The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 92 Peter's Spring

Chapter 92 Peter's Spring

Mage Octavius's title sounded very sentimental, but Mage Erwin's title sounded just as good.

Leo's bold idea was, when he was free in the future, why didn't he go to Nepal or the Himalayas to try to learn spells? !
Of course, spells can also be learned in the New York Mage Temple, but Leo doesn't know where this temple is...

Li Ao didn't know if he had a relationship with the mage himself.

It is also unclear whether he has the talent to become a mage.

It is even more unclear whether his mechanic system can help him learn spells quickly.

But becoming a mage is always worth a try.

Not only because in Marvel, the mage's tricks are so cool.

What's more, the ancient one has a time gem that makes Li Ao jealous.

If Leo's talent can be as high as Stephen Strange's, maybe Ancient One will pass on the Eye of Agamotto to him!
In this way, he can get the first infinite gem without any effort!

Leo's desire to collect infinite gems is not a sudden rise.

In fact, he had the idea of ​​collecting all the infinite gems a long time ago, as early as when he first came to this world, as early as when he found a way to return to the original world.

The six infinity gems in the Marvel world, once collected, will have infinite power.

Li Ao felt that starting from this direction, he would definitely be able to return to his original world.

But these are all things for later, Leo has no time at all now, and he doesn't have the guts to go to the old lair of those mages.

Therefore, he wanted Otto to go to Nepal to try his luck first, and inquire about information by the way.

If Otto could get away with being a mage, or even a higher status.

Then relying on Leo's kindness to Otto, I believe Otto will not refuse to guide Leo to become a mage.

However, these are the most ideal situations imagined by Leo, but the actual implementation requires luck, and it is absolutely difficult.

Just like now, when Otto heard Leo's suggestion, he obviously didn't believe it.

"Mr. Erwin, thank you for your generous help and thoughtful advice. I will definitely go to Nepal to try my luck in the future."

But Leo saw it, and Otto was just talking.

Otto actually believed in himself, and even more in illusory luck and legends.

So, God knows whether he will go to Nepal or not.

But Li Ao didn't force it, if he could become a mage in the end, it would be just icing on the cake.

His main focus will still be on the profession of a mechanic.

After solving Otto's matter again, the outsider Bucky felt that this trip to Otto's laboratory was finally coming to an end.

He was extremely bored here, implicitly implying that Leo should leave quickly.

Although Li Ao was a little disappointed that he failed to recruit Ao.

But now that Otto's body is in such a bad state, in fact, it doesn't make much sense whether he can be recruited or not.

Besides, Peter has agreed to become an employee of El Technology, which has met Leo's earlier expectations.

Leo thought that he had a very good relationship with Peter now.

As long as he finds a suitable opportunity, he should be able to easily obtain the spider silk launcher that he planned earlier from Peter.

Leo reviewed his trip to Otto's laboratory, and found that he gained a lot, but paid little.

Li Ao didn't appreciate the mere wealth of several million dollars.

He even felt that he could earn more from the mechanical prosthetic project in the future.

Therefore, for Li Ao, this visit to the laboratory was a complete success.

It's really getting late now, Leo has to go back to the company to prepare things.

So Leo said:
"Dr. Octavius, let's settle everything first, and see you tomorrow afternoon at Eltech.

Also, good luck finding a cure soon, God bless you! "

Leo thought for a while, then said to Peter,
"Peter, why don't you go back to the company with me and Bucky now.

In the future, you will also be a member of the company's senior management. It is best to participate in the company dinner at night. It is very important to have a good relationship with your colleagues. "

Peter could no longer refuse Leo's invitation, so he could only follow.

As he was leaving, he said to Otto:

"Dr. Octavius, I am leaving now, thank you very much for your care and teaching over the years.

Also, you must take care of your health, I will come back to see you often in the future. "

Otto laughed dumbfounded and explained:

"Peter, it's not that I'm too sick to walk, you don't have to worry too much, the most important thing is to concentrate on your own business.

Moreover, my disease is very special. The doctor said that within two or three years, my body can still hold on, and the problem is not serious. "

Although two or three years is not short, it is really not long.

Otto said lightly, but no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.


At 8 o'clock in the evening, at the entrance of a high-end hotel, a group of people from El Technology Company had finished their meal and were saying goodbye to each other.

This dinner was of a very high standard, and the lowest ranks of the participants were all deputy directors of El Technology Company.

Therefore, the total number of participants can actually be counted on one hand.

Chairman Leo; Head of Security Department, Bucky; Head of Logistics Department and Finance Department, old Tom who has been with Leo the longest; Legal Department and Head of Personnel Department Fudge Nelson, Special Legal Counsel Mark; Deputy Head of Technology Department Gao Wen; Heather, who has been promoted to the head of the sales department at today's dinner; and Peter, who has just officially joined Eltech.

These few people are the current pillars of El Technology.

However, the composition of the company's personnel is temporarily a bit ups and downs, and Li Ao still needs to actively introduce talents.

Today is the celebration party, and with a wave of his hand, Li Ao chose a high-end hotel. Delicious food, cinnamon wine and pepper paste are naturally indispensable.

For a meal, several people spent a total of three thousand dollars.

This made old Tom, who had been reduced to a miser, talk about it for a long time.

Old Tom hasn't had a drink for a long time, and he drank the most today, but the wine smells the worst, and now Bucky has picked him up in the car.

Seeing that Old Tom smelled of alcohol and was drunk, Bucky was afraid that he would vomit in the car, so he stuffed him into the trunk.

Gao Wen lived far away, so he also left to catch the bus.

Mark and Heather, now an open couple, took a sweet stroll away.

When she left, Heather jumped up and down happily, obviously happy about her promotion.

Seeing that his good friend left him like this, Fudge pouted, spread his hands, and went to the side of the road to move the car by himself, preparing to leave with Leo and the others.

At the entrance of the hotel, only Leo and Peter were left.

"Peter, you are welcome to join ElTech, and you can come to work tomorrow.

Peter readily agreed.

At this time, a car suddenly stopped next to the two of them, the door opened, and a young and beautiful girl got out of the car.

It turned out that Mary Jane had come to fetch Peter.

It's summer now, and the weather in New York is already starting to heat up.

Mary Jane wore a long white dress and high heels on her feet. She was beautifully dressed. She stood in front of Peter and greeted Leo warmly.

Peter looked at Mary Jane, who was like a fairy, and his face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

Leo felt that he couldn't be a high-power light bulb here, which would not only delay the beautiful scenery of Peter and Mary Jane, but also feed himself.

He was already full from the meal just now, and he was about to throw up if he ate any more!
So, Leo hurriedly said goodbye:
"Peter, I'll go first, see you tomorrow."

After walking two steps, Leo said playfully without looking back,

"Peter, I drank a lot today, you must pay attention to your body at night."

Then, Li Ao, who was afraid of being beaten, quickly left.

Peter and Mary Jane were young and thin-skinned, and they all turned red-faced.

Fortunately, no one else saw it, and the two even thought each other's red face was cuter.

"MJ, where are we going now?"

"Of course I'm going to my house, why don't you still go to your pig's nest!"

Although it is summer now, Peter feels that he has ushered in a sunny spring!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a collection, ask for everything.Thanks to every reader for reading, and thanks to the friends who vote every day for their support.


(End of this chapter)

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