space farmer

Chapter 7 008 The Chicken Has Lost Hair

Chapter 7 008 The Chicken Has Lost Hair
If Liang Pingan heard Zhao Leyao's evaluation of him, he would definitely give him a thumbs up.

Yes, Liang Ping'an doesn't love money.

It's special love.

Squatting next to the rabbit cage in the backyard, he looked at the cowshed for a while, looked at the rabbits for a while, and turned his head to look at the chickens from time to time, wishing that they would give birth to a gold bar all at once.

After eating so many space babies, there is no change at all?
Do you want to be so pitiful!

From time to time, he entered the space to check for drought, long grass, and pests. Liang Pingan collected a few weeds after a while.Originally, I wanted to try the effect of weeds, but I saw several rabbits in the rabbit cage lying there without moving after eating space pasture. If it weren't for the ups and downs of their bodies, Liang Ping'an thought they were all stretched out. .

The two cows were in the same state, sleeping there with their eyes closed.

It's really weird. Could it be that the space produced has a hypnotic effect?
"Peace, it's time to eat."

It wasn't until his grandfather asked him to eat that Liang Pingan left reluctantly.

The meal in the countryside is very simple. A stewed eggplant with sauce is the main course, and a scrambled egg is an extra dish. There is a sauce bowl on the table that has not changed for thousands of years. Lettuce is eaten with dipping sauce.

People who have been away from home for a long time seem to miss the taste of the food at home, and Liang Pingan is no exception. He picked up a bowl of eggplant with chopsticks, took a spring onion, and started eating the eggplant with sauce.

The young man had a good appetite, and Liang Pingan ate his food. Liang Leshan squinted his eyes happily, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to be stretched out all of a sudden.

"Ping An eat slowly, try these eggs, grandpa knows you like it, so he fried four for you." The old man pushed the egg plate to his grandson, but he only cared about eating the eggplant.

The family has more than 20 chickens not for laying eggs for their own food, but for selling eggs.Usually Liang Ping'an was not at home, and the old man would save up a hundred eggs and then sell them at the market. Eggs in the countryside were not sold by the catty like in the city, but by the size in the countryside.An egg can be sold for [-] yuan when it is good.

Liang Leshan is reluctant to feed the chickens and eat chicken feed. He usually digs wild vegetables up the mountain and feeds them with cornmeal. The egg yolks at home are darker than the eggs on the market. With only a little oil, the eggs are golden yellow. It's tempting to look at.

Liang Pingan took a bite of the egg, and said vaguely: "The eggs at home are delicious. Grandpa, you don't know. The eggs in our school cafeteria are filled with old nose oil, and they are white when fried. You can't adjust the color with anything. "If you want to talk about eggs, they have to be delicious like stupid eggs in the countryside.

"Eat more if it tastes good. The eggs in your school must have been fed with feed. Zhang Da Nengnai always sells eggs in the village. Their family has thirty chickens, and the eggs lay a lot, but the old nose has been fed with feed. The village Everyone knows it, so they fool outsiders..." The grandson eats well, and the old man is also honored to be a cook.

Liang Ping'an finally discovered the abnormality of his grandfather, "Grandpa, don't worry about giving it to me, you can eat too." He took a large piece of egg and sent it over, but Liang Leshan subconsciously avoided it.

"You eat what you eat. Grandpa always eats this at home, and he is tired of eating." The old man ate with his head down. He was getting older and chewed a lot, and he seemed to eat slowly.

Liang Pingan was stunned for a moment. In his memory, grandpa didn't seem to like to eat his favorite food.Eggs are one, ribs, beef, fruit, and meat dumplings for festivals, it seems that grandpa doesn't like to eat them.

"Grandpa..." Many memories flooded into his mind, and Liang Ping'an suddenly became enlightened for some reason.

There is no one who really doesn't like to eat those good things. It's because grandpa is reluctant to eat and saves it for himself.

Liang Pingan gorged on the meal, but he didn't touch the egg, but ate all kinds of vegetables that he didn't like to eat on weekdays.

"Ping An, why don't you eat eggs, they won't taste good when they are cold, don't you just like to eat warm ones." The old man is always paying attention to his grandson.

"Grandpa, our teacher said that nutrition should be balanced. You see, I ate eggplant and eggs. These vegetables are also nutritious. You should eat some of everything, but you can't eat too much." He sent the eggs to the old man. "Grandpa, eat. I don't like leftovers. Don't keep them for me." He stood up, "Grandpa, eat slowly. I'll go and see if our chickens have laid eggs."

"You child." The old man squinted his eyes and watched his grandson out of the house, smiling emotionally.

The grandson grew up and knew how to love him as an old man.

Sure enough, I knew that this grandson was not raised in vain.

Liang Pingan didn't have so many emotions, but felt that his grandfather was getting older, and he couldn't understand anything like when he was a child.At this moment, he was full of those animals that ate the output of the space, and ran to the backyard to repeat the previous actions.

Take the time to go to the space to weed, water, and catch bugs.

After being in a daze for half an hour, Grandpa started to tidy up the yard after dinner. Before Liang Pingan could figure it out, he simply hid in the space and asked the system for help.

"System, what's wrong with our cows, rabbits, and chickens? They don't move after eating things in your space, like taking sleeping pills."

Space system: "..." What do you mean by "things in your space?" It's obviously your master, okay?

"The system has never raised cows, rabbits, or chickens." The system's mechanical voice was innocent.

Liang Ping'an was dumbfounded, "Didn't you say that eating space can improve the quality of animals?" Turning your face and denying people so quickly?

Liang Ping'an got angry, he worked like a donkey for so long, planting batch after batch of this broken pasture, the emotion has no effect, does it?He also ate something wrong with his own food.

"Let me tell you, if the animals in our family eat something wrong, I won't do it." This poor owner will be whoever he likes.

System: "..." My heart is so tired.

Liang Pingan went out of the space, sneaked back to the house and found some medicines. The medicines at home were all ordinary, except for the analgesic tablets, which were Niuhuangjiedu tablets.

Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets should be useful.

Taking a bag of opened ones, Liang Pingan sneaked to the backyard, grabbed a chicken, opened its mouth, and stuffed the medicine into its mouth.


The hen struggled violently, Liang Pingan hurriedly clamped it with his legs, forced the chicken's beak and stuffed a bezoar detoxification tablet into it.Whatever it is, if it is really poisoned, it should have some effect.

Taking advantage of the fact that the poisoning was not deep, Liang Pingan grabbed the hens and fed them one by one. They were all his own treasures.


The flock of chickens finally reacted, and Liang Pingan made a fuss about the flock of chickens jumping around, and Liang Pingan couldn't tell which chicken was fed the medicine and which one was not.

Can't you make a tasteful chicken quietly?
Forget it, the cock must not be fed.

Liang Ping'an just walked over to catch the rooster, when the rooster screamed and flew away, with chicken feathers flying over his head, and there was still a faint smell of chicken excrement.

blah blah blah...

After scratching the chicken feathers off his face, Liang Ping'an was in a bad mood.

In the front yard, Mr. Liang exclaimed, "The chicken suddenly lost its hair!"

Liang Ping'an's heart skipped a beat, it's over...

(End of this chapter)

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