each contestant has installed a nano-positioning chip and a nano-vital sign chip. It can effectively track each contestant, and understand the vitality of each contestant, and help or rescue the contestants more effectively. .” Natasha smiled charmingly.

Suddenly, Bai Qi frowned and covered his ears.

"Well, okay, I see." Bai Qi then frowned and said with a smile.

Bai Qi took out a tablet from behind and operated it for a while.

"Good job Natasha!!" Bai Qi said with a smile at first.

Then turn your head to the centenarian!

"Steve, I was scolded mercilessly by your fans!! They said I was too much." Bai Qi handed the tablet in his hand to Steve, and said helplessly.

"Yes!! Haha! It's so refreshing! But, dear puffs, Bai Qi and I were just joking. Don't blame him." Steve said with a smile of Captain America to the camera.

"Ouch~~ No way, no way! I'm going to go to another place!! Then let's go and see, what are the others doing?" Bai Qi first vomited jokingly, and then smiled at the camera. .

Immediately afterwards, Bai Feifei went to Barton and Banner.

"Hi! Guys, what are you doing?" Bai Qi patted the shoulders of the two and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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