Chapter 611
"Thanos, you are so stingy, don't blame me for being unkind!"

Li Ao muttered in a low voice, selected all the contacts on the black dwarf communicator, and then sent a picture, which was the picture of Thanos just tilting his head, his face full of confusion, and he looked like a silly couple.

There are many contacts in the Black Dwarf Communicator, ranging from Thanos and the Five Generals of Obsidian to the low-level captains of the Dark Order. Outside the Dark Order, there are also some well-known leaders of mercenary groups, leaders of predators, and individual civilizations. warlord leader.

The picture of Li Ao was sent, and those outsiders who didn't know the facts immediately thought about it, thinking that there was a conflict within the dark sect, and made up a series of plots in their brains.

For example, Black Dwarf, one of the five generals of Obsidian, was dissatisfied with Thanos' brutal rule, angrily broke away from the Dark Order, and sent out a picture that would make Thanos lose face in retaliation.

If you can't beat your body physically, why don't you allow yourself to disgust the enemy mentally?

It should be noted that certain knights on the public network forum of the Marvel universe have this kind of mentality. With a single "click", they can fight with others in a dark and dark manner.

There are many good people in the universe. After receiving these pictures from the black dwarf, some people anonymously posted pictures of Thanos' silly couple on the Internet.

People on the Internet are not afraid of anything, after all, they cannot be reached through the network cable, and entertainment is paramount.

In a very short period of time, they matched the picture of Thanos with all kinds of weird things, added their wicked cultural elements, and instantly swept the entire Internet of the universe.

Inside Thanos' battleship—Temple II, a director in charge of network monitoring bit the bullet and came to see Thanos.

It's true that people are sleeping in the ship, and the pot is coming from the sky. He wants to die at this moment.

He was originally on the bed creaking with his concubine, having fun, but suddenly the Internet exploded, and he almost withered when he received the news!

After weighing the pros and cons, the person in charge came to the conclusion that if he did not report now, he would definitely die. If he reported 80%, he would die. He could only bite the bullet and fight for the 20% chance of survival.

Fortunately, he won the fight.

After he told Thanos what happened on the network, Thanos just got angry and forgot about the lucky executive, so he could go back to find a girlfriend and have fun in time.

Thanos was furious sitting on the metal throne, and the metal handle was twisted by him.

He had already received the picture of the silly couple sent by Leo. After all, Leo sent it in groups.

When receiving the picture at that time, Thanos also laughed at Leo's behavior as too naive, and the attack was not so offensive. Leo's actions were completely disgusting, and they were the behavior of cowards and weak people.

But who would have thought that there are so many idiots on the Internet in the universe?This kind of naive behavior is so ridiculous that someone followed suit!Even on the hot search!

As strong as Thanos, he doesn't understand the mentality of countless netizens entertaining themselves to death!
As soon as Li Ao got involved in this way, Thanos's prestige accumulated with great difficulty completely plummeted, and the anger in his heart increased more than ten times.

In fact, Thanos couldn't figure out whether he was more angry with Leo or with netizens.

But there are tens of millions of netizens, it is difficult to find out, and Leo is only one person, Thanos naturally blamed all this anger on Leo.

"Come on, increase the bounty of that bastard tenfold!!! I want his whereabouts, immediately, now, I want to kill him with my own hands!" Thanos was already furious.

On Quill's side, Li Ao has been shocked as a heavenly man.

He looked at the 100 million UNIT bounty and the overwhelming spoof pictures about Thanos on the Internet. He was impressed by Leo's ability to make things happen, and quickly sent a stern expression.

Li Ao saw Quill's flattery, and also saw the bounty increased tenfold, and he was in a very good mood.

He thought, wait until he earns Thanos's 100 million Units, and then tell Thanos the truth, and then, he will definitely see a more pleasing scene.

100 million Units is not a small sum, and it can already buy a lot of firepower. The accuser Ronan took a fancy to the money, so he called Thanos.

"Ronan, what's the matter with you?" Thanos suppressed the anger in his heart, sat on the metal throne, not angry.

A few years ago, Ronan had a relationship with him in the form of half-reliance and half-alliance. Thanos needed to maintain his image in front of such dishonest subordinates.

But Ronan's eyes were sharp, and when he saw the handle of the metal throne turned into twists, he knew Thanos' psychology at this time, and he didn't dare to touch Thanos' brow, so he hurriedly reported: "Thanos, I have you offering a reward to that person news."

"Who is he?" Thanos said in a deep voice.

Ronan returned: "His name is Leo Erwin, his hometown is planet C53, and he is the supreme leader of planet C53 at this time."

Thanos was expressionless: "It's the C500 planet that beat you so hard that you dare not go back to the Kree Empire, beat the Supreme Intelligence so that it won't last for 53 years, and the Kree Empire paid a lot of money for it?"

The corners of Ronan's eyes twitched, and he explained with a stiff mouth: "The person who made the Kerry Empire take the initiative to admit defeat was Odin of Asgard."

Of course Thanos knew it was Odin. Odin almost destroyed the capital of the Kree Empire, Hala, and forced the Kree Empire to admit defeat. This incident caused an uproar in the universe, and Thanos naturally heard about it.

At the same time, Thanos also knows that the C53 planet Ronan is talking about is also called Midgard, which is one of the nine realms of God's Domain and is ruled by Odin.

At the same time, Thanos also knows that the planet C53 is also called Earth, and there is an extremely powerful Supreme Mage living on it, and that Supreme Mage has a time gem.

What Thanos knows better is that whether it is Odin or the Supreme Mage, he can't beat either of them now, and at most he will be [-]-[-] with one of them.

If Thanos goes to the earth at this time, maybe he will never return, and he will hate the beginning.

Thanos still has unfulfilled ideals, so naturally he will not seek his own death at this time.

Thinking of this, Thanos felt a little panicked. The person who disgusted him turned out to be a person from that planet. He might not be able to take revenge in a short time. One can imagine the aggrieved heart.

But Ronan didn't know, he told Thanos that the news was for money, and he finished the news at this time, but Thanos stopped talking, and quickly reminded: "Thanos, I have sent Leo Erwin I told you the news, look at the reward..."

"Get out!" Thanos shouted angrily, and immediately cut off the communication.

Ronan is trying to help him find an enemy, even Thanos thinks that Ronan is trying to kill him!

If Thanos didn't know that there are two great gods, Odin and Supreme Mage, on Earth, and foolishly went to Earth to seek revenge from Leo, then Thanos would be gone!

Ronan didn't hurt him, what was it?Thanos didn't hit Ronan directly, enough to give him face!

But Ronan didn't think so. He was confused by Thanos' scolding. He wanted to get a sum of military expenses happily, but he was scolded in the end.

Anger rose in Ronan's heart, secretly saying that Thanos is really a fool.

Ronan originally had an impure mind to join Thanos, how could a person like him be willing to be directed by others?

What Thanos did at this time made Ronan feel even more chilled, and secretly thought that when he gained strength, he must get back his face.

Ronan, the accuser, will take revenge!

Time passed, and several hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Outside Sapp, a dark fleet gradually appeared.

Obsidian Four will arrive early. They all know the news of Black Dwarf's death, what happened on the Internet, and even saw the huge reward of 100 million bounties. At this time, they all understand that their boss is in a bad mood.

Therefore, General Obsidian came to the outside of Sapp, and did not act rashly, quietly waiting for Thanos to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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