space farmer

Chapter 53 054 The grandparents of the Liang family have made a fortune?

Chapter 53 054 The grandparents of the Liang family have made a fortune?
A domestic car was parked at the gate. Liang Ping'an knew this brand. It was quite common in their side in the past two years.

Seeing the grandparents of the Liang family, the third aunt got off the co-pilot, and the full breasts first came into view.

Liang Ping'an's eyes subconsciously fell on it, and he hurriedly looked away.

"His third aunt is here." Mr. Liang took the initiative to let someone into the room, "Come in and sit down, have you eaten yet?"

The man in the driver's seat got out of the car. He was in his 40s and looked well maintained.

"Big sister, is this the one you're talking about?" The man first glanced at the yard and saw the dozens of chickens strolling around, so he believed that this one was really stupid.

The third aunt's pretty face was full of smiles, "Brother, this is the family. Let me tell you, this family is just the two of them, their grandparents and grandchildren. The chickens raised at home are pure natural green food. The eggs Ah, the taste is awesome, you can't go wrong with their eggs."

Not to mention, Third Aunt's mouth can indeed say that she is not weak at all in deceiving people.

Beautiful women, even older ones, are attractive.

The man looked at the third aunt with a smile, and a pair of glasses behind the glasses glanced at him sneakily, as if he had really had an eye addiction.The third aunt may be used to this kind of gaze, or maybe she really doesn't care, she cast a reproachful glance at the man in the blink of an eye, the charm of a mature woman made the man stunned for a moment.

The corner of Liang Ping'an's mouth twitched, and he praised Third Aunt, it's amazing!
"Hehe, since the big sister has said it, then follow what we agreed, one yuan and two ones, how many eggs do you have?" The man didn't care too much. He came here to fish and suddenly wanted to buy some stupid eggs. Wanting to inquire casually at the entrance of the village, I ran into this woman.

"Oh, thank you, big brother." The third aunt's face was full of joy.

The price of one yuan and two yuan is already a big price when farmers generally sell eggs at the market for [-] or [-] cents.

"Uncle Liang, hurry up, take out as many eggs as you have in your family." It's not that the third aunt never thought about introducing this customer to other people, but when she thought that it was not easy for Liang Leshan to send a grandson to college, she said I deliberately brought people here.

The price of one yuan and two is several cents more expensive than usual. The old man should be happy.

Unfortunately, when the third aunt looked over, the grandparents of the Liang family looked at each other with strange expressions.

"Third aunt, we can't sell it at this price." Liang Ping'an is indeed relatively inexperienced, and he can speak the truth.

"What the hell?" The third aunt felt that she had heard it wrong, looked at Liang Pingan suspiciously, and winked at him.This silly boy, is it possible that he is stupid in reading?Eggs for one yuan and two each. If it were her, it would be appropriate to go to other people in the village to buy it for one yuan and then sell it. Of course, living in a village, it is not very authentic to do so.

Liang Pingan was going to tell the truth, "Third aunt, our eggs."

Liang Leshan grabbed his grandson, and interjected: "His third aunt, that's right, our family's eggs have agreed to be sold to others, please trouble his third aunt, you see what happened." How old is the old man? Bigger, much smoother than Liang Ping'an.

"That's right." The third aunt wanted to help them at first, but in this case, "That's fine, uncle, I'll go to someone else's house to see." She then called the man to leave.

I didn't want the man, but raised the corners of my mouth and smiled mockingly, "Don't you just want to increase the price." Is it interesting to talk so much nonsense?It is said that today's country people are not as simple as they were back then, and they really are.

The man pushed his glasses self-righteously, and narrowed his small eyes meanly behind the glasses, "Tell me, what price do you want, as long as your family is stupid, even if the price is higher, I will also introduce it later." New customer, I have a lot of friends in Luziguang, the county town, of course, your eggs must be stupid eggs, and I’m just a trickster." In other words, if the price-raising eggs are not pure stupid eggs, then there is no such thing So many good things.

Liang Ping'an's heart skipped a beat.

Maybe it's a good way.

Now he only has two customers, Xiao Xiaofang and Fang Xiao, and there are a lot of eggs at home, which seems to be in short supply for the time being, but the purchasing power of the two is limited after all.If this person can really develop into a customer, it would be a good idea.

"Sir, the eggs in our family must be stupid eggs. You see, the chickens raised in our family are all free-range." Liang Pingan took the initiative to introduce, and then said: "Our eggs taste very good, so The price is also expensive, sir, do you want to try it, it happens that we just had lunch."

Sure enough, the price is going to increase.

The man with glasses squinted his glasses and smiled knowingly, "That's fine." He followed Liang Pingan into the yard.

The third aunt glanced at Liang Ping'an's back, and murmured to Liang Leshan in a low voice, "Ping'an, I didn't see it, and he has a good heart." Woolen cloth.

Liang Leshan smiled awkwardly, his grandson is so thoughtful, their eggs are indeed expensive.

It's a pity that this smile in the eyes of the third aunt is equivalent to the old man acquiescing to her words, which makes the third aunt a little funny.Brat, I don't even know if my hair is full or not, but I have a lot of eyes.

Twisting her plump buttocks, Third Aunt also entered the yard. "Uncle, your family has raised a lot of chickens." Good guy, there must be fifty or sixty chickens, but they didn't run around, they were all digging in the yard.

"Ah, they are all newly bought. The old Liu's daughter-in-law raised the chickens well, and they laid eggs within a few days after buying them." There is nothing to hide about this, Liang Leshan told the truth.

The chicken raised by the old Liu's wife?

The third aunt said, "That little daughter-in-law is dark. She lives in a village. When I buy their chickens, she still asks me to pay 70 yuan for a chicken. The big rooster in winter is the same price. Uncle, you don't know." Did you buy it at this price too?" When did the Liang family become so rich?

Liang Leshan smiled awkwardly, he also felt that the chicken was expensive, if the family hadn't made money, he would not be willing to part with it.

"I bought a lot, so it's cheaper." The old man still told the truth.

The third aunt was not happy when she heard it, she thought to herself: "Well, you are a daughter-in-law of the Liu family. You live in a village. If others buy it, it will be cheap, but if I buy it, it will be expensive. What do you want to bully our orphans and widows?" Of course, She didn't say this directly, but said: "How much did uncle buy this chicken? Didn't you buy less?"

"Ah, I bought forty ones back and forth, and I bought it at 65." Fair trade, there is nothing you can't say.

"What?" The third aunt was not surprised that the price was five yuan cheaper than her own, but was surprised by the generosity of the Liang family.

Did the grandparents of the Liang family get rich?
(End of this chapter)

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