The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 607 While Thanos has nothing to do, fuck him hard!

Chapter 607 While Thanos has nothing to do, fuck him hard!
Thanos is very responsible for the harmonious and stable development of the universe, and the person in charge has reached a sick point.

He feels that the universe cannot support such a large population. Too much population will lead to the complete destruction of civilization in the universe, and the wrong status quo needs to be corrected.

So he is looking for infinite gems, and from time to time he will implement a "rescue" plan on some overpopulated planets.

The so-called salvation is to randomly kill half of the population of the planet and let the remaining half "live better".

The Dark Order is the executioner loyal to Thanos, and is notorious in the universe.

But because Thanos itself is tyrannical, and the Black Lunar Five generals are all powerful, every force in the universe is very afraid of the Mad Titan's revenge.

Moreover, Thanos is not a brainless person. He is far from being invincible in the universe. He has never attacked the important planets of large civilizations. Arouse public indignation and live a chic and comfortable life.

From this point of view, Thanos is definitely a brave and resourceful person, and the dark sect he leads cannot be underestimated.

If it was before getting the Power Gem, Leo would have tolerated the people of the Dark Order when he saw them, but now that he has the Power Gem, Leo can't wait to face Thanos head-on sooner.

After all, according to the plot, Thanos should now have an infinite gem in his hand, called the mind.

And the dwarves are still alive and well in Nidaville, so Thanos doesn't have infinite gloves yet.

The Mind Stone should be placed on a scepter at present, and it cannot play the role that the Mind Stone should have at all. This is the time when Thanos is most vulnerable.

If he didn't take this opportunity to seize the Soul Gem, Leo would feel sorry for his status as a time traveler?

As for Thanos' own strength...

Thanos without a set can't even beat Carol, in the eyes of Leo now, it's not worth mentioning at all!
In the fleet ahead, there is very likely to be a non-contained Thanos. Maybe Leo can get an extra Infinity Gem today, and his mood can't help but agitate.

Thinking of this, Leo nodded with a smile on his lips, and ordered: "Steam, catch up, for the sake of the peace of the universe, we have to take care of this matter."

Marvel turned its direction slightly, and galloped towards the nine warships ahead.

When the Marvel detected nine warships, the nine warships also discovered the Marvel. In the flagship at the front, the supreme commander of the fleet was not Thanos, but the black dwarf at the bottom of Obsidian.

"Master Black Dwarf, there is an unknown spaceship behind us, what should we do?" the subordinate reported to Black Dwarf.

Black Dwarf glanced at the star map on the monitor and found that the unknown spacecraft was quite far away. It would take a few minutes to intercept it head-on, so he said impatiently:
"Don't worry about it, the task is important. This time, the task must be completed quickly and perfectly, without any mistakes!"

Among the five generals of Obsidian, General Deathblade and Proxima Dark Night are husband and wife, and they wear a pair of pants.

Ebony Maw's thoughts are extremely powerful and he is also a skilled scientist.

The superstar has powerful psychic abilities and is the chief investigator of the Dark Order. He does not easily participate in battles, but his status is very high.

Only the black dwarf is the most embarrassing. He has no backer, neither high nor low military power, and no special talent. He is the bottom of the Black Star.

This time, Thanos made a big move and issued an order to ask Obsidian to bring everyone with a fleet and "save" five overcrowded life planets at the same time.

Black Dwarf took this as a rare opportunity, secretly worked hard, and must complete the task faster, stronger, and more perfectly than the other four.

As long as things are done well this time, Black Dwarf feels that he can attract the attention of Thanos, and maybe he can reward a weapon or armor made by Thanos himself, and reach the pinnacle of life from then on.

In such a comparison, what is the small spaceship behind him?When it got close enough to the fleet and found out the identity of the fleet, it might run away in fright.

Under the order of the black dwarf, the fleet continued to fly forward, and soon came to the mission target, a living planet named Sapp.

The population on this planet has reached a terrifying 100 billion, the resources on the planet are almost exhausted, the natural environment is deteriorating, wars between various countries continue to compete for resources, and the people are in dire straits.

Today, this planet is about to usher in a new life. After a sharp drop of 50 billion people, the Sapp star will definitely be a beautiful existence in the future.

Very beautiful, Thanos boss must be very satisfied!

The black dwarf thought happily, and then controlled the fleet to approach the atmosphere.

The Dark Order has a mature and efficient process for "saving" the planet. Thanks to the detailed investigation in advance, Black Dwarf has a detailed list of the major forces and leaders on the planet.

He only needs to drive a fleet, rush to a country, implement beheading tactics, and then use force to force, and soon everyone in the area will be able to complete the lottery, and then implement the "rescue" plan.

Kill a country, and then change another country, such a planet is saved.

Trouble is of course very troublesome. If it was very convenient, would Thanos still struggle to find infinite gems all over the universe?
"Om~Master, nine enemy warships have landed. According to the star map, the life planet they landed on is called Sapp, and they are expected to catch up in 10 minutes." Stim reminded.

Sapp star?never heard of that.

But this does not prevent Leo and Carol from guessing the next move of the Dark Order.

massacre!Bloody carnage!

"Follow up, and attack when you get in range." Leo ordered.

Ten minutes later, Marvel entered the atmosphere of Sapp.

At this time on the surface, the fleet of the Dark Order has bombarded and shattered the parliament building of a big country on Sap Star, and is arresting and gathering people.

"Master Black Dwarf, that unknown spaceship has followed and has entered the atmosphere of Star Sapp." A subordinate reported to Black Dwarf.

The black dwarf frowned and looked up at the sky.

Of course he didn't see anything, and Marvel was still far away from the surface at this time, but it didn't prevent him from giving the order: "Send armed spaceships and destroy it!"

Black Dwarf still didn't take the Marvel seriously. He brought a total of nine warships. Tens of thousands of soldiers from various arms could fight a vigorous war. There is nothing terrible about a spaceship.

Although the size of the spaceship is quite large, it is equivalent to half a small battleship, but... there is nothing to be afraid of, Black Dwarf has this confidence.

The Dark Order is invincible!
"Om~Master, the enemy sent an armed spaceship to intercept it." Stim immediately used the detector to show the position of the enemy plane.

Li Ao held the direction controller in his hand, activated the mechanical force communication skills, connected with the control intelligence of the Marvel, waited until the enemy's spaceship entered the range, and opened fire suddenly, smashing the two fastest enemy spaceships to pieces .

The enemy dispatched a total of ten spaceships, two of which were blown up, and the other eight launched a counterattack.

But the energy shield of Marvel firmly withstood the artillery fire of the eight spacecraft, and fired eight times in a row with precision, blowing up the eight spacecraft into fireworks, and the sound of the explosion resounded through the sky.

The black dwarf on the surface immediately knew the situation of the battle in the sky, and his face changed, realizing that the unidentified spaceship was not waiting for nothing.

"Go to a small battleship, kill it for me!" This mission was just when the black dwarfs were competing for favor, and an accident happened at this time, and they were extremely annoyed.

This mission is related to his future, and there is absolutely no room for loss!
A small battleship quickly left the surface and flew towards the Marvel. When it was still far away from the Marvel, the battleship released all the armed fighters, a total of [-].

Three hundred fighters and small battleships formed a "network" and headed towards the Marvel.

"Om~Master, the enemy directly sent a battleship over, and there are [-] fighter planes."

Tianluodiwang and Marvel soon began to exchange fire. Hundreds of energy bombs hit the Marvel in an instant, and the energy shield was crumbling.

Li Ao simply turned off the energy shield, licked the corners of his mouth, and smiled. The curvature engine of the Marvel spacecraft suddenly increased its power, and the speed of the spacecraft increased sharply, rushing towards the small battleship.

The vibrating gold impact horn in front of the spaceship shone with a cold light.

 I went shopping again today, so...the update is late again...

(End of this chapter)

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