space farmer

Chapter 90

Chapter 90
Liang Pingan finally agreed, because he learned that Tang and Song Ci at the same table would also go.

During the three years of high school, Tang and Song Ci had always been his deskmate, and the relationship between the two was relatively good.Liang Pingan especially remembers that during his three years as a classmate, Tang and Song Ci was a person who didn't like to talk too much, but he always helped him silently in his own way, but he didn't follow the truth.

Tang and Song Ci's parents are both out of town. He lived here with his grandfather to study. Because it was a borrowed study, he returned to the place where he came from later to take an exam. Liang Ping'an and he only sent a text message occasionally to say goodbye. Studied at Yenching University.

The college entrance examination is a watershed, which has changed the fate of many people invisibly.

Back then, both Liang Ping'an and Tang Song Ci were top students in their class. Liang Ping'an was admitted to a well-known college in the province of L, while Tang and Song Ci was admitted to Yenching University quietly. He was probably the best among his classmates. one of them.

Speaking of which, Liang Ping'an hasn't seen this deskmate since graduation.

Looking at the time, there was still more than an hour, Liang Pingan looked at the wrinkled clothes on his body, and smiled wryly.Don't blame others for their snobbish eyes, the clothes he was wearing were the ones he wore when he was taken to the police station. At that time, he fainted and stayed in the hospital for a few days, so the clothes were naturally embarrassing.

Just thinking about whether to go buy a new set of clothes, but after walking a few steps, I heard someone calling me from the side of the road.

"Liang Pingan?"

A black Audi car stopped on the side of the road, and a boy wearing big black-rimmed glasses poked his head out inside, "Ping An is really you!" A smile spread on the boy's face, the door opened, and Tang Song Ci in a casual suit Get out of the car.He turned his head and said something to the car, and the Audi drove away immediately.

Liang Ping'an had sharp eyes and saw a middle-aged man sitting in the back seat in the car. The moment the door closed, the man even nodded to him in a friendly manner.

"Peace, good boy!" Tang Song Ci punched him when he came over, "It's been a long time since I saw you!"

Tang Song Ci is not tall, about 1.7 meters two, with a chubby round face and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, just like a national treasure giant panda.

"Why are you dressed so grandly?" Liang Ping'an stretched out his hand and punched him on the shoulder, but Tang Song Ci staggered. "Hey, I'm safe, what did you eat, you are so strong?" Good guy, I haven't seen this kid for a year, but he is too strong.

"Haha, you're too weak." Liang Ping'an put his arms around his shoulders, "How is it? You can stay for a while when you come back this time."

"Well, come back to see grandpa, I can live until the beginning of school." Tang Songci is not a talkative person. He knows that the conditions of his family at the same table are not good, but seeing his mess, he still can't help asking: "What do I say?" Have you been robbed, kid?" This look is too miserable.

Without even thinking about it, Liang Pingan said, "It's pretty much the same if I didn't get robbed." He immediately told about being taken to the police station, "Look, didn't this just come back from the hospital? I was in a coma for three days , before a drop of water enters, it would be fate to stand in front of you." Facing Tang and Song Ci, Liang Ping'an had nothing to hide.

"The law enforcement on the Internet turned out to be yours." Tang Songci was a little surprised, "I didn't know, so you were beaten." The little face is somewhat cute.

Seeing his appearance, Liang Pingan couldn't help thinking about it.

Tang Songci is the youngest in the class, two years younger than them, and has a baby face, but he is often molested by female students in the class who are full of maternal love.

"It's okay, it's all over, I heard they were all dealt with." Liang Ping'an didn't know the specific details, but a policeman explained to him before he was discharged from the hospital.

"This DN County is too chaotic, so it should be dealt with properly." Tang Song Ci snorted, "Ping An, if you encounter such a thing, call me again, didn't I tell you, just call me if you have anything to do , you know, my family..."

Liang Pingan interrupted him, "Isn't it all right now?" He knew that Tang Song Ci's father was a county magistrate in another place, and he was the only one in the class who knew about it.But Liang Ping'an didn't want to owe favors to others, and he didn't think he could bother someone at the county magistrate's level with something serious. "By the way, how are you doing at Yenching University? I heard that there..."

When the two met, even though Tang and Song Ci were usually reticent, they seemed to have a lot to say to him.

An hour passed without knowing it, and the two walked all the way to the largest restaurant in DN County - Hongbinlou, Liang Ping'an's stomach growled for a long time.

Tang Songci looked apologetic, "I forgot that you haven't eaten for three days." The two walked into the Hongbin Building, Tang Songci was still puzzled: "Look at your mental state, if you don't tell me, I really don't know You haven't eaten for three days." This complexion looks too good.

Liang Pingan laughed, "Now I feel like I can swallow a cow."

When you see Hongbin Building from a distance, you can see a row of cars in front of the door.

Tang and Song Ci raised eyebrows, "Didn't you think that this DN county is quite rich when you were in school?" Look at this row of cars, many of which are expensive cars.

Liang Ping'an didn't know many cars, so when he heard the words, he said, "I heard that public funds are strictly not allowed to be consumed now, but there are not as many cars as when we were studying." I remember when I was in high school, Hongbin Building was like this. There are more than a dozen luxurious restaurants in DN County, but there are not many left now.

"The real rich have to be in business. How many working-class people can afford to spend here?" Tang Songci shook his head, and raised his eyebrows when he saw a few students arriving in front of the Hongbin Building in a car. .

When they were studying, everyone wore school uniforms all day long. He and Liang Ping'an belonged to the kind of kids who study hard. Only now did they realize that many students in the class are quite wealthy.

The two came on foot, just as Xia Jingjing and Yang Dawei got out of a Mercedes-Benz, Yang Dawei seemed to see Liang Ping'an and the two, and said loudly on purpose: "Jingjing, if you don't like this Mercedes-Benz, I'll buy a BMW and drive it later. When he said this, he raised his eyebrows, so what about the two bumpkins and the top students, why don't they just ride in a car and they walk, this kind of good car, I'm afraid poor people like them will never be able to drive it in their lifetime.

Xia Jingjing changed her clothes again. She wore a bohemian dress to set off the girl's pretty figure. She was wearing black sunglasses and an expensive bag. Isn't it the same, what's the difference with this car?" There was an aura of nouveau riche, she just didn't like Yang Dawei, so she didn't agree to the relationship between the two of them for a long time, and now she was just trying to get in touch.

(End of this chapter)

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