Chapter 96 Timid as a Mouse
Leo didn't know how powerful Bullseye was.

But according to the general setting of Marvel, it is generally difficult for ordinary people to threaten him with a gun for any ruthless character with a name.

That's why Li Ao didn't let Hong Quan and others go up to the fourth floor.

Otherwise, when Li Ao goes up to catch Bullseye alive, Hong Quan and others will make Li Ao restrained.

Although Li Ao gave the order to kill Hongquan and others, it was based on the fact that Bullseye escaped from the fourth floor.

Now Leo doesn't know the purpose of Bullseye's coming to Er Technology Company, and he doesn't know whether he was instructed by Jin Bin.

Therefore, in order to know more information, Leo's first reaction was of course to catch Bullseye alive.

However, it is best to capture it alive. In fact, if Bullseye is killed, Leo really doesn't care...

Since Leo didn't know the combat power of Bullseye, he naturally had to show his strongest combat state.

And the new battle armor has not been manufactured yet, and even the energy source has not had time to be updated.

So Leo's strongest equipment right now is the "Light Power Suit".

The mechanical force surged all over the body, and the light power suit was automatically put on.

Li Ao moved his hands and feet, got used to it a little, and regained his feeling.

With everything ready, Leo walked out of the laboratory and said:
"Steam, when I get to the third floor, you first use a defensive weapon to give Bullseye a set. When shooting, aim at the point, don't hold your hand, it's bad luck for him if you kill him!"

"Buzz! Alright, master, Stim understands!"

Stim's voice was a little excited. This was the first time that the Ayr Building's automatic defense system was actually operated after it was installed.

However, an artificial intelligence with a childlike personality, when it heard about the killing, its first reaction was excitement, and it seemed that it was undoubtedly a violent maniac.


Companies in the United States generally do not turn off their lights at night, and ElTech is no exception.

Although the corridor lights on the fourth floor were a bit dimmer than those near the operation workshop on the second floor, it was still effortless to see everything in front of me clearly.

Bullseye is now leaning against the wall, huddled in the corner of the entrance of the technical department, and looking at the internal environment of Eltech.

The decoration design of the building is so-so, just the general style of the public decoration team, and there is no professional design that meets the characteristics of science and technology.

Moreover, along the way of Bullseye, different areas, walls and floors have different decoration styles.

It seems that when the company was renovating, it hired more than one engineering team to start construction at the same time.

The only thing with the same decoration style is the ceiling above the head, which should have been uniformly renovated later.

But which irresponsible decoration team contracted the renovated ceiling?How could there be a dark and deep hole? !

Wait, there are holes in the ceiling?Didn't you have it when you watched it just now? !

Bullseye suddenly noticed the abnormality. Years of caution and innate vigilance made him immediately realize that something was wrong.

He didn't even look at it anymore, and without hesitation, he immediately jumped out of his original position.

clap clap clap!
The gunfire sounded suddenly and fiercely, and the bullets poured into the place where the bullseye was originally standing, and dense bullet holes appeared on the wall.

Bullseye, who dodged away, had no time to rejoice, and the aching brow told him that he was not out of danger yet.

The footlines didn't stop, and Bullseye ran decisively, speeding up, speeding up, speeding up again!
The bullets chased his footsteps, shattering the floor and sending up clouds of dust.

Li Ao, who had just arrived on the fourth floor, saw such a short scene.

Then Bullseye shattered the glass on the fourth floor and rushed out...

Leo hurried to the window closest to him, only to see a floating rope and a figure flashing past the corner of the street.

Looking at the direction Bullseye was escaping from, it turned out that he had entered the complex terrain of Hell's Kitchen.


Leo gasped in shock,
"Does this bullseye belong to a mouse or a Maxima? It's as timid as a mouse, as fast as a galloping horse, so terrifying!"

Leo couldn't help feeling a little regretful, if Steam hadn't been allowed to shoot so viciously in advance, Bullseye probably wouldn't have been scared away.

If he was alone, Leo felt that Bullseye should still dare to rush over and do a few tricks with him.

Although Leo wasn't sure if he could subdue him alone, at least he could entangle Bullseye so that Bullseye couldn't get away. He just had to wait for Bucky, who had already received the news, to rush over.

But who would have expected that when the bullseye is targeted, the first reaction is not to find a place to avoid bullets, but to rush out of the building directly!

Leo misjudged Bullseye's cowardly character, which allowed Bullseye to escape from the El building.

But Leo wasn't going to let him go so easily, he stretched out his hand to open the window, and jumped down too.

Just now Leo estimated that although Bullseye runs fast, Leo himself will only be faster than Bullseye when he is running at full speed.

Go after it immediately, there is still hope to catch up.

Metal fingers scraped against the wall with a harsh sound, Leo rolled over before landing, stood up unscathed, and chased after Bullseye like a flying horse.


On the streets of Hell's Kitchen in the middle of the night, there was no one there.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed by, and a bald head turned out of the dark alley and ran along the main road.

A few seconds later, a figure covered in metal chased out from the alley, reflecting more light than the former.

The two fled and chased, shining brightly, and the distance gradually narrowed.

The one who runs away is Bullseye, and the one who chases is naturally Leo.

After Bullseye escaped from the Eyre Building, he turned into the neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen.

But the task that Jin Bing entrusted to him has not yet been completed. He has received a large amount of money, and he does not lack the basic professionalism.

So, he didn't turn around and leave immediately, but also wanted to observe the situation in the Er Building.

But when Bullseye saw a figure in a strange metal coat, followed him and jumped off the El building, and then chased after his hiding place, Bullseye panicked again.

He took out the concealed steel spike weapons carried inside his belt, and with his fingers flying, he shot the concealed steel spike weapons at Li Ao one by one.

Steel nails are extremely fast, and compared to bullets, their lethality is not inferior.

But these steel nails didn't have the effect Bullseye expected. Some of them were dodged by Leo, and some hit Leo's body, but were blocked by the light power suit.

Leo's speed was also slowed down a bit when he was dodging the steel nails, and when Bullseye finished shooting the nails, Leo's speed suddenly increased again.

Seeing that the hidden weapon skills he relied on for a living turned out to be useless, Bullseye's eyebrows ached again, scaring him so much that he forgot about his dedication to work, and hurriedly ran away again.

Thus, there is the scene of the chase on the street.

Li Ao was faster than Bullseye, and gradually got closer and closer to Bullseye. At this time, there were only four or five meters left.

Bullseye spotted Li Ao who was not far behind him from the corner of his eye. He was so frightened that he tried his best to feed the baby, and his speed was even faster, keeping the same level as Leo.

After chasing for more than ten seconds, Li Ao saw that the distance between himself and the bullseye hadn't narrowed a bit, and he had a flash of inspiration, thinking about it.

He kept his feet on the ground, raised his left hand, and Frostweak aimed at the bullseye in front of him.

The Frost Stone is getting brighter and brighter under the power of the high-compression battery pack, as white as ice, and a slow line of ice is about to shoot out.

As long as the shot hits Bullseye, the speed of Bullseye will definitely be affected, and then Leo can take the opportunity to catch up with him immediately!

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(End of this chapter)

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