Chapter 214

After the episode, Zhao Hailun began to sort out the medical knowledge that Bai Yu told her.

And Bai Yu is always concerned about the changes in Wade's physical condition.

However, the small island of the Realm of the Gods began to become lively. Natasha and Bai Qi drove a transport plane back to the Realm of the Gods. On the transport plane, there were a group of orphans brought back by the two.

All the orphans brought back, there must be hundreds of them.For the time being, Natasha doesn't have to go out and search for suitable people all over the world.

Steve skillfully took the children away, and Laura had nothing to do except to take care of Barton's two children. Laura started the logistics work, and together with Steve, settled these orphans.

"Hey! Sister-in-law, didn't I see the red strip talking here? I'm not used to that guy Wade not here." Bai Qi got off the plane, laughed with everyone for a while, looked at the cloth Ma asked suspiciously.

"That guy was taken away by your brother, and together with Dr. Helen, he solved the problem of his appearance." Boulma said with a smile.

"Hi!! Peggy, how are you and Steve doing? Have you had a pre-marital check-up? When will you drink?" Bai Qi didn't say anything when he heard Boulma's words. Seeing the smiling beauty beside him, Her body was full of that intellectual taste, of course, Bai Qi knew who she was.shouted inappropriately.

"(`Д)!!" Peggy was stunned.

"Haha, I'm talking about wedding wine." Bai Qi said with a smile.

"It's probably impossible. To the outside world, my identity as Peggy Carter has been declared dead. There are very few people who know that I am still alive." Peggy said with a smile.

"If you want to say that, it's not right. In my country, in ancient times, you only need to light two candles, then put red dates, peanuts, longan, lotus seeds, and then a marriage letter, and then you can have a wedding. Of course This refers to elopement or special circumstances. You have so many good friends, there is nothing you can't handle." Bai Qi said jokingly.

"Haha! I'm already past that age. It's good to be with Steve and enjoy the rest of the time." Peggy said with a smile.

That's right, the grades are here.But Bai Qi did not say this, there is a good saying, no matter how old a woman is, age is always a question that cannot be brought up.

"Okay then! By the way, Tony, I remember you and Pepper have been together for several years! When are you going to get married?" Bai Qi asked Tony, who was looking aside.

"Uh, why do you always expect other people to get married?" Tony asked puzzled.

"Isn't this nonsense! How long have you guys been together, and you're still not married? Do you know that dating that doesn't aim at getting married is all hooliganism?! Besides, I'm even younger than your grade Some, if you don't get married, it doesn't matter if I get married first!" Bai Qi said helplessly.

"Cut! It's because you want to get married." Barton teased from the side.

"I don't, I'm just preparing in advance, in case my family Natasha wants to get married that day." Bai Qi said carelessly.

"What are you talking about? So happy." At this time, Natasha stopped the plane, came over, and asked with a smile.

"Let's talk about what to eat at night! The weather is so good, why not eat barbecue! It's the end of summer, with the sea breeze blowing, eating a small barbecue, drinking a small cold beer, it's a perfect match." Bai Qi said quickly.

Bai Qi's sudden opening made everyone stunned for a moment, but none of the people sitting here were ordinary people, and they immediately understood what Bai Qi meant.Now when it comes to marriage, Natasha will definitely think of children. Natasha's current body does not allow her to have children, so Bai Qi quickly changed the subject.

"I don't know when Yu and Helen will get it done. Pepper will be back in a few hours." Tony said at this time.

"By the way! Vanessa is following Pepper now. Brother Yu said just now that it will be done in less than six hours. If Vanessa sees Wade back to his original appearance, will she cry excitedly? ?” Boomer said with a smirk.

"I don't know if I'm excited or not, but I know that if Wade returns to his original appearance, somewhere on this small island, there will definitely be a local earthquake at night." Bai Qipipi said beside him.

As soon as Bai Qi finished speaking, Tony, Barton, and Banner all showed smiles that men could understand.And Peggy, Natasha, two old women who have lived for nearly a hundred years, instantly understood what Bai Qi meant.Natasha glanced at Bai Qi, then twisted at Bai Qi's waist.

"Huh? Will there be an earthquake at night? Why didn't the instrument alarm? No, I'll go and have a look." Boomer said suspiciously, and then went to check the instrument anxiously.

Natasha grabbed Bulma quickly, and Bulma looked at Natasha suspiciously.At this time, Peggy gently stuck to Bulma's ear and explained.

Hearing Peggy's explanation, Boulma was stunned for a moment, and then scratched his eyes angrily.

"Brother Yu is so good, how come you have such a dishonest brother. Really." Buma said angrily.

"Yo, brother Yu is so good~~~" Bai Qi imitated Boula in an extremely exaggerated tone.

"Bai Qi!! You are courting death!!" Boulma was furious! !He took out a portable tablet from his pocket and swiped a few times on it.Several machine guns shot up the entire airport!

Qi Qi aimed at Bai Qi!

Bai Qi thought something bad in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the machine guns were all aimed at Bai Qi.

"Sister-in-law, I was wrong!! I'm sorry!!" Second counsel! !Bai Qi hesitated for an instant.

. . .

Time passed little by little.

Wade in the instrument finally plumped up bit by bit, no longer the appearance of a layer of skin on the bones.When Wade's body recovered completely, Wade's previous layer of rotten skin was squeezed out, but because of the small space, a glass cover was placed on it, so there was no way to help him clean up the shed skin.

A layer of human skin covers the body, which is more or less weird.But it's okay, it's just the face, the position of the hands is like this, and the body is still wearing clothes and shoes.

"Dididi~" After a series of instrument beeps.The glass cover is opened.

Bai Yu directly tore off the layer of skin on Wade's face, it was disgusting.

Under the rotten skin, Wade has just grown fair skin, eyebrows, beard, and hair, all of which have grown, but the hair is still very short, and grows on the side of the eyebrows.

Not to mention, Wade's original appearance is not bad.Although not handsome.Bai Yu thought to himself.

After a while, Wade slowly opened his eyes!

"Boss, do you have a mirror? Quickly let me see what I am now. Oh!! Baby Helen, what are you doing?! Aren't I already well?" Wade said as soon as he opened his eyes, looking at Bai Yu. Helen directly cut off a piece of meat.

(End of this chapter)

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