Marvel's Undead Saiyan

Chapter 103 Please Subscribe!Ask for a ticket!All kinds of requests! !

Chapter 103 Please Subscribe!Ask for a ticket!All kinds of requests! !

"It's just in theory, I haven't practiced it yet!" Bai Yu touched his nose and said helplessly.

"This is shocking enough. You know, no matter who it is now, there is nothing they can do about Banner's situation. Can you tell me about your solution?" Tony said seriously.

"The first method. Forget it or not, it's just my conjecture, and the theory has not been confirmed." This method is the ray that the Saiyan turned into a super four. Bai Yu is not sure if it is a gamma ray , so this cannot be replicated in Banner, besides, Banner does not have Saiyan blood, even if there is, Banner can only try it if he can transform into a Super Saiyan.

"Another way, in my opinion, can be attributed to twin soul disease, that is, double personality. Just find a way to return the two personalities to one. Moreover, I once fought with Hulk. Locke's IQ It’s just how old you are, and it’s still unstable. Through some special means, it’s easy to make the two personalities overlap. Don’t forget, I’m not only proficient in Western medicine, but also Chinese medicine. Western medicine can’t make Banner The two personalities overlap, but Chinese medicine is different. Chinese medicine also has a very profound Zhu Youke." Bai Yu said with a smile. (The bar is gone!)

"There is another way, which is to completely erase Hulk's consciousness and let Banner completely control the empty shell, which can be regarded as a coincidence. But this is fundamentally different. If the overlap is not erased, Banner will have all Transformation ability, and growth space. If it is erased, the growth space may be frozen, and when it reaches a certain level, it will not be growing. In this way, I need to find someone to help me. After all, things in the spiritual field rely on I can't figure it out by myself. As for other methods, it doesn't matter if you don't talk about it, it's either suppression or a long-term thing." Bai Yu said slowly.

"Zhu Youke?! I've only heard of it before. I thought it was a legend or a fiction, but I didn't expect it to exist. What kind of existence is that?" Tony's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Zhu You Branch, also known as Zhu You, Zhu You Shu, Curse Ban Branch, TCM Thirteen Branches, etc., Zhu You Branch is one of the thirteen departments in ancient Chinese medicine. There were thirteen departments in ancient China. , "Zhu Youke" is one of them. Qing Yuan Mei's "New Qi Harmony: Governing Demons is Easy to Govern People Difficulty": "Hanyang ordered Liu Mou, who has a strong personality, governs Zhu Youke's cult too strictly, and there are traitors who go up to accuse Fu Jun, Fu Jun ordered it. "The third chapter of "The Strange Situation Witnessed in the Past 20 Years": "Then I wish that you can cure the disease without taking medicine, just draw two talismans." "

The method of wishing you, that is, including Chinese herbal medicine, is a method of treating diseases with the help of spells and prohibition. "Wish" is the curse, and "by" is the cause of the disease. The concept of "Zhu You" is very broad, including forbidden methods, mantras, wish methods, talisman methods, as well as suggestion therapy, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, music therapy, etc. It is not just wishing for the cure of the disease.The cause of some diseases is already known, but wishes do not heal, which means that blessings do not work, and it is necessary to use forbidden methods, or talisman methods, or cooperate with drug treatment. " Bai Yu said eloquently.

"I don't understand. But it feels so powerful. Yu, can you show it?" Tony said with a confused face.

"Well... I don't have those tools now. Besides, I still need to go to Chinatown to buy them. Maybe Chinatown doesn't have them. I need to go to my country to buy them." Bai Yu said awkwardly.

"What do you need?" Tony asked curiously.

"Does Uncle Ying know?" Bai Yu asked.

"Uncle Ying? Who is he?" Tony said in a daze.

"Where's Uncle Nine? Nine uncle!" Bai Yu continued.

"do not know."

"Okay! I need cinnabar, chicken blood, yellow talisman, and writing brush." ​​Bai Yu said, spreading her hands.

"What is cinnabar? What is yellow talisman?" Tony asked curiously.Today's Tony feels that he has gained some strange knowledge.

"Sure enough, it's a crooked nut." Bai Yu said lightly in his heart.

"Forget it. I'll go to Chinatown to have a look at that time. If it doesn't work, I'll go back to China, anyway, it's convenient. I don't know if Banner will agree, after all, I haven't used it yet." Bai Yu touched his nose and said.

"That's right, but I think Banner will be very happy. And very excited. No man likes that kind of feeling that you can only look at but not touch." Tony said with a manly smile on his face.

. . .

A month passed by in a hurry.

Tony really collected enough sound-absorbing steel to make two suits.Moreover, Boulma also got a lot of sound-absorbing steel, enough for Boulma to study some weird things.

After a month, Bulma, who is like a genius girl, has actually researched how to copy metal technology. Although this technology has not been perfected, and there is no experiment, it also makes Tony feel hot!For high-end technology, any genius will be crazy about it.

Of course, due to the relationship between Tony and Bai Yu, Boulma decided to develop this technology with Tony after going back.

And Gabe and Baiyu, incarnations of strength workers, helped Boulma carry her arsenal, as well as those sound-absorbing steels.As for Tony's, of course Bai Yu and Gabe don't care.Once the suitcase is put away, the hands are turned, and the battle clothes are attached to the body. Although it can't move mountains and seas, it is more than enough to carry some things.

Back in New York, Bai Yu couldn't wait to find Banner.

At this time, Banner is in his own exclusive laboratory, playing with some things and researching something!
The sudden appearance of Bai Yu startled Banner and his hands shook!
Pour all the drop of blue liquid in the measuring cup into that large measuring cup!

Banner reacted!

Hastily yelled at Bai Yu, "Run!!! Quick!! It's too late!!"

After Banner shouted, he skillfully grabbed a rope beside the table and jumped out along the window.After Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, she also jumped out along the window.

It was almost Bai Yu who just jumped out with his front foot.Immediately afterwards.

"Boom!!!" There was a loud noise! !

A stream of blue gas gushed out from the window, and the glass was vaporized directly! !
The blue gas didn't last long in the air before disappearing.Seeing this, Banner climbed into the laboratory along the rope.

"Banna, what was that just now?" Bai Yu asked curiously.

"That's a gas I've researched that can directly vaporize glass. It can be used by the police when they arrest some criminals locked in cars. Just spray it on the glass and the glass will vaporize. It's already After researching for a long time, I wanted to keep some samples, but I was scared by you, and all of them were gone." Banner said helplessly.

"Are you angry?!" Bai Yu asked.

"Angry!!" Originally, Banner was not angry, but when Bai Yu asked him this question, he froze for a moment, and some anger suddenly rose in his heart.

 When I don't have a topic for a chapter, don't think too much, because I am too lazy to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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