space farmer

Chapter 33 034 Here Comes the Local Tyrant

Chapter 33 034 Here Comes the Local Tyrant
The effects of the animals' first taste of space food seemed disastrous, but the results were good.

Sure enough, the next morning, whether it was a chicken or a rabbit, they all looked like they had plastic surgery, each with its own beauty effect, and the hair on its body was shining brightly in the sun.

Liang Ping'an was obviously very satisfied with the effect, knowing that there would be no more side effects from now on, so he began to officially feed them with space food.

Not to mention, although the chickens raised by Liu's wife are expensive, they are absolutely reliable.

That morning, several hens were clucking, apparently about to lay eggs.

Liang Pingan hesitated to let out the hen that was about to lay eggs, and got into the chicken coop immediately.

Worried that the newly bought chickens would run away if they were not familiar with the environment, Liang Pingan stayed in the yard almost all day.However, his worries were obviously unfounded. There was room for food to be used as chicken food. These chickens seemed to be raised by their family, and they had no intention of running away.

Counting in the evening, there were twelve more eggs. Obviously, at least twelve of the twenty newly purchased chickens were laying eggs.

Seeing that they would not run around, Liang Pingan felt relieved and no longer locked them up.

The next day was the market, Mr. Liang went to the market habitually, and brought a lot of soil baskets newly made by Liang Pingan.There is only one bicycle at home, and this place is not close to the town, so Liang Pingan didn't go with him.

At home, I still repeat the previous activities, hiding in the space and staring at the vegetable field while weaving baskets.

At noon, Liang Ping'an stewed beans, patted cucumbers, picked a handful of shallots in the space, and cut up carrots, waiting for grandpa to buy meat.

Mr. Liang usually comes back after gathering, and today is no exception.There are a pair of soil baskets hanging on Lao Tzu's bicycle, apparently one pair has not been sold.

"It's safe, grandpa bought you meat." The old man yelled as soon as he entered the courtyard, and he was in a good mood.

Liang Ping'an sent a ladle of water to him first. Grandpa was always reluctant to eat and drink when he went out, so he definitely wouldn't spend money on shopping.Sure enough, the old man drank half a scoop before putting it down.

"The soil baskets are selling well today. Grandpa chopped two catties of meat for you." When the grandson came back, the old man was naturally willing.

"Then I'll go fry the meat, Grandpa, take a break and it will be ready soon." Liang Ping'an is good at cooking, and this is also due to the fact that he was busy at home when he was a child. , he remembers being able to cook on a small bench when he was six years old.

Soon a dish of stir-fried carrots with pork came out of the pot, and the smell could float two miles with the wind.

"This tastes really good." Mr. Liang was not stingy with his words when his grandson cooked the food. "My eldest grandson is very good. This is good material for reading, and cooking is also good." If you open a small restaurant, you can do it.

Liang Ping'an was embarrassed by the praise, "Grandpa, you should eat more." No matter how the outside world rumored that Liang Ping'an was adopted, at least in the eyes of the grandparent and grandson, each other was the only relative.

A few days later, the chickens at home started to lay eggs, and now there are 44 eggs a day, which is unshakable.

Liang Ping'an's space has grown a lot of carrots, even if there are ten more rabbits in the house, it is enough for now.The grandfather of the two cattle in the family brought them to match a few days ago, and I heard that the effect is good.

Liang Pingan stayed at home all day, and suddenly received a strange call.

"Hello, is this Mr. Liang Ping'an?"

"Ah." Liang Pingan looked at the caller ID, it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, I'm from the post office. Your courier has arrived. Come and pick it up when you have time." A pleasant female voice came from the opposite side.

Definitely ginseng seeds.

Liang Ping'an was pleasantly surprised and said, "Doesn't the post office deliver the goods to your door?" I remember that the university admission notices are always delivered to your door, it seems to be delivered by the post office.

"Sorry sir, because the business is relatively busy, this service is not available for the time being." Now all service industries are highly competitive, and the attitude of the service staff is good.

Although they didn't give it away, Liang Pingan didn't say anything. "You guys get off work at five, I'll be there in the afternoon."

"Okay sir, try to arrive before 04:30." The post office business hall in the town is usually empty at 04:30.

Liang Pingan responded and hung up the phone.

Just at this time, Xiao Xiaofang's call came in, and Liang Pingan yelled as soon as he picked it up: "I said brother, who are you calling? I haven't come in after calling for a long time. Is it my girlfriend?"

Liang Ping'an: "..." Dude, do I know you very well?It seems that there are only two sides in total.

"Brother Xiao, is something wrong?" Liang Ping'an was suddenly not in a hurry when he wanted to tell him that he had eggs and rabbits.

Xiao Xiaofang is obviously an acquaintance, "Look at what brother said, brother can't call if there is nothing wrong?" He joked, and then said: "I have something to go back to the provincial capital, do you have the egg and rabbit? ? If there is one, I will go there, if not, forget it.”

Liang Pingan heard that he was a little serious this time, so he said casually, "Is the matter serious? Do you need my help?" This was just a polite remark.Xiao Xiaofang didn't want to say directly: "I really need it." He paused, "The old man at home is not in good health and has no appetite, so I just want to get some delicious food from you and go back to honor the old man."

Everyone has said that, what else can Liang Pingan say. "Come here." There are hundreds of eggs at home, and he hasn't developed any new customers yet.

"Thank you brother, I know you are reliable!" Xiao Xiaofang seemed really anxious, "I'll drive there right away, what do you need, my brother will bring it for you in the county."

Liang Pingan just wanted to say no, but thinking of his package, he hurriedly said, "Brother Xiao, are you going to our town? I have a courier at the post office, so you can pick it up for me on the way."

"Okay, I get it." Xiao Xiaofang readily agreed as a matter of passing by.

Liang Ping'an counted the eggs, 380 in total, and put them into four baskets of the kind he wove.

Xiao Xiaofang was really in a hurry this time. The usual one-and-a-half-hour journey took him less than an hour this time, and he didn't know how fast he was going. "Safe your delivery, my eggs are all ready, brother." Xiao Xiaofang put the eggs directly into the trunk, and said anxiously: "What about the rabbit."

"It's in the backyard, see for yourself which ones you want." Liang Ping'an led him directly to the backyard.

Xiao Xiaofang looked at it, what a guy, "You still said that there are no rabbits." He said casually, "Your rabbit fur is so good that it can be made into fur. Well, 50 yuan seems to be a friendly price, brother you Don’t charge a friendly price this time, just sell all the rabbits to me.” These are all alive and can feed for a few days, I hope the elderly in the family will love this bite.

"Don't mind, Brother Xiao, my female rabbits are about to give birth, you can't take them all away." Liang Pingan didn't expect Xiao Xiaofang's appetite to be so big, this is not a thing that weighs two catties.

Sure enough, the world of local tyrants is different from hanging silk!
(End of this chapter)

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