The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 630 I heard that you want to execute me?

Chapter 630 I heard that you want to execute me?

Hearing Quill's name, Egg stood up from the table abruptly.

Peter Quill?

This is exactly the name he secretly hinted to his wife for his son when he went back to earth to see his wife three times!

The old father remembered his plan, and burst into tears with excitement: "Peter, I am your father."

Although Yi Ge's words are suspected of cursing and taking advantage of others, Quill believed it.

Who made Egg have a face exactly like Quill's father now?That's what Quill thinks about day and night!

Quill put his hand into his bosom, took out the photo, and looked at it again against Yi Ge, completely believing Yi Ge's words in his heart.

He, Peter Quill, has finally found his father in the universe 14 years after losing his mother!

It turned out that his mother had never lied to him, his father really came from among the stars, and everyone originally regarded this fact as the mother's ramblings after suffering from a brain tumor.

However, although Quill misses his father very much, he also has endless complaints about his father in his heart. He blames why his father never returned to earth to see his mother during the 9 years when his mother was still alive! ?

Therefore, Quill, who was in an extremely excited mood, loudly asked the question in his heart.

"Son, it's not that I don't want to, but that I can't. Alas, you, mother and son, suffered in the end. The reason for all this has to start with my true identity..."

Egg's acting skills are amazing, and he never mentioned the matter of quietly returning to the earth three times, and found a half-truth and half-fake reason to fool Quill.

Yi Ge first revealed his identity as a god, and then introduced what great things he has done for so many years. Finally, he emphasized that if he does not return to the planet under his feet from time to time, both himself and the planet will wither and die.

This explanation also explained the reason why Yi Ge has never aged for more than 20 years, which surprised Quayle, and he believed it in his heart.

Seeing that there was something going on, Ego made persistent efforts, took advantage of the trend and sold it miserably, stirred up sensationalism, pulled Quill to the backyard, and showed Quill a statue he had condensed with his mind just a second ago—that was Quill. Er's mother.

As expected, Quill was overwhelmed by Egg's identity as a god, and was also moved by Egg's love for his mother. Otherwise, how could Egg build a statue for Quill's mother!

Ego lied a lot, every sentence pierced Quill's heart, so Quill, a fool, couldn't help himself, and completely fell into the deep love of his father.

Mantis Girl watched the father and son talking from a distance, and felt a little uncomfortable, but she listened to Igo very much, and she had a bad first impression of the scumbag Quill, so she chose not to say anything in the end.

Egg was very happy to see that Quill believed him, and was eager to check whether Quill had the god gene.

The inspection results came out, Egg succeeded!

After sowing countless seeds in the universe and working hard for tens of thousands of years, he finally succeeded in creating a new god!
After testing, the power of the gods in Quill's body is quite strong, fully meeting Ego's requirements.

Ego was in a very good mood, and happily played tossing ball with Quill. At this moment, he was really full of fatherly love and wanted to share everything with Quill!
Egg recalled his plan while tossing the ball. He was very excited and couldn't help himself. He didn't want to wait for a moment.

He finished playing around with Quill, asked Mantis to prepare lunch, then brought Quill to a glorious hall, and began to tell Quill about his grand plan.

In order to make it easier for Quill to understand his plan, Ego stretched out his right hand and gently tapped Quill's forehead, causing Quill to fall into a state of intoxication.
Egg has been preparing for this plan for too long, talking nonsense about what should be said and what should not be said.


Then Egg was shot by Quill!

Quill gritted his teeth and endured other evil things that rule the world. After all, he is not a good person. Mercenaries and predators are all creatures with the highest interests.

But Egg was so excited that he actually told the story of putting a brain tumor in Quill's mother.

How could Quill bear it! ?
An extremely irresponsible father whom he hadn't seen in decades turned out to be the murderer of Quill's mother—Quell's mentality collapsed!
But Yi Ge is the body of a god, and a few energy bombs can't kill him. Soon Yi Ge's damaged body recovered, and his heart was full of anger, and he shouted: "Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you hit me?" ? I am your father!"

Quill, who was in a broken state of mind, shouted with red eyes: "You killed my mother!"

"I worked so hard to find a form that suits you. Is that how you thank me?!" Yi Ge shouted while recovering his body.

Egg didn't understand Quill's psychology at all. In his opinion, the gods should be superior. How could he have such deep feelings for those mortals who can only be used as tools!

Quill was confused by Egg's words: he couldn't believe that the mother who gave birth to him and raised him was just a reproductive tool in his father's mind!Egg wasn't afraid of being his father at all!

Egg also felt that Quill was not worthy of being his son. After he found that Quill was not what he had imagined, he temporarily changed his plan. pierce.

"I wanted to take you to become a god in the universe, but since you are so ungrateful, just obediently be a 1000-year battery here!" Yi Ge shouted.

After finishing speaking, Ego raised his hand and took off an old Walkman from Quill's body. It was a gift from Quill's mother before her death, and it was Quill's most precious thing.

"No!" Quill yelled, but he couldn't stop him and could only watch as Egg crushed the Walkman.

Quill's heart was full of sadness and despair, and his fingers inadvertently touched a hard object on his waist, which was the emergency help device that Leo gave him.

Thinking of Leo's greatness and power, his confidence suddenly returned to Quill, and he suddenly burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Egg was puzzled, "Have you lost your mind? Hmph! Quill, I'm very disappointed in you. You really don't deserve to be my son, and you've blinded the power of the gods in your body for nothing.

When the power of the gods in your body is exhausted, I will look for creatures similar to your mother again, and then combine again to give birth to a new god. At that time, I will educate him or her the way of thinking and ideas of the gods from an early age, and cultivate them. Qualified god. "

"Hahaha!" Quill's smile was full of sarcasm, "Egg, I laugh at you, you have no future, and you are still sitting here daydreaming! Look, what is this?"

After finishing speaking, Quill raised the emergency help device that Leo gave him, and pressed it hard.

Egg's face was stunned, but after he saw the things in Quill's hand, he laughed and said, "So you still have accomplices!? Haha, but it doesn't make any sense. On Egg, I am a god and no one else If you can beat me, your accomplices are here, and I will arrest them and execute them in front of you, so that you can understand that the gods should not have such unnecessary mercy."

Quill didn't speak, he just looked at Egg quietly, as if he was looking at a dead thing.

A golden portal quietly opened behind Yi Ge, and a deep and strong voice came from it: "I heard that you want to execute me? Yi Ge, who gave you the courage!"

(End of this chapter)

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