The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 82 Intracranial Nerve Signal Sensing Technology

Chapter 82 Intracranial Nerve Signal Sensing Technology

In the laboratory, Otto raised the helmet full of threads with both hands and put it on his head.

Before launching the whole set, Otto explained:
"This intracranial nerve signal sensing helmet is composed of a signal collector and a signal processing chip. According to my research, this technology should be very complete in theory.

But for some reason, in the actual operation process, after the nerve signal is transmitted stably for a while, it will always be blocked by unknown obstacles, and the desired action will be deformed or even fail directly. "

After speaking, Otto started the whole set of equipment with a serious face.

Next, something magical happened.

The robotic arm on the workbench began to move flexibly. It quickly completed rock-paper-scissors three times, and then danced a finger dance.

After dancing the finger dance for about 1 minute, Otto suddenly shouted:

"Look carefully, I feel that the transmission of nerve signals has begun to become unstable."

As soon as the voice fell, when the mechanical arm danced with fingers, its movements began to deform.

Finger dance requires more complex signal processing, and after a while, the movement is simply impossible to complete.

Otto simply ended the finger dance, and controlled the robotic arm to grab a mug on the workbench.

But the robotic arm, which was originally very flexible, was struggling to even hold a mug.

The robotic arm holding the handle of the mug began to tremble, and the trembling became stronger and stronger.

With a crisp snap, the mug with the New York University logo slipped from the fingers of the robotic arm, fell to the ground, and shattered into pieces.

At this moment, Otto showed a disappointed look on his face, and then raised his hand to press a button next to his neck.

But the first time I pressed it, I missed it, and the second time I pressed it.

As soon as the button is pressed, the helmet comes off automatically.

Otto staggered two steps forward, and was skillfully supported by Peter standing beside him.

"Peter, I'm fine, I'm fine!"

After only a moment, Otto returned to normal, shaking his head regretfully,

"Sure enough, the experiment failed again."

"Dr. Octavius, the moment you took off your helmet just now, why did you suddenly lose your balance?
Does this helmet consume a lot of mental or physical energy when used? "

Leo was keenly observant and noticed Otto's abnormality just now.

"That's another problem that I can't understand."

Otto rubbed his forehead, a little irritable,

"Wearing a helmet is not very mentally draining, let alone physically draining.

When I wear the helmet all the time, I feel everything is normal, and after taking it off for a while, I feel very good too.

Only at the moment when I take it off, I will be in a trance.

But I don't understand why this is, and I don't know how to solve it for the time being. These need time to continue research, but my experiment has been suspended for more than a week..."

Otto scratched his bald forehead irritably, as if remembering the previous troubles, he stomped his feet fiercely.

"Relax, Dr. Octavius, relax!"

Peter was at the side urging Otto,

"Mr. Erwin is here, he can provide us with funds, and our research project can definitely continue."

Peter is not only persuading Otto, but also implicitly reminding Otto to pay attention to his own image, so as not to arouse Leo's disgust.

Only then did Otto come to his senses, and smiled awkwardly at Leo.

Leo didn't mind Otto's crazy look just now, because there is a good saying, if you are not crazy, you can't survive.

Li Ao is more concerned about the intracranial nerve signal sensing system.

He remembered that he had seen many versions of Doctor Octopus in his previous life. Most of the reasons why Doctor Octopus became black were because he was controlled by tentacles.

According to the abnormal phenomenon that happened during Otto's demonstration just now, Leo felt that there must be something wrong with this neural signal transmission helmet, and it might really affect the user's brain function.

But Leo didn't believe that this signal transmission helmet would have its own thoughts, because it was really too difficult to give life to a machine.

Leo did not believe that Otto could do this.

Therefore, Li Ao wanted to analyze this helmet separately to see if the system could analyze the real reason.

However, the mechanic system is not smart enough. If Leo wants to analyze the helmet separately, he must separate the helmet at the physical level.

So Leo asked:
"Dr. Octavius, do you mind if I remove this mental signal transmission helmet and check it separately?"

"Don't mind, you can do whatever you want."

Although Otto didn't know what Leo was going to check, he didn't stop him.

The big deal is that the helmet was damaged by Leo, he just took some time to repair it.

He didn't control his emotions just now, for fear that he would leave a bad impression on Leo's heart, so of course he had to coax Leo at this time.

So, Leo pulled out the messy threads on the helmet, isolated the helmet, and then used the instruments on the workbench to pretend to test the helmet.

But secretly, Leo used the "Mechanical Force Analysis" and "Mechanical Force Insight" skills on the helmet at the same time.

In the special mechanical field of vision, there is a wonderful shimmering light in the helmet, as if the synapses are transmitting signals.

[Find the analyzable target "Intracranial Nerve Signal Sensing Helmet", do you want to start the analysis? 】

[Confirmed, start analysis. 】

Ten seconds later, Leo calculated the time it would take to successfully analyze the helmet.

45 minutes and 36 seconds!
The total time spent parsing the helmet accounted for more than half of the total time required to parse the entire neural arm.

It seems that this intracranial nerve signal sensing system is the core technology of the nerve arm.

Now Leo became even more curious about this technology.

So, with a cheeky face, he "checked" the helmet without saying a word for more than 40 minutes, until the system prompt of "analysis succeeded" popped up.

Otto is very familiar with the laboratory equipment, and he has long seen that Leo's so-called inspection is useless.

And Peter saw it too.

But the two didn't point it out, and let Li Ao mess around there, as long as the benefactor is happy.

Bucky, who was even more bored, even found a pack of playing cards from which corner of the laboratory, and played the poker game of his era with Otto and Peter.

Peter and Otto rejected Bucky at first, but when they saw that Leo was addicted to the test and couldn't help himself, and they didn't know how long it would take to end the useless test, they agreed to play with Bucky game.

Needless to say, the three of them had a great time.

When Leo finished analyzing the helmet, the voices of the three laughing or complaining filled the entire laboratory.

Li Ao curled his lips, regardless of the three people next to him who had become more playful, and quickly checked the system prompts.

[The analysis is successful, you have obtained the drawings "Intracranial Nerve Signal Transmission Helmet", "Intracranial Nerve Signal Processing Chip", "Intracranial Nerve Signal Acquisition Module", and you have obtained the knowledge "Intracranial Nerve Sensing Technology"]

[Intracranial nerve signal transmission helmet: a high-tech helmet researched and produced by Dr. Octavius, which can collect intracranial nerve signals and translate them into compilable electrical signals. The signal transmission time is less than one nanosecond, and the speed is extremely fast , but long-term use can cause cognitive disorders in the nervous system. 】

[Note 1: Long-term use of this technology will cause extremely strong negative effects. Various potential negative effects and possibilities are as follows:
Irritability - 100%
Feeling out of control - 60%
Epilepsy - 18.7%
Short-term memory loss - 20.4%
Long-term memory loss - 31.3%
Limb degeneration - 55.3%

[Note 2: Basic mental resistance expertise can offset 30% of negative effects; intermediate mental resistance expertise can offset 70% of negative effects; advanced and above mental resistance expertise is completely immune to all negative effects. 】

[Note 3: The stronger the mental power, the easier it is to find potential problems with the transmission helmet. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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