space farmer

Chapter 26 027 Time Difference

Chapter 26 027 Time Difference

Erhua kept his word, even if Liang Pingan came back with a few bottles of beer, he still had no intention of drinking.

Is it serious to have such a fragrant egg with rice?

With pure wild fish and special eggs, Hu Erhua couldn't even wait for Mr. Liang to cook again, so he directly pulled the two of them, grandparent and grandson, to start eating.

"Oh, I'm not an outsider, what wine should I drink?" What Erhua was thinking about was the eggs that cost five yuan each. If it wasn't because he didn't know the grandparents of the Liang family very well, he would have already started eating them on a plate.

If so, he was not polite as soon as the table was served, and directly stuffed a large piece of egg into his mouth.

Fragrant, so fragrant!

Erhua's eyes widened, they were also stupid eggs, and the family didn't feed much feed, so why did it taste so much worse?
It was so delicious.

Erhua lowered his head and took a big mouthful of rice, and continued to pick up eggs.

After several mouthfuls in a row, Erhua realized that the grandparents of the Liang family hadn't moved their chopsticks, so they stared at him blankly.

Erhua was a little embarrassed, his family's conditions were among the best in the village, and he ate like this, as if he had never seen eggs.However, it's just that I have never seen such a delicious egg.

Erhua swallowed the food in his mouth, and gave them a thumbs up, "Brother, I'm convinced, and I'll give you eggs, let alone five yuan, even ten yuan is worth it!" Of course he said that. Water, if the eggs cost ten yuan each, he would be crazy to eat them.But if it's five yuan... it's really comfortable to have a meal once in a while.

Liang Pingan looked at his grandfather and said with a smile, "Grandpa, what did I say?" The old man also said that five yuan was too expensive. Judging by Erhua's reaction, is it still expensive?

Mr. Liang gave him a reproachful look, "Five yuan is enough, why do you want to sell it for ten yuan?" Then he couldn't agree to anything.

Knowing that grandpa agreed that the eggs were so expensive, Liang Ping'an was happy.

"Grandpa, don't worry, there are always people who know the goods, we trade fairly, and we don't force anyone, you always put your heart in your stomach." Grandpa has been selling eggs for more than [-] years, but he never thought he would Such an expensive price.

"That's true." Liang Leshan didn't know what to say, "Erhua, try this fish again. I stew fish well, and Ping An likes to eat it." He helped so much, so he prepared two dishes himself. The old people are very embarrassed.

"Okay, Grandpa Liang, I'm not welcome. It's not my character to stay for dinner and then not be full." Erhua is a familiar person, he has done business outside, and his speech is quite pleasant.

But he didn't move after eating two mouthfuls of the fish. Although the fish was delicious, it was far inferior to the eggs.

For one meal, Erhua ate two big bowls of rice before stopping. He almost ate all the eggs by himself. Only Liang Pingan picked up a few chopsticks for his grandfather, and he took a bite by himself.It's not that I don't want to eat it, that guy Erhua is really rude, he ate it all in one go.

"Grandpa Liang, Ping'an, I'm going home first." Erhua waved his hand, hesitating whether to buy some eggs from Ping'an's family.The problem is, this egg is also too expensive.Forget it, I also raise chickens. If I really bought five yuan eggs at Ping'an's, I guess my parents wouldn't nag me, and my wife wouldn't let him go.

Erhua sighed, and suddenly felt that he was so poor that he couldn't even afford eggs.

In the afternoon, Liang Ping'an took the little rabbits into the space and fed them space water and grass juice. He obviously felt that the little ones were getting stronger.I took out a carrot and shared it with the rabbits, because I didn't take good care of it in the morning, and there were only ten newly received carrots.

Liang Ping'an was a little depressed. After going on like this, the gold coins in his hand were gone, and he had to sell carrots to buy seeds. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that the space was very poor.

Well, the space can at least store things, and it's not so useless.

In the afternoon, the two of them were at home, and Mr. Liang Leshan sat in the shade of the yard weaving chicken coops.The hens at home lay eggs every day, and this chicken coop is obviously not enough.

Liang Ping'an didn't know how to weave chicken coops, so he squatted beside him to help his grandfather pass some straw. When he was bored, he went to the backyard to look at the rabbits and cows. He added some grass to the cows from time to time, and he could also take the opportunity to hide in the space to see the harvest.

Another twenty grasses were received, and they were thrown directly to the two cattle. Seeing them eating happily, Liang Ping'an murmured, "I don't know when you will be able to calve." Now that the two cattle have grown up, it is estimated that Also soon.Only the calves can be sold for money, otherwise the two cows can be sold for at most one or two thousand.That's not enough for grandpa's interest for the past two years.

Liang Pingan sighed, because he had spent too much in the past two years, even though he had worked hard to make money by doing part-time jobs, but with the tuition fees there, he still couldn't do what he wanted as a student.

"Grandpa, I'll go back to the house and read a book." Liang Ping'an suddenly thought of something. There is a time difference between the space and the outside. Doing other things is really multi-tasking.The most important thing is that there is a time difference in the space, and he can do many things in it.

Sneakily, he stowed a lot of the basket-weaving tree branches that grandpa had handled into the space. Liang Pingan first gave carrots and pastures a three-piece set of catching insects, weeding, and watering, and then mentally controlled those tree branches to weave baskets.

It's much harder than imagined.

Liang Pingan tossed and tossed for a long time, the pasture was almost mature, and a basket was still not finished.

Sure enough, this mental power is not so precise in controlling things.No way, he had no choice but to do it himself, no longer using that invisible force to control it, and it was much better.

Watching my grandfather weave baskets since I was a child, Liang Ping'an's hands are very skillful, and he can weave many kinds of small baskets, baskets and the like.However, more soil baskets are sold in rural areas, and this is the kind he is making now.

Dirt baskets are not easy to weave, otherwise there are many branches of this kind of basket weaving on the mountain, and anyone who lacks soil baskets can weave them by themselves.It's a pity that this craft seems easy to master, but the soil basket weaves may not be usable.

There are many places where households in rural areas use earthen baskets. A pair of earthen baskets costs more than 30 yuan, and it is not possible to weave one in a day of hard work.So there are not too many people selling soil baskets now.

Liang Ping'an has also weaved earthen baskets before. Although he still has mental strength this time, he felt that the way was right when he did it himself.Sure enough, the pasture hadn't been re-harvested yet, and he had already weaved a soil basket.

Hehe, sure enough, the effect in the space is fast.

The hands with condensed mental strength were a little torn, but no traces could be seen on the surface.I immersed my hands in the small puddle for a while, wondering if the water in this space has medical effects, and soon the feeling of tearing disappeared.

Sixteen more carrots were harvested, and Liang Ping'an planted the last carrot seed. The seed was gone, and the carrots would be sold next time.


Still too little space.


Liang Pingan woke up suddenly and said he forgot something.

 Happy holidays

(End of this chapter)

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