Marvel's Undead Saiyan

Chapter 23 Da Zhuang was stolen.

Chapter 23 Da Zhuang was stolen.

Tony watching from the glass window!I've been stunned for a long time!
"Hmmm! Kameupe Qigong wave is only suitable as a big move, after all, it needs to accumulate strength! But. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss But thinking about the future, Bai Yu looked at the fitness equipment in the gravity room playfully, and one after another yellow energy balls were thrown out of Bai Yu's hands!Of course, Bai Yu didn't use all his strength.

"Bang bang bang!!!" There were constant noises in the gravity room! !
"piu~piu! piu~" Bai Yu flung it to the end, and stretched out his pistol to those relatively large pieces of residue. Tiny energy balls condensed on his fingertips, and then shot ruthlessly!
"Haha! What a great improvement! Sure enough, the fastest way for Saiyans to nourish themselves is self-torture and death! However, I seem to be far away from Monkey King's madness. After all, he has indeed died several times! Forget it, forget it, There are no dragon balls in this world, so I don't want to act like that! It's fine now!" Bai Yu looked at his hands with satisfaction, and thought to himself.

Bai Yu glanced at Tony, whose eyes were a little dull, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes!Put the index finger and middle finger of the right hand together and stick them between the eyebrows.Close your eyes slowly!Feel the breath around you again!
Bai Yu quickly caught Tony's breath! "Teleportation!!" Bai Yu thought secretly.

"Swoosh!" Bai Yu instantly disappeared in the gravity room!
"Huh?! Where are people!! Yu!! Yu!!" Tony was stunned for a second after Bai Yu disappeared, then he looked through the glass window and shouted into the microphone.

"Tony! Are you calling me?" Bai Yu exited the mimicry Super Saiyan state and returned to normal. Seeing Tony's movements, he found it interesting, patted Tony on the shoulder, and said something pippi.

"Oh! God! Yu, are you trying to scare me to death? Also, what the hell is going on here? Especially, you are clearly in the gravity chamber, why did you appear behind me! The door, Obviously it hasn't been opened!" Tony said in shock.

"Maybe it's because I have broken through my limit, it's just the ability my talent has given me." Bai Yu spread her hands and said indifferently.

"Yu! Are you really human?" Tony asked in disbelief.

"Tony, I already answered you once last time." Bai Yu said, looking at Tony with her hands spread out.

"But, you just look like a human!! Uh, no, I mean, these abilities of yours are not possessed by humans at all!" Tony looked at the black line emerging from Bai Yu's forehead, and quickly explained. One sentence.

"It's just the use of qi! Everyone has qi, whether it's strong or weak. I'm just a bit more talented. I'm really human, Tony, as my friend of Bai Yu, I think you should learn to adapt! " Bai Yu said helplessly.

"Okay! But Yu, these abilities of yours are simply unbelievable! However, the ability that suddenly appeared behind me, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like a human can achieve it. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a superpower. What?" Tony said seriously.

"Brother! What kind of super power can match your power?!" Bai Yu thought to himself.

"Those are just some small skills, and they are all about the use of qi. Of course, it can only be done if the use of qi reaches a certain level." It is impossible for Bai Yu to tell Tony that this was learned by Monkey King on an alien planet in the world of Dragon Ball.

"Really? Then can I learn?" Tony's eyes flashed with anticipation.

"How old are you, Tony? Are you going to be thirty? Don't think about such beautiful things, okay? I'm hungry, can I go to eat?" Bai Yu patted Tony on the shoulder and said unceremoniously.

Tony shrugged his shoulders after listening to Bai Yu's words, without any feeling of loss. In Tony's impression, technology is still reliable, and the sense of joy that new technologies are constantly being researched is irreplaceable. This kind of joy is not as good as the spring night in my life, and of course it is almost the same.

. . .

Time passed little by little, and within a month, Bai Yu conquered four times the gravity!In the middle, Bai Yu asked Tony to study a robot that could fight Bai Yu within the four-dimensional gravity, similar to the small robot that Buma studied for Vegeta in Dragon Ball, but what Tony developed was very technological. And the color is very hot!

And this small robot is Tony's latest research!Bai Yu's place is only in the experimental stage. After the experimental stage, all the data has accumulated enough, and then it can be mass-produced and sold.Using the anti-gravity device, this little robot is extremely light and fast, but it also has a disadvantage, that is, it is very afraid that the electronic communication will be affected. Because of the fast speed of this robot, the signal is very important. If you are not careful, you may hang up on the spot. Wait for the signal to reconnect.

There are advantages and disadvantages, and nothing can be perfect. As the saying goes, all things in the world are born and restrained.

And when it reaches the fifth gravity, the research work is saturated, because the data of the four gravity, these researchers under Tony have only studied [-]%, let alone the fifth time beyond the limit of human beings!If four times the gravity is the limit of human beings, then five times the gravity is definitely beyond the human gravity.Four times the data is only [-]% of the research, let alone five times the gravity.

And Bai Yu was still in the five times gravity, exercising crazily and masochistically!Bai Yu seems to have forgotten the time.Until one day, Tony yelled at Bai Yu through the window.

"Yu, something happened to your Da Zhuang!!" Tony shouted!
"Ah?! What happened?!" Bai Yu, who was practicing boxing and kicking, heard Tony's shout, saw that there was no one around him, and asked in an instant in front of Tony.

"Your Da Zhuang is being looted by people! Many people go to the pet hospital every day and ask Dr. Michelle how much it is. Da Zhuang is very famous now!" Tony was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile.

"That's it, but how did you know?" Bai Yu asked suspiciously.

"Uh. Well, I've been having dinner with Isa, Mirell, and Leia these past few nights. The three of them told me the night before. I was going to tell you yesterday, but I was too tired, so I Forgot." Tony touched his nose in embarrassment and said.

"You!!! You bastard. They are together? Tony, you are a human too!" Bai Yu said angrily with her eyes widened.

"Yu, your thinking is too conservative. Really, you ignored their pursuit of excitement! Even I underestimated them a bit. They are all experienced girls, even I almost lost." Tony spread his hands , said helplessly.Yu, this guy, is good everywhere, but this idea is too solid, it seems that I have to exaggerate Yu more.Tony thought to himself.

At this moment, Bai Yu's mobile phone outside the gravity room rang.Every day someone would charge Bai Yu's cell phone.

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, and looked at the caller ID of the mobile phone. It was Michelle. He remembered calling Michelle money before. Could it be that the money is not enough?Bai Yu picked up the phone.

"Boss! It's bad! Da Zhuang was stolen!!" Michelle's anxious voice came from the phone.

"What?!!!" Bai Yu's eyes widened suddenly, and a sky-high anger rose in his heart! ! !

 Hey, God fails to fulfill one's wishes!Maybe it's the busy season again, and Mustard really wants to be a hard-working beast, but he can't help it.Eh. .You love me right?By the way, the new book is released, all kinds of requests! !Thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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