Marvel's Undead Saiyan

Chapter 230 Liaoluo Ancient Palace

Chapter 230 Liaoluo Ancient Palace

"You still have a way! If it were me, I would be scolded to death by Qiqi again." Sun Wukong looked at Baiyu in admiration and said with a smile.

"Nonsense, with your single-minded approach, anyone will be scolded." Bai Yu said to himself. "It's nothing, I'm not very good at this." Bai Yu said awkwardly.The more you get shot, the more you will naturally understand.

"Yu, haven't you told me yet? Are there any powerful people in the Realm of God?" Sun Wukong asked urgently.

"How should I put it. There are a lot of combatants, but there are not many with strong personal force. Tony and my Bulma mainly rely on technology. Steve, Natasha, Banner, and Wade rely on mutations, Pepper relies on medicine. Barton relies on talent and training. My apprentice Gabe is also a Saiyan. My younger brother Bai Qi relies on chance. In terms of combat effectiveness, Banner's combat effectiveness is the highest. Gabe and Bai Qi is a potential stock." My words are based on hanging.Bai Yu added something in his heart.

"Banna! Uncle Bai Yu, which Hulk is it?" Sun Wuhan looked at Bai Yu and asked curiously.

"That's right, it's Hulk." Bai Yu said with a smile.

"I remember, there is also a superhero who can release lightning. Hasn't he joined the realm of gods?" Sun Wuhan asked again.

"Joined, but this guy is not from the earth, he is now in his hometown." Bai Yu said.

Bai Yu just finished speaking. "Boom!!!" There was a loud noise!It came from the ears of Monkey King and Bai Yu.

Bai Yu turned her head to look, and quickly moved her body back!A mountain of books appeared before Bai Yu's eyes.Bai Yu glanced sideways at Qiqi, only to see that Qiqi was carrying a small package on her back.

"It's finished! Do you want to leave now?" Qiqi clapped her hands and asked with a smile.

"Uh, let's go." Bai Yu could only say with a dry smile.

"You guys hold something, and then grab me." Bai Yu got up and said.

As soon as Bai Yu finished speaking, Monkey King put his hand on Bai Yu's shoulder.Qiqi was holding a tall book with one hand, and put one hand on Bai Yu's shoulder, while Sun Wuhan raised her hand and grabbed Bai Yu's arm.

In fact, Bai Yu was very surprised at this point, since he was about to go to junior high school, why was he still so small.And, what about Son Gohan's tail?Was it cut by Monkey King?Probably not, it is probably the ghost of the old man who gave away.

Who is this old man?What is his purpose.I really can't figure it out.

Bai Yu turned his thoughts.Then close your eyes.After finding Pepper's breath, the four disappeared in the semicircular house in an instant.

But what Bai Yu didn't know was that when Bai Yu disappeared, the semi-circular house also disappeared. An old man appeared here in an instant, looked at the position where Bai Yu disappeared, showed an inexplicable smile, and then disappeared quickly.

"Boom!!!" "Shua, Shua, Shua~~~"

Several voices instantly appeared in the battle command room of the Realm of God.In an instant, Laura took out a pistol from a side drawer in a well-trained manner, and Vanessa also quickly took out a gun.Pepper directly turned into the goddess of fire.Hill and Nick Fury also quickly drew their guns from the outside of their thighs on conditioned reflex!
When everyone sees the coming person clearly.While looking for cover, Peggy, holding a rifle, raised her eyebrows and stood up in relief.

"Yu?! Who are these?" Peggy asked suspiciously.But as soon as she finished speaking, Peggy was stunned because she could see Monkey King's face clearly.

After seeing Bai Yu clearly, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and put away their guns.

"It's me, these people are" before Bai Yu finished speaking.

Vanessa on the side exclaimed, "You are the one who fought Yu before!!!"

"Hiss~~" How could Bai Yu bring such a dangerous guy back as soon as he said he would?Everyone gasped.Hill thought to himself.

Not only Hill, but other people also have this idea more or less in their hearts.Although the battle scene looked very cool, but it was just watching, and now they were facing each other directly, so I was more or less flustered.

"That's right, but how do you know?" Bai Yu said in surprise.

"Here~~" Pepper pointed to the scene being played on the screen, which was the scene of Bai Yu fighting Monkey King before.

"Okay! This is Sun Wukong, a Saiyan like me. He will also be a core member of our God's Domain in the future. This is his wife, Qiqi. This is his son, Sun Gohan. "When Bai Yu saw the picture, he introduced it with a clear look.

"Hello! It's our first time meeting, welcome to discuss! Uh, no, please give me your advice." Monkey King is not good at dealing with people, so he rubbed his nose and said with a smile.

Qiqi on the side couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she heard Sun Wukong's lame words.

"Boom!!" Qiqi hurriedly put aside the books that were as tall as one person and as wide as two people.Then he smiled and said, "Hello everyone! I'm Qiqi. My Wukong is not good at dealing with people. His mind is full of martial arts training all day long. Please be more tolerant."

"Hiss~~" This thick stack of books weighs at least 100 catties!Did you bring it up so easily?It seems that Sun Wukong's wife Qiqi is not an ordinary person either.

"Hi everyone, I'm Sun Wuhan! Well, is Uncle Tony there?" Sun Wuhan said quickly, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"Hello, I'm Pepper! This is Laura, Vanessa, over there is Peggy, the two behind are former S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Nick Fury, Hill. Your name is Gohan?! Are you a little fan of Tony?" Pepper opened his mouth to reveal a sense of intimacy.This has been cultivated over the years.

"I'm Uncle Tony's fan!" Son Gohan said after thinking about it and looking at Pepper.

"Huh?!" Everyone was taken aback when they heard that, so what? !What's the meaning.

"Well, I admire Uncle Tony's talent very much. In terms of talent alone, I can say that I am his fan. But... umm!!" Before Sun Wufan could finish speaking, Qiqi snapped Sun Wufan's words quickly. Cover your mouth.

But everyone is a smart person, and they immediately understood what Sun Wuhan meant.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but hold back their smiles.And Pepper was embarrassed to death. After all, she was very clear about these things. Before the relationship with Tony was confirmed, she had been helping Tony to deal with these things.

"Haha!! That, Pepper! Are they all over?" Looking at the somewhat awkward atmosphere, Bai Yu broke the awkward situation, looked at Pepper and asked.

"Basically, the battle has ended, and Bai Qi's side is the latest to end the battle. Now the Hellfire organization is being pacified, but it is nearing completion. Gohan, don't worry, Tony will be back soon." Pei On the screen on the side, Po mobilized the battle scene, and then said with a smile.No embarrassment at all.

(End of this chapter)

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