space farmer

Chapter 102 Chapter 106

Chapter 102 Chapter 106
"Why did you drive Tang and Song Ci away?" Liang Ping'an frowned while walking on the road in DN County.

Thinking of the appearance before Tang and Song Ci, Liang Ping'an had a headache.

It was misunderstood again, how can I explain it later.

"Your matter has been answered." Feng Xiaobai looked serious, "Things are more troublesome than I imagined, Liang Pingan, did you offend someone?" This is why Feng Xiaobai didn't really care about Liang Pingan The reason is that things are more complicated than she imagined.

Liang Ping'an didn't think that Yang Dawei or Li Dafu could participate in the important matter of life and death. The mother's matter was too weird, so he wouldn't talk about it, so he shook his head immediately.

"I'm just a student, and my family lives in the countryside. How could I offend people?" He retreated.

Feng Xiaobai nodded. In fact, she already knew the basic information of Liang Ping'an last night. "We checked those four gangsters, but they were just gangsters from DN County, who took money to do things, and the driver who caused the accident was also in the same situation. We followed the clues and only found two insignificant people." I thought it was just a simple case. I thought it had become complicated.

Liang Pingan frowned, "This is the energy of the organization you mentioned? If you have only such a little ability, then I really have to seriously consider whether to join." Sure enough, it was just as he guessed, and it might have something to do with his mother.

Feng Xiaobai's eyes widened, "Hey, don't play aggressive games with me, I won't take that." She paused, "I'm not high enough to mobilize resources to investigate this matter, but you can Ah, you can upgrade after completing tasks for the organization, and no matter who wants to harm you, you must think about the consequences." After all, they are behind the country.

Liang Ping'an snorted, "You're already level three and haven't found out yet, and I haven't formally joined the organization yet." Go ahead and lie.

Feng Xiaobai: "..." She was speechless.

"I received a temporary task to go out, and the organization will send people to inspect you, Comrade Liang Ping'an, don't be discouraged, the organization is very strong, but my rank is too low."

Liang Ping'an thought these words were very familiar, "The space is very powerful, but master, you are not high enough..." It really beeped the same dog.

After seeing off Feng Xiaobai, Liang Ping'an was not discouraged.It's better to go away, don't worry about the assassination next time, the system still has energy to heal him.From this point of view, in the eyes of uninformed people, he really has the superpower of "healing department".

Finding a remote place, he picked up a basket of vegetables from the space, and Liang Ping'an called Chang Xiaoxing.

"Brother Ping An, do you miss Xiaoxing? I know my charm is infinite..." Before I finished speaking, a furious voice sounded from the other side, "Chang Xiaoxing, I asked you to do exercises, and you secretly Call, bring the phone, I confiscated it." Then a cold voice sounded, "Hello, I am Chang Xiaoxing's sister, she is about to take the college entrance examination, and she is very busy now, no matter who you are, I hope you Don't disturb her college entrance examination." In a completely businesslike tone.

Even across the phone, Liang Ping'an felt embarrassed.

"Sister, it's me." He paused, "It's like this, I want to thank you for what happened yesterday, I took some vegetables from my house, and I called Chang Xiaoxing because I didn't have my sister's number."

"It's my junior." Chang Yue hesitated before saying, "There's nothing wrong with it, so why not be polite." The vegetables from Liang's family are too expensive, if they were ordinary, she would accept them.

"Sister, don't say that. I'm really grateful for yesterday's situation." Liang Ping'an tried his best to persuade, "It's not something expensive, just a little home-grown vegetables."

Chang Yue thinks about it too, this thing is precious to them, and Liang Ping'an is probably used to it. "Then thank you, junior." She paused, "Well, you can send it to Hongbin Building. I'll ask the manager over there to receive it. I'm sorry I can't go there now." Subconsciously, she didn't want the boy find home.

Send it to Hongbin Building?Liang Pingan had exactly this intention.

"Okay, I'll send it over right away." Liang Pingan sent a basket of obviously large-sized vegetables to Hongbin Building.

The manager of Hongbin Building is a middle-aged man in his 40s, surnamed Liu, who received him warmly.

"It's Mr. Liang, Missy has already called." After some polite greetings, Manager Liu insisted on keeping Liang Ping'an for dinner, but Liang Ping'an had just eaten and naturally he would not stay. The two exchanged phone numbers with each other. before leaving.

Manager Liu looked at the basket of green vegetables, and frowned slightly, "Could it be genetically modified?" The cabbage was too big, a cabbage probably weighed about twenty catties, and the basket of vegetables cost hundreds of catties. The kid can move.

"Manager Manager, there is a customer ordering, but our Chinese cabbage hasn't arrived yet." A waiter ran over and glanced at the oversized Chinese cabbage, "Manager, this cabbage has arrived, so I'll take it away first." It's gone." The waiter was young, so he couldn't help but run away with the cabbage in his arms.

Manager Liu opened his mouth, "Well, don't use it all up, just break off a few leaves." Then he called to urge the food delivery person to deliver the food quickly, and forgot about it.

In the kitchen, the chef was stunned when he saw the oversized Chinese cabbage. He tore off a leaf and tasted it, and his eyes lit up.

"I'll make the Chinese cabbage today." With such ingredients, his craftsmanship will definitely be improved to a higher level.

It's not a meal time, there are not too many people, and some idle chefs come to join in the fun. "The chef is going to be in charge today, why is cabbage so magical?"

"Hey, this cabbage tastes really good. You can smell the fragrance when you tear it apart. It's the first time I've encountered it for so many years as a chef."

"Not to mention, the special vegetables that cost tens of dollars a catty in the supermarket don't have this taste, do they?"

The big guys were talking all over the place, and the whole kitchen was buzzing.Those who can work as chefs in the largest Hongbin building in DN County are not bad in craftsmanship, and the kitchen is boiling for a while.

Today is Chang Xingguo entertaining newcomers in his own restaurant. They are young, so it is rare to meet them here.

A plate of vinegared Chinese cabbage was served. It was an ordinary dish, but it made people swallow unconsciously.

Tang Gu has a face with Chinese characters, and wears glasses in a gentle manner. He doesn't look like a leader, but more like a scholar.

"Old Chang, this restaurant of yours is really good, and a small dish of vinegared cabbage looks so good." There was only each other at the table, and he was not polite. He picked up his chopsticks, took a bite, and was stunned. .

Chang Xingguo was taken aback, "What's wrong?" Is it bad taste?

He frowned slightly. If he had known earlier, he would have asked the chef to cook in person. In order to keep a low profile, he didn't even ask Manager Liu, for fear that the chef would be negligent.

Tang Gu felt that it was the first time in forty years that he had eaten such a delicacy. He tried his best to control the speed, but he still ate one chopstick after another.

This cabbage tastes so good.

(End of this chapter)

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