space farmer

Chapter 119 Chapter 124

Chapter 119 Chapter 124
"Gu Tong, do you have a way to save Wuxiu and the others?" Li Qiushi ignored the battle between Liang Ping'an and Leng Tianning, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up, what can you do?" The vital signs of those people were gradually weakening, and the people who came out of the cave A person can only survive for four days at most, and after three days of poor physical fitness, they will completely stop breathing.People were dying every day, but there was nothing he could do about it, and he couldn't take it anymore.

"It's like this..." Gu Tong pulled Li Qiushi aside and talked about the special dishes.

Leng Tianning sneered, "Boy, it seems that you are going to lose. Gu Tong has already found a way. She is a rare fifth-level supernatural person in the organization. If you kowtow now while I am happy, I can still spare you." .”

Keep it and play slowly, don't rush to kill, maybe you can relieve your hatred.

Liang Ping'an had been listening to Gu Tong's words, and they didn't hide anyone's back.As soon as he heard that he was going to use his own special vegetables, Liang Ping'an knew that the symptoms were not the root cause.The system has already said that being infested with death energy is not a common symptom. Special vegetables can relieve their bodies, but they cannot really cure them.

"Then I also advise you, kowtow and admit your mistake now, and I can let you go." It's more than lip service, isn't it just a few harsh words, Liang Ping'an is not afraid of him.

"Boy, you are so brave!" Leng Tianning gritted his teeth, since he was a child, who would dare to speak to him like that?

Liang Ping'an snorted, out of disdain for him.

Leng Tianning was overwhelmed with anger, since he was a child, he has been the pride of heaven, he has always been held in the palm of his hand, he has never been treated like this before.

"Boy, I hope you don't regret it when the time comes." Leng Tianning was ruthless, this kid must be dealt with.

Liang Ping'an had already noticed Leng Tianning's roiling killing intent, so naturally he would not be polite, and gave him a cold look, which was also full of murderous intent.

Brat, you provoke me again and again, do you really think I dare not do anything to you?
After hearing Gu Tong's words, Li Qiushi looked at Liang Ping'an.

Of course Liang Pingan understood what he meant, and apologized: "That can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause." Sooner or later, you will know, there is no need to lie.

Gu Tong was puzzled, "What's going on?"

Li Qiushi smiled wryly, "The things belong to him." Since Liang Ping'an said that he could treat the symptoms but not the root cause, it would be useless for Gu Tong to improve the properties of the medicine.

Leng Tianning couldn't help but said: "Didn't someone say that this incident can be solved? Then curing those patients is also part of the solution." He was deliberately setting Liang Pingan a trap. I don't believe that even Li Qiushi can't solve the problem. Liang Ping'an can do it.

"I said, if you kowtow to admit your mistake now, I can let you go." Liang Pingan walked to Li Qiushi, "I'll try." Now that he has cultivated a star in the Starry Sky Dayan Jue, he can already suck out those dead bodies. angry.

Li Qiushi grabbed his hand excitedly, "You can really do it?" Could it be that his healing ability has really upgraded?

"How do you know if you don't try?" Liang Ping'an smiled.

Li Qiushi hurriedly said: "Let's go, let's go, this is the end." Several people couldn't stand it today.

A group of people went out again, Leng Tianning sarcastically said: "Bluffer!" But he also followed.

Thirty patients were lying in the big tent, all surrounded by black air. In just three days, they were almost dying.

"This is a group of people who entered three days ago, and they can't stand it any longer." Li Qiushi's voice was a bit sad, "These are all special soldiers trained by the country, Comrade Liang Ping'an, if you can save them, the country will benefit from it." To say it is a great achievement, and I will definitely ask for credit from the organization." The black energy had eroded their internal organs, and Li Qiushi could see it, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Liang Ping'an's expression was a little dignified. The dead air of these people might have invaded their brains. "I'll try first."

"Boy, if you admit defeat early, there is still time." Leng Tianning was still sneering.

Gu Tong's face was tense, "Don't disturb him." But he said it to Leng Tianning.

Leng Tianning was a little annoyed, but he didn't dare to be rude to Gu Tong.No one dares to offend a person with supernatural powers that can increase the effect of medicine, because no one knows if they will be used in an accident someday.This is also the reason why Li Qiushi and Gu Tong are relatively detached.

Gu Tong's words reminded Liang Ping'an, he glanced at Li Qiushi, "I need an absolutely quiet environment." When he said this, he took a special look at Leng Tianning.

Li Qiushi immediately understood that at the critical moment of saving lives, it is natural that no one should disturb him.

"Okay, everyone go out first, it's too late today, it's not suitable to enter the cave, I'll let someone notify you early tomorrow morning." But they drove everyone away.

"Boy, you'd better really save them." Before leaving, Leng Tianning still didn't forget the threat of gnashing his teeth.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!"

Liang Ping'an was very satisfied with the effect, and didn't want his secret to be exposed, so he looked at Li Qiushi and Gu Tong apologetically.

"Can't we too?" Gu Tong's soft Jiangnan accent was pleading.Such a beauty is hard to refuse.

Liang Ping'an said cruelly, "I'm sorry." It would be troublesome if someone found out that he was guilty of the crime.

Li Qiushi was also very regretful, but he promised: "There is no surveillance here, and I will be guarded outside. If you need anything, just call me, and I will be outside." As a leader, Li Qiushi is very responsible.

Liang Pingan nodded, and he put his hand on a soldier after everyone left.The Starry Sky Dayan Jue was running slowly, and the dead energy from the man poured into Liang Ping'an's body visible to the naked eye, and then transformed into energy and absorbed by him.

After absorbing all the dead energy from a person, that person's complexion returned to normal, but it was also pale and pale. The person hadn't woken up yet, and their bodies were so depleted that they might not be able to recover in a short time.

Liang Pingan wanted to give him a drop of primary body refining liquid, but there was not much in total, and it was not difficult to ensure that everyone had it, so it was easy for Li Qiushi and others to find out the clues, and they didn't dare to mess around immediately.

As the dead energy from everyone was sucked away, the star in Liang Ping'an's dantian became brighter and brighter, and the speed of rotation became faster and faster. Gradually, Liang Pingan didn't need to deliberately, there was death energy pouring into him around him body of.

When it was dark, Liang Ping'an suddenly opened his eyes, and the deep light in his eyes seemed to swallow people up.

The effect of this practice is good, the stars in the dantian have a faint sense of saturation, and the second star should be cultivated soon.

When Liang Pingan walked out of the tent, Li Qiushi was still guarding outside.

"Thank you, how are you?" Although Li Qiushi didn't talk much, he obviously knew how to behave.A glass of water was brought up immediately, "Your vegetable juice is very nourishing."

Liang Pingan smiled, "Thank you." Accepting Li Qiushi's kindness, he pointed to the tent, "It's all done, but their bodies are eroded badly, and I'm afraid it will take a while to recuperate." He paused, "If Yes, I suggest using this kind of food tonic." He raised his cup with a very clear meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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