space farmer

Chapter 97 Chapter 101

Chapter 97 Chapter 101
"System, I'm being targeted." In the space, Liang Ping'an's spiritually condensed body disappeared abruptly as soon as it appeared.

On the dark street, there is only one street lamp at a distance, and only one side of the road is lit.

Liang Pingan complained secretly in his heart, can the county be so capricious?
He has already determined that the four people behind him are stalking with malicious intentions. After returning from Lu Chuan, these people have been following them not far or near, and Liang Ping'an even heard their malicious conversation.

"The boy has walked so far around us, and I will break his legs when I turn back, and let him spend the rest of his life in bed. Brothers, don't rob me of anyone."

Liang Pingan couldn't see anyone, but he heard their conversation clearly.

"Don't mind, second brother, you know, I just like men, this kid can't be kept by the **** at first glance, I'll have a good time and then beat him up."

That husky voice sounded like a wretched man, and Liang Ping'an's goosebumps fell all over the floor.

Nima, which bastard is this trying to harm me?

Li Jinghao?
No, that kid doesn't have such a great ability, after all, it costs money to hire these people.

Could it be Yang Dawei?

Liang Pingan knew that Yang Dawei's family was rich, and it was said that his father could eat both black and white.But it's just for a few quarrels between classmates, as for it?

As the people behind him followed more and more unscrupulously, Liang Pingan's face became more and more ugly.

Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me.

Liang Ping'an started jogging and went straight to a more remote place where the street lights couldn't reach.

In the space, Liang Pingan hurriedly said: "System!"

"Master, don't worry, the space upgrade system has accumulated energy, which is enough to save the dying master."

Liang Ping'an: "..." Although that's what I meant, is it really okay for you to say it so bluntly?
The mechanical voice of the system was devoid of emotion, "Master, come on!"

Liang Ping'an: "..." said with a tired heart!

Outside the space, Liang Ping'an returned to his body that was still rushing forward due to inertia, and the four big men behind him asked strangely: "What is this kid doing? Running at night?" Why go to a remote place?
"Oh, big brother, don't worry about him, this kid just goes to this kind of place, it's just suitable for me to fight in the field." That wretched voice sounded, revealing an inexplicable excitement.

"Don't make trouble, third brother. This kid is unusual. When you get 20 yuan, what kind of game do you want to play?" It was still the second brother from before.

Liang Ping'an's eyes boiled with a cold and fierce light.

20 million!
20 will make him paralyzed, who is so generous?

What a vicious mind!
Liang Pingan thought of Yang Dawei at first, but immediately denied it.He admitted that Yang Dawei was a bit of a villain, but it was still impossible for him to spend 20 yuan all at once.

Could it be that Li Dafu?

Liang Pingan knew that the person's imprisonment was related to him, so he was a little undecided for a while.

Forget about him, let's deal with the people behind him first.

I ran on a mountain path, there were not many people here during the day, Liang Ping'an came here a few times when he was in high school, so I remember it.

The trees around him flew by, and Liang Ping'an's body transformed by space had taken advantage at this time. If he hadn't deliberately slowed down, he would have thrown the people behind him away.

"Damn, what did this kid grow up on, so fast!"

"The physical fitness is so good, it must be tight there, I must fuck well!"

"Stop talking nonsense, chase after me. If someone loses 20 yuan, no one can get it." It was the voice of the boss.

Suddenly, the fourth child who had been silent all this time spoke up, "Brother, this kid is unusual, everyone be careful."

"What, fourth child, are you afraid? Why don't you let me eat first?" The third child's provocative voice sounded.

Liang Ping'an's expression turned ugly, and he suddenly sneered.

I don't know what to do!
He stopped suddenly, turned around and stood up.Even though it was the first time he faced such a scene, it was strange that he was surprisingly calm.

"Boy, you really know us." The boss said, "Don't blame us for being cruel, using other people's money to eliminate disasters." While he was speaking, the other three people moved closer to Liang Ping'an tacitly.

Want to surround him?

Liang Ping'an sneered, and rushed forward without even thinking about it, raising his fist, which was the first punch of the novice-level kung fu.

In order to match the momentum, Liang Pingan foolishly yelled like in martial arts dramas, "Eat my punch!" He originally wanted to yell "Eat me, Lao Liang, punch" and suddenly felt weak, so he simply simplified it. up.

Before the boss finished speaking, an old fist hit the front door with the sound of whistling wind.

With a bang, the boss was knocked down to the ground, Liang Pingan didn't have time to check, he turned around and swung his arms to hit the person behind him.

"Damn it, you really know how to kung fu, you guys, be careful." The voice of the fourth child.

"Damn, I can't play anymore."

"You little bastard, what time is it, hurry up!"

Liang Pingan's crazy eyes locked on the third child, this guy, the words he kept yelling made him want to kill in anger.

Aiming at the big man of the third child, Liang Pingan flew over and punched him.

The novice-level boxing six strokes practiced day and night, but at this time he used it proficiently, but lost some rules.But Liang Ping'an didn't care about that. He was in excellent physical condition now, and he didn't feel pain after being punched a few times. Looking at the wretched face of the third child, it was just a punch.

"Let you be obscene and dirty! It's not wrong to like men, but it's not right for you to be so fucking embarrassing." He cursed viciously, and his subordinates showed no mercy.


The sound of springs.

With a gust of cold wind behind him, Liang Ping'an turned dangerously sideways.


Howling in agony, she oozes out on the dark mountaintop.

There is no moon tonight, the gloomy sky seems to be about to rain at any time, a gust of cold wind is blowing, and the smell of blood is all over the mountain.

"The third child!" The fourth child exclaimed, but taking advantage of Liang Pingan's stupefied effort, he drew out his dagger and stabbed Liang Pingan violently.


His arm was cut, Liang Ping'an let out a muffled grunt, and retreated hastily.


The second child behind him smashed over with a stick, and the novice-level boxing technique he had practiced countless times finally saved Liang Ping'an. Another punch, another was not until the second child bent over and vomited blood that Liang Ping'an let go with red eyes.

The eldest brother fainted, the third child was stabbed and unconscious, and the second child also vomited blood and passed out.In the distance, the fourth child clenched his dagger and ran wildly.Damn it, where did the monster come from? No wonder the other party bid 20 yuan, the kid is too powerful.

The fourth child is scared, he is still young, there is no need to lose his life for the 20 that is destined not to be obtained.

Liang Pingan didn't want to let him go, took a deep breath, and rushed after him.

In the distance, a person leaned against a tree and said leisurely: "I know that the waste of Ouyang's family can't be dealt with, so we have to rely on our Leng family." He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "Wait at the foot of the mountain, life or death!"

(End of this chapter)

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