space farmer

Chapter 137 142

Chapter 137 142
"Liang...Brother Liang, you are back, hehe..."

Manager Liu was so embarrassed that he didn't want it. He didn't expect Liang Ping'an to come back suddenly. To be honest, he had no choice but to make this decision.

The Hongbin Building has been out of stock in the past few days. If it weren't for the support of those rabbits, the Hongbin Building might be overthrown by those customers.

He also got some eggs, but yesterday he was going to pull vegetables, but he couldn't calm down when he saw that the Liang family's vegetable plot was gone.That's why today I brought people to prepare to take the chicken away, otherwise Hongbinlou would not be able to stand up, and his future would be gone.

"Manager Liu is so majestic!" Liang Ping'an sneered, and glanced at those who were knocked down, "Why, Manager Liu came to my house to search the house?"

"No, nothing." Manager Liu explained with a smile on his face, "Brother Liang like this has been out of stock for several days. I really can't stand it anymore, so..."

"So you brought people to our house to rob?" If Liang Ping'an was a little sorry at first, it was because of the sisters of the Chang family. "Did we sign a contract or something? What does it have to do with me when you run out of stock?" Liang Pingan said coldly, "Now, please leave my house."

Manager Liu was dumbfounded, things shouldn't be like this.

"Brother Liang, listen to my explanation." He was also aggrieved, and none of the suppliers on weekdays looked at his face, but it turned out that it was Liang Pingan...

"Liu Fei, tell them to leave, or call the police." Liang Ping'an was so angry that he turned and went into the room, not wanting to tell him at all.

Manager Liu's temper has also come up, isn't he just a vegetable grower, why is he arrogant?
If it weren't for the sake of the eldest lady, he would have been rough.How much can that stupid big guy fight alone?
"Brother Liang, we pay attention to being harmonious and making money in business. We are all people in the business field, so there is no need to be so stiff." Manager Liu put away his smiling face and said coldly, "It's better not to be too arrogant." Boy , I'll let you know my tricks any more.

"Are you threatening me?" Liang Ping'an suddenly turned around and smiled. "Okay, very good, Manager Liu, you have completely pissed me off. We will not do the Hongbin building business."

Manager Liu was taken aback, "You're crazy, it's a multi-million dollar deal." If you don't want to do it, you won't do it, it's too capricious.

"Liu Fei, see off the guests!" Liang Ping'an was furious, looking at the chicken feathers all over the floor, he wanted to slap Manager Liu twice.

Liang Ping'an came back, and Liu Fei also got tough.

"Hurry up and leave!" He was afraid of offending the client before, so he kept holding back, and he was already full of anger.

"Boy, you will regret it!" Manager Liu has been in business for so many years, and he has never seen anything like this. "You wait for me!" If you don't believe me, I can't control you as a vegetable seller.

"Just wait." Liang Pingan sneered.

Wu Xiu raised his fist, "What's the matter, are you addicted to being beaten?" Manager Liu was so frightened that he led his people away in a hurry.

"A farmer, but because of the good vegetables he grows, he became arrogant. Later, your eggs are stinky. Let's see if you are still arrogant." A person brought by Manager Liu scolded before leaving.

Liang Ping'an raised the corner of his mouth slightly, if they came up with this idea, they might be disappointed.

The people Liu Fei called to help were all young people in the village. They were all playmates who grew up naked.

When Liu Fei came back, Liang Pingan asked what happened.

The relationship problem still came from the vegetables that were pulled out at the beginning. Hongbinlou was urgently urging them, but the Liang family’s vegetables were gone. There were too few eggs and not enough, so Hongbinlou turned its attention to those chickens.

"Didn't you sell them the rabbit?" Liang Ping'an frowned.

Liu Fei shook his head, "The rabbit is still young, I stopped it from selling, it will take a few more days." It can be sold for more money when it is older. "Boss, did I do something wrong?" Originally, Liu Fei was very angry when the green vegetables were pulled out, but now this kind of thing happened again, wouldn't he be fired?
Liu Fei's idea is also correct, no matter what, it is wrong for Manager Liu of Hongbin Building to bring people to snatch it.

"What a big deal, look at you." Liang Ping'an said nonchalantly, "If the vegetables are pulled out, we can plant them again, and if the customers are gone, can we look for them again?" There are high-quality dishes, but are you worried that you won't find a market?
Liu Fei saved scattered vegetables in the vegetable garden, but unfortunately, those people didn't follow their good intentions at the beginning, so they destroyed too much.

Liang Pingan looked at the situation, and simply said, "Pull them all out. I'll go out later and buy some vegetable seedlings." The green vegetables in the space are not easy to take out directly, and they have to be deceived.

Wu Xiu hurriedly said, "Brother, let me do it for you."

"You stay at home."

It was getting late, Liu Fei brought some dishes, and Feng Xiaobai offered to help cook.

Liang Pingan hid in the room and was busy cultivating various vegetable seedlings in the space.It is said that the vegetable seedlings are all fruit-hanging, and they can be harvested directly when they are planted outside, but there is a big lump of space soil underneath, and they are all seeds produced in space. I think this batch of vegetables tastes better than before. It's okay.

At noon, I stewed a rabbit and scrambled eggs. These two things are now the main dishes of the Liang family.Both Feng Xiaobai and Wu Xiu were full of praise.

"Brother, why are you selling vegetables when you have such delicious food? Let's just open a store." Wu Xiu's eyes rolled wildly, "Brother, when the time comes, I will join the team, and we will open a restaurant together, and we will definitely make money." He is not stupid, Knowing that these are the same quality as the vegetables that Liang Pingan sells to the army, this is something that can restrain the dead spirit, and the price is worth it.

"Open a restaurant?" Liang Ping'an was also a little tempted, but thinking that school was about to start, he shook his head, "It's too troublesome."

Feng Xiaobai ate more than half of the rabbit by herself, and she was also in a good mood, "Ping An can sell such things for money, why bother to open a restaurant." This girl obviously eats a lot, and she doesn't look fat. Girls who lose weight see it, and don't know how to envy and hate it.

After lunch, Liang Pingan asked the two of them to rest at home. He went out alone and found a remote place to move out various green vegetable seedlings from the space, and then found a truck to deliver the things home.

Leng Tianning, if you are alive in heaven, you will regret it after seeing this.

Liang Ping'an raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the blue sky with a clear mind.

Do you still think he is that little farmer who can be manipulated at will?
Then you are all wrong!
After less than an hour, Liu Fei was dumbfounded when Liang Ping'an came home with a cart of vegetable seedlings hanging with fruits.

"Boss, where did you buy this?" Good guy, the cabbage is almost grown, and the eggplants hanging on the eggplant seedlings can be eaten, and the bean seedlings are also full of beans.

It's amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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