The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 589 Unparalleled Happiness

Chapter 589 Unparalleled Happiness

[Mechanical force training method, using mechanical force to temper the body, guide energy, and enhance physical fitness. 】

[Evaluation, the world's first-class exercise method. 】

The system introduction is very simple, but the evaluation is extremely high.

In fact, Leo didn't notice these system prompts at all.

As soon as the so-called "Mechanical Force Forging Body Method" exercise diagram and mechanical force operation path appeared in Leo's mind, he had already begun to guide the mechanical force in his body, following the gourd drawing.

Produced by the system, you can learn it as soon as you teach it, and the proficiency is immediately full.

This skill is as if Li Aoqin has practiced it for a long time, and there is no sense of unfamiliarity in its operation.

Just ...

"It really hurts!"

As the mechanical force circulated in the body according to a fixed path, Li Ao, relying on the soul connection between himself and the mechanical force, noticed that the mechanical force gradually invaded his cells.

Although the previous mechanical force permeated Li Ao's body, it never entered the cells, just like the mechanical force and the body, the two never interfere with each other.

According to Li Ao's understanding of magic, and the few words he got from Gu Yi and Lilith, he inferred that his mechanical force came from the soul, stored in the body, and driven by the spirit.

But today, the mechanical force finally couldn't bear the loneliness, and began to enter the body!


"It really hurts!"

This is the second time Leo has yelled like this.

Sure enough, the first time is always very painful!

Whether it was the energy of the power gem entering the cell for the first time, or the mechanical force entering the cell for the first time, Li Ao felt unparalleled pain.

The pain from the mechanical force entering the cells was even worse, the kind of pain that penetrated into the soul, forcibly overwhelmed the pain caused by the power gem.

Under the premise of such pain, the reason why Li Ao is still persisting is because after the mechanical force enters the cells, it immediately neutralizes the violent energy of the power gem.

The mechanical force is produced by Leo's soul body, and has an innate connection with Leo's body, which means that when the mechanical force enters the cells of the body, the cells will not be unable to bear it, let alone reject it.

Just as Carol fits perfectly with the energy in the light speed engine, Leo also fits perfectly with the mechanical force, and then also fits with the energy of the mechanically transformed power gem.

Although the final fit was not perfect, Leo's cells could at least continue to be energy transformed in a stable and safe manner.

The energyization of cells means that the existence of cells has been sublimated, and each cell cheered and celebrated as if it was alive, which made Leo feel unparalleled satisfaction.


"It really hurts!"

Who says pain and happiness can't coexist?

Pain and happiness!Leo is in this state now.

Since the energy of the mechanically transformed power gem is not mechanical, it does not perfectly fit Leo's physique, so the energyization process of Leo's cells is slower than Carol's, and much slower.

According to the plot, it took Carol almost ten days to completely complete the transformation of cell energy (including the time for treatment and brainwashing on Hara).

And Leo...

Three days later, he slowly opened his eyes.

The transformation is not over yet, according to Leo's estimation, the time he needs will be calculated in years.

But fortunately, the degree of transformation of his body has reached a stable stage.

In addition, he groped for a while for the advanced mechanical conversion furnace inlaid with the power gem, and suddenly discovered that he could control the advanced mechanical conversion furnace and temporarily interrupt the energy supply of the power gem.

In this way, Leo naturally had to stop and take a rest.

After all, that kind of pain lasted for three days, not anyone can stand it.

Leo's body is very strong, but his spirit is very tired. Naturally, he needs an intermission to find some fun and relax.

For example, good wine, good food, beautiful... women?

This bold idea suddenly appeared in Li Ao's mind, and he couldn't get rid of it!

Come to think of it, it's been many years...

It must be the power gem of Dabu that hurt me!
Leo felt that it was because of this reason!There can be no other!
After three days of not showing up, Natasha, Rolina, Bucky and others all asked about Leo's whereabouts.

But they were all dismissed by the lovely Stim who "buzzed" and found an excuse.

Steam has been using sensors to monitor Leo's physical condition. It knows that Leo has been doing well for three days. The team members are worried.


Leo climbed up to the roof of Erwin's laboratory building, sat facing the sky and took a deep breath, relaxing his tired mind.

The sky was dark and the moon was hanging high. I raised my hand to check the time and found that it was after 7 o'clock in the evening.

the weather is nice today.

Raising his hand, Li Ao sent a message full of fireworks in the "Old Buddies of Marvel Legion" (named Tony) group: Have you eaten yet?If you haven't eaten, come to the dinner party, and if you have eaten, eat some more.

Natasha: No.

Rolina: +1
Size Lilith: +1x2

Tony: +911
Twenty minutes later, it was still the same hot pot restaurant, and the owner was still the same boss.

But the wealth of the boss is not what it used to be. He is quite business-minded, and the chain store has opened back to his hometown, and he is famous throughout the Earth Federation!

But such a wealthy shop owner still insists on being busy in his shop every day, just to get an occasional opportunity to serve the old buddies of the Marvel Legion.

He is very clear about why he is successful. In his heart, he no longer has much desire for money, and his life has been successful.

What he values ​​now is the opportunity to serve those big shots.

That is a kind of enjoyment, but also an honor!
The store owner would be happier if he could have a word or two now and then, and could brag to his business partners for a week.

He was so happy.

There is a special place for Li Ao and his group in the store, and the ingredients are also specially prepared, and they are not sold to others—even if they cannot be sold for a day, the store owner will throw away the things and prepare new ones tomorrow, and will not sell them to others.

Therefore, within 10 minutes after Li Ao and the others sat down, all the dishes that should be served were served.

Li Ao and the others were also used to this, and they ate and drank happily.

It was crowded and lively, with Heather and Matt's daughter, and Peter and Mary Jane's son.

Although the two little guys are young, their father has a good background, and they are also very talented. Peter's one-year-old son can run around the table calling uncle and aunt, which makes it even more lively.

Being shouted like this, Leo didn't feel old at all.

With his current physique, it is absolutely not a problem to live for 800 years, and he is not yet 30 years old, so he is quite young.

After eating and drinking enough, five hours passed and it was midnight, everyone talked and laughed and dispersed.

Bucky and Steve said they hadn't had enough, and the two good friends showed smiles that everyone understood, and went to the bar together.

Leo walked home slowly, and Natasha, Luo Linna, Lilith and Lilith went back together.

It is very close to the house that Leo bought at the beginning, so it is naturally impossible for him to return to the Erwin laboratory building.

Natasha and Luo Linna saw that something was wrong with Leo's state at the wine table, and found that Leo's words and actions were much bolder than usual, so excited and apprehensive in their hearts, they took the initiative to follow, for fear that Leo would regret it.

Bucky and Steve also saw this, so they took the initiative to go to the bar to continue drinking.

It's not about getting involved.

Everyone at the dinner table could see it, except the big and small Lilith—the two were purely heartless, and under the influence of mechanical force, they were naturally close to Leo. At this time, they followed Leo and the two light bulbs Same.

Li Ao drank a lot of wine, and he didn't use his tyrannical physique to forcibly break down and digest the alcohol. He wanted to maintain this slightly drunk state.

This state is a kind of relaxation, which can soothe his mental fatigue caused by the pain of the previous three consecutive days.

The effect is the same as he has been eating delicious spicy hot pot just now.

Li Ao originally thought that he could suppress his desire for beautiful women with the help of good wine and food, but he failed...

Between eating and drinking, he had too many unintentional seductive actions, both Natasha and Luo Linna noticed it.

But Li Ao's eyebrows and eyes were not thrown at Lilith and Lilith. The two light bulbs followed, which gave Leo a headache.

He even had a bold idea when he reached the door!

But in the end, he still held back: "Big and small Lilith, you two go play somewhere else, and be careful not to cause trouble."

It is impossible for two people to sleep. The two of them have unlimited energy, and they have no problem sleeping without sleeping for 10 years.

This is also the reason why Li Ao gave up his bold idea, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it...

Lilith and Lilith didn't suspect him, and the two flew into the sky together and disappeared soon.

Natasha had already taken out the key and opened the door, let Luo Linna in, and stood at the door waiting for Leo.Natasha has lived here for several years, and she is more like the owner of this house than Leo.

Leo glanced at Natasha leaning against the door, smiled, but unconsciously licked his lips.

Stepping into the house, Leo took off his coat, walked to the sofa, and put his hand on it.

At this moment, Li Ao was a little embarrassed, he suddenly didn't know what to say first.

But at this moment, before Leo put down his coat and hadn't turned around, he suddenly felt a softness in the back of his waist, and a fiery body was already pressed against him.

Leo turned his head: "Well..."

A fiery lip had already kissed his mouth.

Natasha frantically demanded from Leo's mouth, and her hands became dishonest.

and many more!

Li Ao shouted wildly in his heart: You can't write below the neck!

Luo Linna didn't expect Natasha's reaction to be so big. Although she was mentally prepared, she was still frightened by Natasha's initiative.


She suddenly saw something she shouldn't be looking at, subconsciously covered her eyes, and then stretched out two fingers to look secretly.

Within a few minutes of her staring blankly, she saw Leo and Natasha tightly entangled together, without noticing that she was standing aside.

Luo Linna gradually felt that she could not stand and wait, she needed to take the initiative.

With slightly trembling hands, he tidied himself up carefully. Over there, Natasha and Leo had already started a fierce confrontation.

Rolina walked up to the two of them, not knowing what to do.

As someone who had experienced it, Natasha stretched out her hand and pulled Luo Linna, easily letting her join in.

After a while, Li Ao completely let go of himself, lifted the two girls up with force in his hands, and walked towards the bathroom amidst the exclamations of the two girls.

Although the hot pot is delicious, the smell is too strong, so you have to wash it anyway.

Moreover, a place like the bathroom is a rare and good place!

(End of this chapter)

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