space farmer

Chapter 79 081 Miaomiao's thoughts

Chapter 79 081 Miaomiao's thoughts

Youthful breath rushed towards him, and when Liang Pingan was still embarrassed to catch Miao Miao, the little girl twitched her nose and stared at him strangely.

What's the smell on Brother Ping'an?
Liang Ping'an was so embarrassed that he didn't want to. How many times is this the first time?
Thinking of the last time the little girl helped him wash the stinky mattress, he wished he could find a crack in the floor and sneak in.

It's strange, although I sweated after taking the primary body training liquid recently, it wasn't as much as this time.

Liang Ping'an frowned, faintly feeling that this should be related to the exercises he just practiced.He guessed that the smelly sweat should be the impurities in his body being expelled. Although he was happy, it was embarrassing enough to be bumped into by Liang Miaomiao twice.

"Miao Miao, stay by yourself for a while. I just finished my work and went to wash up." Liang Pingan almost ran away, brought a large basin of water to the room, washed and changed clothes before coming out.

Liang Miaomiao's little girl had already prepared a basin of warm water, "Brother Ping'an, bring the clothes, and I'll wash them for you." The little girl didn't look out at all.

The summer clothes are thin and almost close to the body, Liang Pingan has the nerve to let her wash them.

"Miao Miao, didn't you agree to come to me to make up lessons? Why did you come today?" Liang Pingan noticed that the little girl seemed to have lost weight. "Are you tired from studying? You seem to have lost four or five catties." He took a Give her tomatoes, and squat down to wash clothes.

Liang Miaomiao, who usually loves to eat tomatoes, was uncharacteristically holding them in a daze today, and didn't even answer Liang Ping'an's questions.

This is obviously something.

After drying the clothes, Liang Pingan took her back to the house. "What happened?"

The little girl was wearing a white suspenders today, with denim shorts underneath, she took off her sandals and sat on the side of the Kang with her knees hugged, looking helpless.

"Brother Ping An, my mother... is getting married." The girl raised her head, her eyes were red.


Liang Ping'an was stunned.

Third aunt is getting married?
this thing...

The third aunt has always lived alone with Miao Miao, but many people in the village miss the third aunt. Over the years, the third aunt always said that she was afraid of wronging the child, so she has been single.Why are you getting married all of a sudden?

Liang Pingan didn't know what to say, but said: "Then there will be one more person who will love Miaomiao." Why does it feel weird.

Liang Miaomiao pursed her lips and snorted vigorously, "I don't need him to hurt me." Thinking of the way that man looked at her, she was such a big girl, she didn't understand anything. "That person just saw that my mother looks good, so he didn't act kindly at all." Don't think she doesn't know anything.

Liang Pingan really didn't know what to say.

A man wants to marry a woman, this is really not something that can be explained simply by "good intentions or bad intentions".

Miao Miao was unhappy, so Liang Pingan wanted to change the subject, but couldn't help being curious, "Then, who is that man? What does he do?" Thinking of the third aunt, he still had an indescribable awkwardness Feel.

"I opened a shabby store in the town and sold two shabby cosmetics. I don't know how to make a fuss." Liang Miaomiao obviously had a problem with the man, and his words were not very pleasant, "Brother Pingan, you know that Li in the town Yan Cosmetics, no, they are the ones who opened it."

"Li Dafu!" Liang Ping'an really knew.When he was in junior high school in the town, Liyan Cosmetics was opened when he was studying. The store is not small, and there are a few waiters dressed in avant-garde clothes. At that time, a group of adolescent boys always liked to go shopping around there. , Liang Pingan also followed.

"Didn't Li Dafu have a wife?" He remembered that it was Li Dafu who fell in love with a waiter back then, and there was a commotion in the town for a while.The reason why he knew it was because Li Dafu's ex-wife was their middle school teacher, and beat up the waiter in the store because of this matter.Things got quite serious, and finally Li Dafu divorced his ex-wife, and I heard that he really married the waiter.

I remember that the waiter was not a few years older than him at that time, only about 20 years old. It has only been a few years. Could it be that Li Dafu got divorced again?
"It's not him." Liang Miaomiao seemed depressed, "Li Dafu's daughter and I are still classmates. Brother Pingan, tell me, my mother really followed her, what should I do?" She and Li Liyan have been together since junior high school. Classmates, classmates for three years in high school, the two have always looked at each other differently.When she thought that her mother was going to marry Li Dafu, the little girl couldn't cope.

This is a family matter, Liang Pingan really doesn't know what to say.

"If it's true, you and Li Liyan are classmates, so you can get along better." Liang Ping'an vaguely guessed what the third aunt was thinking. Miao Miao will go to college next year, and the third aunt is afraid that she will support her child to go to college alone. It's hard work, so I'm in a hurry to get married at this time.

After all, it's all about money.

Liang Pingan sighed again when he thought that he was still moving bricks on the construction site more than a month ago.

"Miao Miao, your task now is to study hard and get admitted to a good university, so that the third aunt has not worked so hard for so many years." Liang Pingan rubbed the little girl's head, "Don't worry about the adults. Yes, it’s serious to study hard.”

Liang Miaomiao pursed her lips, "Brother Ping An, tell me, if, I mean if, if I stop studying, will my mother not have to marry Li Dafu?"

"This..." Liang Pingan didn't expect the little girl to be so smart, so he was at a loss for words. "But if you don't study, won't you let your third aunt down even more?"

Liang Miaomiao pouted, "I know." She was just talking.She knew from a very young age that if she didn't study, she would be like those girls in the village, marrying a half-baked man at an old age, and living a life with her face turned to the loess and her back to the sky.She helped her mother with farm work and knew the hard work of farming. That was not the life she wanted.

But she still didn't want her mother to marry that annoying man because of herself.

The little girl had something on her mind, Liang Ping'an persuaded her a few more words, and Liang Miaomiao sat on the kang in a daze.

It was almost eleven o'clock, so Liang Ping'an went to cook.

In addition to radishes, there are now more lettuce in the space. Liang Pingan took the beans and rice stewed in the morning out of the pot, and they were still warm.I mixed another shredded radish, because Miaomiao was here, fried another egg and persimmon, and finally took a handful of lettuce as a pickle.

When Liang Leshan came back carrying a bundle of twigs, the old man's face was flushed, but there was no sweat on his forehead.

"Miaomiao is here." Liang Leshan greeted, and Liang Miaomiao hurriedly went to the ground, "Well, I'm here to find brother Pingan."

Liang Pingan brought water into the house, "Grandpa, wash your face." He observed carefully, and found that since he secretly gave his grandfather the primary body training liquid, his grandfather seemed to be much younger all of a sudden, and he walked faster than before.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Liang Leshan feels his health is getting better and better recently, and in time, he will definitely be able to return to his peak condition.

(End of this chapter)

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