The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 560 Whereabouts of the Nine-Headed Worm

Chapter 560 Whereabouts of the Nine-Headed Insect
ruin star.

The 180-second countdown has ended.

"Om~ The transmitted coordinates were resolved successfully." Stim immediately sent a series of coordinates to Leo.

"Where is it?" Carol asked immediately.

"Earth, America, Los Angeles City." Leo said.

Quill immediately yelled: "Then turn around, turn around, go to the teleportation point, and quickly set off towards Blue Star, from here to Blue Star, based on the sailing speed of this spaceship, it is estimated that it will take two and a half days. Enough, soon..."

"Quick fart, shut up!" Carol's fists lit up again, Quill shrank his head in fear as he heard the smell of Star-Lord roasting.

Li Ao didn't pay attention to the bickering between Carol and Quill, counted silently for a few seconds, and raised his hand to open a portal.

The portal opens directly at the coordinates provided by Steam, which is the second basement of the Los Angeles branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Leo took the lead to walk in the nano-suit body protection, and said as he walked: "Lorena, Tony, you two are responsible for driving the Marvel back to the earth, stopping over the city of Los Angeles, and the others follow me."

This is the first time for Quill to rush through the portal. At this time, he was surprised to hear that this portal can span thousands of light-years and directly reach Blue Star.

Quill, who was skeptical, poked his head around the portal.

Carol, who was following him, got impatient and kicked Quill's ass. Quill screamed and rolled into it.

"Ah! Bah, bah, bah!"

Quill gnawed shit on a scorched mummy, yelled in fright, jumped up immediately, slapped his body continuously, and spit non-stop.

Leo ignored the noisy Quill, and quietly scanned the surrounding environment.

His eyes flicked over the mummy, over the small black stones on the ground, and finally settled on the metal box pierced by the nine-headed worm.

Stimulating his thoughts, Li Ao raised his hand and brought in a half-person-high box, hovering in front of him to look at it carefully.

After watching it for a few seconds, Li Ao suddenly frowned, because the white spray paint looked inexplicably familiar.

After thinking for a while, Leo opened the holographic screen with a wave of his hand, swiped it casually a few times, and recalled a set of pictures from memory.

The thing shown in the picture is exactly this box with "084" printed on it.

The memory went back to a few years ago, and Leo recalled the origin of this picture.

At the beginning, when Leo went to Wakanda for the first time, he followed the clues to find a Hydra base. After destroying the Hydra base, he got these pictures from a robot clone of Dr. Zola.

Along with the picture, there is also a story and several names, as well as a sentence from Red Skull Schmidt, "such things can explain death itself".

But there was still so little information, Leo gave up on the investigation and packed the pictures to Fu Rui.

Later, Zhen Fu Rui died, and the ghost knows whether Nicholas continued to investigate.

After that, the Hydra organization was destroyed.

It is estimated that several names in the story are also dead, and 084 is not attractive enough to Leo, so Leo just forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, because of the search for the power gem in the universe, the clue to the original "084" could be found again.

"What the hell is in here!" Leo muttered to himself while stroking the box.

At this moment, a burst of concentrated light swept across the room: "Don't move, federal police, raise your hands!"

Agent Patton's call for support finally came belatedly.

"It's me, Leo Erwin." Leo casually opened a huge portal, which acted as a window, allowing sunlight to shine in.

The leading policeman saw Leo's face clearly through the sunlight, as well as familiar faces such as Carol and Steve, plus Leo's iconic golden portal, immediately put away the gun and laughed with him. :
"It turned out to be Mr. Head, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

The federal police greeted Leo politely, and tried to ask what happened here, gathering intelligence as usual.

Leo didn't have time to talk to him, and waved his hand to let Steve, an American hero, communicate with the federal police.

And Li Ao brainstormed through the mechanical communication skills: "Notify the Earth Federation of the news about the Nine-Headed Insects, and let them find any reason to start closely investigating the abnormalities around the world. If something happens, let them Don't interfere, leave everything to us.

In addition, remember to warn those officials not to spread the news about the Nine-Headed Insect to the public for the time being, so as not to cause panic. "

All Skynet is within Leo's monitoring range, and the information flow and supervision are guaranteed by Stim. As long as Leo doesn't want news to appear on Skynet, it is impossible for a single star to appear on Skynet.

The federal government immediately got the news from Li Ao, and immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

——This is another alien invasion!

So they cooperated very well and replied that they let Leo do everything cheaply.

Over there, Steve had already communicated with the federal police, and several federal police officers withdrew immediately after getting the desired result.

The matter here in the Los Angeles branch of SHIELD will be handled by the Marvel Legion from this moment on.

Seeing that there are no outsiders here, Li Ao raised his hand and took out the time meter, and began to trace back what happened here a few minutes ago.

But the backtracking results are not ideal.

The current Nine-Headed Insect is also considered to be the number one character in the universe. The information it brings is too much interference, and it is difficult to get an effective picture only by the time instrument.

This is also the reason why in the cave of the Ruin Star, when the Time Meter traced back to the scene where the Nine-Headed Insect appeared, it was as if it was stuck and could not be seen clearly.

Only the time gem with great power can fully reproduce what happened here.

But Leo doesn't have a time gem right now, so he can only get a few slide-like pictures through the time meter.

In one picture, Leo saw Hawkeye.

After getting the clue from Hawkeye, Leo called Fury directly, communicated for a while, and actually obtained the temporary supreme command distributed by the Los Angeles S.H.I.E.L.D.

Then Leo took the team members upstairs to the above-ground part of the office building of the SHIELD branch in Los Angeles, found the person in charge of the Los Angeles branch of the SHIELD, and checked the personnel transfer situation in the emergency just now.

Because of the explosion, a total of 18 agents went to the second basement floor to support, but there were only 17 mummies at the scene.

Needless to say, the missing person was Hawkeye.

Based on known information, it is reasonable to speculate that the Nine-Headed Insect should have occupied Hawkeye's body and fled the scene.

Leo ordered: "Steam, monitor several teleportation fields in Los Angeles, call out all the disguised identities of Hawkeye from the S.H.I.E.L.D. database, and let me know immediately if he finds that he has entered the teleportation field.

At the same time, review the use records of the teleportation field to check whether the nine-headed insects have escaped from Los Angeles. "

Steam's calculation ability is very fast, and the inspection result was fed back in a short while: "Buzz~ It was detected that Clinton Barton used the teleportation field record 1 minute ago."

"Where is the teleportation destination?" Li Ao asked intently.

"Om ~ San Juan, the capital of the autonomous state of Puerto Rico in the United States."

The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, located in the eastern part of the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean Sea, is an autonomous region of the United States, with its capital in San Juan.

To be precise, the destination of Barton's teleportation was the old town of San Juan.

(End of this chapter)

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