Chapter 244

While everyone was researching countermeasures, Boulma panicked inexplicably!There is a bad feeling.

Is something wrong with Bai Yu?Boulma thought secretly.But after thinking about it, Bai Yu is so strong, how could something happen.

Thinking of the earphone that Bai Yu forgot to take away on the bedside, the anxiety in Boulma's heart became more and more serious.But after everyone discussed the countermeasures, the anxiety in Boulma's heart disappeared.This made Bulma a little puzzled.

. . . . . .

Saka star.

Just when the Grandmaster and the Saka star guards thought that Bai Yu's matter had been resolved.When Valkyrie was full of pity.

Where Bai Yu originally disappeared, a strong silver-white flame suddenly burst out!
A silver-white figure loomed in the flames.

"So it is! I understand!"

Wait for the flame to burst into dazzling light!

Wait until all the glitz fades away!
Bai Yu reappeared in place!
Crystal clear silver-white hair, a calm and indifferent expression, and silver-white eyes as calm as water!

At this moment, Bai Yu understood the true meaning of Zizai Ultimate Intention Kung Fu!
There is an extremely important condition for truly comprehending the Ultimate Intention Art and reaching the realm beyond the realm of gods.

That is to have a body comparable to a god, so that one can fully bear the power that surpasses a god.

And Bai Yu's body before disappearing can only be said to be comparable to the body of a god, but it is not the real body of a god.Because of the effect of immortality and self-healing ability, the eternal flame that seems to be fused with it is not really fused. It can only be said that the eternal flame is just a home in the dantian.

Even if the body is full of cracks, the fusion speed of Eternal Flame and White Feather is movingly slow.

When Bai Yu was completely devoured by the space storm that the master cast.

Bai Yu turned into the smallest particle in an instant, crossed the boundaries of time and space, and entered a mysterious latitude.

Relying on immortality and strong self-healing ability, as well as the endless eternal fire, directly return to the original space from that dimensional space, and then from scratch, fused with the eternal fire, creating an eternal existence of God body.

Only when the body completely disappears can the eternal flame be completely integrated.

And Bai Yu seems to have disappeared for a short time, but in fact, in the process of merging the eternal fire, Bai Yu has been in a world without the concept of time and space.

The moment Bai Yu appeared, he successfully stepped into the realm of Bai Shen!

At this moment, Bai Yu could truly be called the White God.

Bai Yu suddenly appeared, exuding soft silver-white flames from his body. Compared with before, the flames on Bai Yu's body were as substantial.

Bai Yu looked at Grandmaster quietly, her eyes were extremely quiet, neither sad nor happy, neither mad nor impulsive.Only the purest desire to fight, and absolute reason!
Bai Yu and Grandmaster looked at each other from afar!
All of a sudden, there was a flash of lightning around Bai Yu's body.

It's been a while!

Bai Yu's figure appeared strangely behind Grandmaster, followed by Grandmaster's body twitching, and then there was that terrifying sound.Immediately afterwards, the Grandmaster unconsciously flew into the sky.

This scene completely stunned Valkyrie!

The reason why the picture is so weird is because Bai Yu's speed surpasses that of light.In fact, Bai Yu quickly came to the Grandmaster, and then with the fastest speed, the greatest strength, crazily output to the Grandmaster, then came to the back of the Grandmaster, and kicked him away!
"Everything should be over!" Bai Yu glanced at the huge space battleship flying in the distance.It was Koenger who came over.

Bai Yu said lightly.

Bai Yu lightly waved a punch at the Grandmaster, and then flew towards Valkyrie's spaceship without looking back.

After a short period of calm! !A silver-white giant dragon appeared out of nowhere, and the huge dragon head directly ate Grandmaster into his stomach! !

An explosion resounded throughout the entire Sakar planet!

Over the entire Saka star, a dazzling silver-white light lit up!
At the same time, the entire Saka planet began to vibrate violently! !
With Saka as the center, the cosmic garbage and meteorites around Saka turned into dust.

As for the Grandmaster, he was first scorched by the eternal fire, and then bombarded by the power beyond the gods. Gao Tianzun completely disappeared in the Marvel world!

"I thought you would destroy Saka." Valkyrie looked at everything that happened outside, saw the sudden appearance of Bai Yu, and couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

"I wanted to destroy it. But this planet is much harder than the earth. If it is as strong as the earth, it can explode twice. How do you think about it?" Bai Yu faded out of the transformation state, and said to Valkyrie with a smile.

"I am willing to surrender to you." Valkyrie said without hesitation.

"But can you put on your clothes?" Valkyrie said, swallowing, turning his face away.

Thinking that it disappeared, Bai Yu was standing in front of Valkyrie in red at this time!
"Sorry, I didn't pay attention! I'm waiting for you here. I leave it to you. I don't know where there are clothes here." Bai Yu said with a little embarrassment.He took a piece of cloth casually, blocked the important part, sat aside, looked at Valkyrie and said.

Valkyrie nodded, then landed the spaceship on the ground, opened the door and ran out.

After a while, Valkyrie came back with a big box. Fortunately, Valkyrie was not an ordinary woman, but a famous Valkyrie, otherwise, he would have been crushed to death by this box!

"These are clothes selected according to your size. They are all new and more in line with your aesthetics." Valkyrie put down the box, and then said to Bai Yu.Valkyrie recalled the clothes he wore when he saw Bai Yu for the first time, and chose a lot for Bai Yu according to that style.

"You avoid it." Bai Yu looked at Valkyrie and said.

Bai Yu saw Valkyrie stepping out of the spaceship, opened the box, and saw the clothes inside. The corner of Bai Yu's mouth twitched, "This is my aesthetic?! This is obviously Asgard's aesthetic!!"

Black retro Martin boots and black leather pants, although they don't affect the battle, what's the matter with the leg-shaped lines? !And what's going on with this sleeveless tactical vest, leather half armor, and that cloak? !Also, is there an option for this?A large box is of this type, but the color is different! !
Bai Yu sighed, it's better for Boulma.Put the clothes on, save another set of black, and then burn all the other clothes with eternal fire.He walked out in great strides!

Because she had returned to her original shape, Bai Yu's long hair was flowing in the wind, her handsome face, and her strong figure, especially wearing such incomparably slim-fitting clothes, she looked even taller and taller!This moved Valkyrie a little.Valkyrie said she hit it.

(End of this chapter)

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