Chapter 597 Hulk Hulk

Li Ao fell over his shoulder again, and swung the Hulk who jumped up and hit his knee to the ground again, leaving a deep hole on the ground.

But the current Hulk is not what it used to be. Endless fury endowed him with amazing physical strength. As soon as Leo smashed into the ground, Hulk immediately jumped up like a carp, with amazing waist strength!


However, Hulk's jumping ability is even better. He jumped 50 meters and continued to hit Leo's knee, but was swung down by Leo again.

Jump again, swing again!
After going back and forth like this, Leo finally got bored.

Taking advantage of the moment when Hulk jumped up again, he grabbed Hulk's ankles, swooped down, smashed hard to the ground, then used more force with his hands, and swung Hulk over his head. Slam into the ground hard.

After smashing back and forth twenty times, Li Ao stopped to check the situation.

At this time, the ground near Leo was already in a mess, as if a magnitude [-] earthquake had occurred.

Looking at Hulk lying in the ruins and panting heavily, Leo's expression was a little ugly.

"Damn it, is it so powerful the first time you transformed? Is it because I didn't hit hard enough? Or is it because Naurox gave you too much food?!"

The truth is, Leo's "treatment" is in the wrong direction.

To undo Hulk's transformation, Hulk must vent all the anger in his heart.

In the first transformation, Hulk was not very angry. The only target of anger in his heart was the laboratory that caused him to mutate.

This also shows that Hulk doesn't want to become such a monster who is neither human nor ghost.

So in the original plot, after Hulk transformed for the first time, he directly dismantled the laboratory, then ran back to his home, and canceled the transformation.

If Leo didn't go up by himself at the beginning, but used the mechanical army to attack, release a batch of machine guns, drones, and war robots in the storage belt, and let Hulk dismantle them to play, maybe Hulk would have played It's cool, and the transformation is lifted.

But Leo insisted on trying to defeat Hulk. According to Hulk's settings, wouldn't this just add fuel to the fire?
It's no wonder Hulk doesn't become more and more powerful!

But Li Ao just refused to accept it, why Thanos could beat the Hulk who was afraid of transforming for the nth time with three punches and two kicks, but Leo couldn't?
Who do you look down on?
While the power gem enhanced Leo's physique and strength, it also greatly enhanced Leo's determination to win. In addition, Carol has been competing with Leo for more than three years, and he has been defeated repeatedly, without knowing it. It has cultivated Leo's confidence to win, and quietly changed Leo's character.

The current Leo is no longer the kind of person who would choose to "take a step back to the sea and the sky". He holds the power gem and is a man standing on the top of the universe. Naturally, he chooses to move forward bravely.

After analyzing such a pass, Li Ao came to the conclusion: he acted too lightly.

There must be no mercy, Hulk must be beaten to death!
Thinking of this, Li Ao raised his right hand, and his thoughts surged out, picking up the Hulk in the ruins out of thin air, and lifting him into the air.

Mind power is actually Hulk's nemesis. This ability that does not conform to the laws of physics can make Hulk float in the air, leaving him nowhere to borrow strength, and his earth-shattering divine power is useless.

Li Ao obviously gave way to Hulk just now, but now that he is serious, he is naturally ready to let Hulk be beaten all the way.

And it was a violent beating!
Hulk's body was floating in the air, his hands and feet were dancing, and in his not very bright mind, he remembered the 99+ combo he was beaten by Leo not long ago.

"Roar! Roar!"

Hulk roared in the air, but his body was bound by the force of thought, his limbs could only touch the air, and he had nowhere to use his strength, and he couldn't even turn around.

Li Ao stood still, raised his hand to open a portal, opened it behind Hulk, and punched Hulk hard on the back of the head.

Hulk was sent flying obliquely by the blow, and Leo moved his hand again, closing the old portal, opening a new one, and then threw another punch.

Hulk was punched by Leo again and flew back obliquely.

Li Ao repeated his old trick, Hulk flew around in the air like a rubber ball, and was beaten until he screamed.

At the same time, Leo also thoughtfully used his thoughts to straighten Hulk's body, putting him in a face-down position as much as possible, so that Hulk could see clearly how Leo abused him.

Li Ao stood still, and mechanically swung straight punches in front of him one after another.

Mechanical and calm.

Calm and scary.

After being hit with 999+ combos, Hulk finally realized that he couldn't touch Leo's clothes no matter what, and his head had been beaten into a pig's head by Leo, and there was no good meat on his body.

Hulk was terrified, and his body couldn't hold it anymore. With deep fear and a trace of despair in his eyes, he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

Li Ao immediately found that Hulk was knocked out by himself, and he was overjoyed, because every time Hulk passed out, it was the critical moment for Hulk to undo his transformation.

Li Ao made up the last straight punch, from top to bottom, smashing Hulk hard to the ground, the ground was cracked every inch, but Hulk didn't move.

Green skin with red pants is particularly dazzling.

Boom boom boom!
The roar of the car engine suddenly sounded, and an off-road vehicle approached from a distance, the accelerator was stepped on to the bottom, and it went on a rampage all the way, speeding towards the hillside.

That's Betty.

After both Bruce and Leo left, Betty held her chest for a while and stood up decisively, got dressed, and drove Bruce's off-road vehicle to follow the footprints left by Hulk.

As for why the Bruce family has a lot of off-road vehicles, is it wrong for men to like to ride wild horses?

Bruce was running fast, and the distance he ran was far enough, so Betty barely managed to catch up at this time.

Betty drove the off-road vehicle across a deep pit, the body bumped a bit, and then jumped out of the big pit.

Screeching brakes sounded, Betty stopped the Mustang, opened the door and got off.

All she had to do was take a look at her surroundings and guess that she should catch up to Bruce.

Did Bruce destroy the big trees that stretched all around, and the big hole in the ground?

really scary!
"Bruce? Bruce!" Betty yelled a few words, but the surrounding area was still quiet and empty.

She couldn't help wondering if she had guessed wrong. Bruce did wreak havoc here, but after the damage was done, he went to other places.

Otherwise, the feedback from the Marvel Legion is clearly "already processed", but why can't you see the people in the Legion here?
Lai Hao should also have a spaceship, right?After all, these pits on the ground can already show how strong Bruce is!
Thinking of this, Betty took out the flashlight from the car, ready to look around, look for the footprints left by Bruce, and continue to chase.

This woman is very resilient, and she will never give up until she finds her boyfriend.

Even if Bruce is already green!

Betty looked around, found a high slope with a good view, and swept the flashlight around.

Suddenly, a red light caught her attention, and she ran over quickly, only to find a deep pit in front of her.

Standing on the edge of the deep pit, Betty shined a flashlight on the bottom of the pit, and a huge triangular red object shone brightly!

But why is the shape so strange? ?

Doubts flashed through Betty's mind, but she was thrown behind her the next moment, because she found a white body inside the red object.

It was a person, most likely Bruce!
Betty suddenly became excited and strode towards the center of the pit.

 I suddenly figured out something!
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(End of this chapter)

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