Chapter 86

Apart from caring about the safety of his relatives and friends, Peter has almost no selfishness.

Moreover, because Peter didn't know that the intracranial nerve signal sensing technology has a fatal flaw.

Therefore, in his opinion, the neural arm project can actually make money.

Therefore, Peter couldn't understand why Mr. Erwin, who has always been very generous, was unwilling to invest in the neural arm project.

So Peter asked suspiciously:


"This project has no commercial value, really, Peter, I kid you not.

I'm not a philanthropist, I'm a businessman, I have a big company to take care of, everyone in the company has to eat, there are expenses everywhere.

So, I can't do this loss-making business.

Also, Peter, I don't recommend that you continue to spend your precious time and energy on this project, which is really difficult to succeed. "

Naturally, such a subjective reason could not convince Peter.

He has put in a lot of effort for this project, and to persuade him to give up this project, Leo needs to come up with more solid evidence.

Of course Leo knew this too, so he patiently explained:

"When I said that this project has no commercial value, I didn't mean nothing.

The motives for this project are good and correct, and the project goals envisaged are quite amazing.

But because the project goal is too amazing, this project has two fatal shortcomings, both of which are reducing the commercial value of the project. "

Peter's attention was attracted by Leo's words, and even Otto unconsciously raised his ears, obviously wanting to hear what Leo had to say.

"The first shortcoming, so far, is that no suitable energy source has been designed for neural arms.

According to Dr. Octavius's original project goals, the neural arm needs to be able to perform very complex movements quickly and precisely.

This requires that there must be a strong enough energy source to support the nerve arm to complete these actions.

But right now, I can't think of any cheap portable power that fits the bill.

It is impossible for us to equip each neural arm with a miniature nuclear reactor, so the cost of each neural arm will be very expensive, and it cannot be mass-produced at all, and few people can afford it.

And products that cannot be mass-produced have no commercial value at all for me! "

Both Peter and Otto nodded subconsciously, thinking that what Leo said made sense.

"The second shortcoming is even more fatal."

Leo walked to the workbench, picked up the sensor helmet, and said,
"There is a problem with this helmet. There is a big problem. If ordinary people use this helmet for a long time, their personality will change drastically, or they will suffer from amnesia and dementia!"

This time, Peter and Otto disagreed with Leo's point of view.

Especially Otto, he felt that Leo was questioning his research results, and said slightly angrily:

"Mr. Erwin, the correctness of what you said is open to question, and you're even talking nonsense.

I have done many experimental tests with this helmet, how can I not feel anything unusual? "

"Is there really nothing unusual?"

Leo put the sensor helmet in his hand back on the workbench, and said quietly,
"You might as well think about it carefully, are you more prone to losing control of your emotions now than before? Are you prone to anger, resentment, and even want to fight and kill?

In fact, your character has already begun to be sensed by the helmet...

To be precise, it is affected by the intracranial nerve signal sensing technology you invented. "

"That's because I've been through a lot of trouble lately, and it's all because of that bastard Norman Osborn."

Otto did realize that he was prone to losing control of his emotions recently, but he didn't think it was caused by the sensor helmet.

"Just thinking about that bastard reminds me of all the injustices and grievances I have suffered in the past and now, and I get angry easily.

This has nothing to do with sensory helmets. "

Peter was obviously more inclined to believe what Otto said, and interjected:

"Mr. Erwin, your reason just now is too far-fetched.

Based on your subjective guess, not only Dr. Octavius, but even I cannot be convinced by your statement.

How on earth did you find out that the sensor helmet was so flawed?Do you have any objective evidence? "

Facing the simultaneous doubts of Otto and Peter, Leo did not panic and remained calm.

"Peter, have you never used this intracranial neural signal sensing helmet?"

Leo asked Peter suddenly, then picked up the helmet and handed it to Peter, saying,
"Then you might as well put it on your head and experience it yourself. Once you experience it, you should understand why I came to the conclusion that there is something wrong with the sensor helmet."

For various reasons, Peter did not personally use the sensor helmet, and Otto himself carried the helmet for every test.

Li Ao knew from the notes on the blueprint of the sensing helmet that the stronger the mental power, the easier it is to find the fatal problem of the sensing helmet.

Naturally, Peter's mental strength will not be weak, at least he will have a mental resistance specialty above the elementary level.

Therefore, Leo felt that if Peter used the sensor helmet himself, he should be able to feel something wrong from the sensor helmet.

seeing is believing.

As long as Peter himself discovers this, I believe he will naturally agree with Leo's statement.

Peter dubiously put the sensor helmet on his head, and then experienced a wonderful feeling like "water and milk blending together".

Peter experienced this feeling for the first time, so immersed in the wonderful feeling that he couldn't even speak.

At the same time, under his command, the neural arm quickly performed various movements with incredible precision.

Moreover, after a full 5 minutes, there was no distortion in the movements, obviously the transmission of nerve signals was still very stable.

After another minute or so, suddenly, Peter slammed the button next to his neck, and the sensor helmet automatically fell off and hung on Peter's neck.


Peter didn't know what he had experienced, he bent over and panted heavily, and even retched twice.

Otto quickly supported Peter, patted Peter's back lightly, tried to make Peter more comfortable, and asked with concern:
"Peter, are you all right? What happened?"


There's a real problem with this sensing helmet. "

Peter took the helmet off his neck and threw it on the workbench, his face full of disbelief,

"When I first put it on, I felt normal, even better than usual.

But after a while, all kinds of bold ideas came to my mind that I wouldn't normally have.

It's like, like it's trying to control my mind.

Mr. Irwin is right that this 'intracranial nerve signal transmission technology' really has a fatal problem. "

Otto could doubt Leo, but he would not doubt Peter who had been his assistant for so long.

Otto knew perfectly well what Peter was, and he would never lie.

However, Otto did not feel any emotional abnormalities in the process of using the sensor helmet.

So Otto asked in surprise:

"Really? But, I really don't feel anything when I put on the helmet?! Why did such a strange thing happen?!"

No one at the scene understood why better than Leo.

Because with the help of the system, Li Ao has long been familiar with the working principle of "intracranial nerve signal sensing technology", even better than Otto, the inventor of this technology.

However, Leo couldn't explain all the technical principles to Otto and Peter.

Because according to common sense, Leo shouldn't know so many theoretical details about sensing technology at all.Talking too much will expose Leo's biggest secret.

So, Leo could only simply say:

"That's because your mental power level is too weak, and you can't feel the subtle cognitive disturbances at the mental level.

Peter and I have relatively strong mental strength, so we can feel a slight distortion in our mental cognition before and after wearing the helmet. "

"Mr. Erwin, you said spiritual power?! Are you serious? We are not writing novels, where does such a thing as spiritual power come from!
You say you are young, strong and full of energy, I can understand better than I can stay up late!
But can things like spirit really be so different that they can be divided into levels? "

(End of this chapter)

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