The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 592 Picking up a Hulk

Chapter 592 Picking up a Hulk

Such high-intensity gamma rays are extremely deadly to ordinary people.

In addition, the nano-microbes whose purpose has not been researched have also been leaked, and the lives of the three Bruce are at stake!

At the critical moment, Bruce stood up suddenly, and his not-so-stalwart body quickly rushed towards the protective glass with a shattered hole, spread his arms on the protective glass, and blocked the hole with his chest.

At the same time, Bruce turned his head and shouted at Betty: "Go, get out!"

Drop drop!
The laboratory's electronic eyes immediately captured the abnormality in the laboratory, and the abnormal signal was quickly uploaded to Stim's server. The Institute of Gamma Ray Theory and Experiment is very important, so Stim chose to forward this abnormal signal to Leo. , and notify the security department of the laboratory at the same time.

Of course, this kind of small-scale laboratory accident, Steam will not directly transmit it to Leo's mind, but to Leo's mobile phone.

Coincidentally, Leo was so idle that he happened to be playing a small game on his mobile phone. He immediately noticed the pop-up message sent by Steam, and quickly thought of Steam, and instantly understood what happened.

Even, Leo can clearly see the current situation of the laboratory through the electronic eyes of the laboratory.

This is amazing. Why do the three people in the laboratory look so familiar? !
Suddenly, Leo had a bold guess, fixed his eyes, raised his hand to open the portal, and stepped into the gamma-ray berserk laboratory.

[It was detected that the host was exposed to gamma rays, there is a risk of cell mutation, and it is being judged...]

[The host has the specialty of "abnormal resistance", and the negative effects of gamma rays are invalid. 】

It turned out to be N Young's resistance feat drawn from Spider-Man Peter, and unexpectedly produced an effect here!
In fact, even without this specialty, Leo's current physique is completely immune to this exposure to gamma rays, and Leo has this confidence.

However, after being irradiated with gamma rays, it didn't strengthen his physique like the Hulk?
Bad review!

But this is reasonable, the reason why the Hulk is the Hulk is not just because he is exposed to enough gamma rays.

The most important thing is that the crazy old father who loves him loves him so much. When he was very young, he injected love potion into his body. That is the key to creating the Hulk. Gamma rays are just an inducement!

If you could turn into a muscular man with infinite strength by taking gamma rays casually, all the gyms in the Marvel universe would have closed down long ago.

Leo looked intently, and saw a person lying on the protective glass and screaming. The high-intensity gamma rays brought him great pain, but behind him was his girlfriend and colleagues. He was very dedicated. Time has already risked his life, no matter what.

But this person probably has a hole in his head. How can he block such a strong gamma ray with just his physical body? ?

Shaking his head helplessly, Leo mobilized his thoughts, raised his hand and threw the frightened Betty and Hap into a reopened portal, then walked to the protective glass with a smile, and turned his head to look at the man with a hole in his head. people.

A glance at his chest, his name is written on the badge - Bruce Banner.

"It's really a Hulk. By the way, when did this guy join my Marvel Legion? And he also became a second-level researcher at the Institute of Gamma Ray Theory and Experiments?"

Li Ao rubbed his nose and felt that he was paddling a bit under the name of a director.

But Li Ao is now strong and thick-skinned, and he puts this matter behind him with a slight smile. He manages thousands of chickens every day, how could he notice all aspects of the Marvel Legion? !

Bruce definitely joined the Marvel Legion in the last three years. During this time, Leo was in pain and happiness, and it was even more impossible to be distracted and care about a second-level small researcher.

Leo cleared his heart, and then carefully observed Bruce Banner.

The face is very tender, probably younger than Tony.

He was frowning at this time, his face was ferocious, and the gamma rays brought him great pain.

Leo was not in a hurry to turn off the berserk gamma ray emitter. It would be good for Bruce to take more photos of it, and Leo was for Bruce's good.

Although Bruce is in pain now, Leo will become stronger with the pain, and Bruce will definitely be able to!
The gamma rays were directed at Bruce for 5 minutes, until he fell into a coma and collapsed to the ground.

Leo then said: "Steam, turn off the power."

The gamma ray emitter was powered off, and the laboratory returned to silence.

"These researchers really don't take the laboratory safety manual to heart, 'Call Stim if you have something to do', 'Call Stim if you have something to do', my dignified director has always said this sentence, how do you I just can't remember..."

Li Ao was heartbroken, raised his hand and urged his mind to lift the unconscious Bruce, opened a portal and came to the hospital at Marvel Base.

"Go and call the Skrull medical team and ask them to send two specialists over. There is a special case." Leo said to a female nurse who was stupefied by him in the corridor.

"Okay... yes, regiment leader." The female nurse was taken aback by Leo's sudden appearance, and when she found out that she was the immediate superior of her own army, she nodded quickly.

After a while, Naurox hurried over through the portal with one of his assistants, and Bruce was also placed in a single ward.

This guy Naurox doesn't know what idle job he is doing on Skrull's home planet. Every time Leo needs Skrull's medical staff, he will appear immediately. It's really... beautiful!
Naurox quickly checked Bruce's body with the aid of instruments:

"Mr. Erwin, this Mr. Banner's vital signs are all normal, and he does not need treatment. However, the cells in his body are proliferating and strengthening abnormally, so I want to ask, this Mr. Banner, is he a newly transformed alien ?"

"No," Leo shook his head, "I didn't come here for you to heal him, I heard that you also have research on gamma rays, and gamma rays can promote the re-evolution of Banner cells, so, in fact , I came to you because I want you to make him stronger."

Naurox smacked his lips: "Yes, but it will take time."

"Okay, you will stay on Io Planet for the next period of time. By the way, without you, there should be no problem with Skrull Mother Planet?" Leo asked with staring eyes.

Naurox nodded quickly: "Of course no problem."

The same hospital where Betty and Harp had just had checkups.

After the two of them were thrown out by Leo through the portal, they were immediately notified by Steam, asking them to go to the hospital for an examination, and they obeyed obediently.

Although Betty was worried about Bruce's safety, the great regiment leader had personally acted, and Betty was a little relieved, and more was useless for her to worry.

This girl is very realistic, can understand many practical problems, and will not blindly increase the psychological burden on herself.

The test results of the two were all normal, Leo appeared in time, and Bruce's risk of death did weaken the leaked gamma ray intensity to a certain extent, so the gamma ray did not cause damage to the bodies of the two.

However, the doctor still asked the two of them to stay in the hospital for observation for 24 hours and arranged a ward, so the two couldn't leave here for the time being.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

Betty was in a daze, when she heard the knock on the door, she turned her head and saw a pretty little nurse standing at the door with a blushing face.

"Hello, are you Betty Ross?" asked the little nurse.

"Yes," Betty nodded, "what's the matter?"

The little nurse answered truthfully: "Head...the head stopped me in the corridor just now, let me tell you something, Bruce Banner is hospitalized in ward 306. His physical indicators are fine, but he is still in a coma. If you If you want, you can go there to accompany you after 24 hours."

"Okay," Betty was very happy, "thank you, Captain, for me."

The little nurse blushed even more: "I will."

Another reason to talk to the handsome team leader!
The little nurse thought so, and then bounced away.

 Happy Valentine's Day!

  I know that you have other authors outside, but I, the author, must not forget!Give me some recommendation tickets and monthly tickets...or I'll lose weight
(End of this chapter)

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