Chapter 50 Found it

In the van, Old Tom was cornered by Leo, and said with a mournful face:

"How can there be that kind of free pick-up? This is Hell's Kitchen, but anyone who has a little bit of value is occupied by people. Here, if you want something, you have to rely on robbery..."

Suddenly, Old Tom seemed to have realized something, and hurriedly asked:

"You, you mean... you want to ask where there is such a large site in Hell's Kitchen, or is it controlled by gangsters, and you want to grab it and occupy it?!"

Old Tom finally understood what Leo really meant.However, Leo shook his head and said:
"How can I steal other people's things. Don't say it so vulgarly, I just want to borrow or rent it for use.

In fact, last night's Innocence Bar and Banquet Bar were both okay in size, but there were only two floors, so I wasn't too satisfied.Tell me, is there any other places that meet my requirements? "

After Li Ao woke up in the morning, he thought about starting a company for a long time.In the end, he made up his mind that the chip must not be sold directly, and the business of killing chickens and eggs cannot be done.

Based on the memory of his previous life, Li Ao clearly knew that with the development of the Internet and the trend of economic globalization, the later the time node, the harder it is to make money.

Therefore, it is rare for Leo now to have a core technology that can make money, and he must not let it out.Once Li Ao grasps this opportunity, it will play an immeasurable role in promoting his future development.

Even, Leo also thought about the blueprints of various new weapons stored in the hard disk.The interests of the military industry are enormous. In the future, Leo feels that he may not be able to share the benefits of military products with Stark Industries.

Since starting a company is so important to Leo's future, he thought that the sooner the company is started, the better.But now that there is no place to start a company, Leo naturally turned his idea to the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen.

Other gangsters can compete for territory, and of course Leo can too.

"Old Tom, think about it carefully, is there such a place in Hell's Kitchen?"

Seeing that Old Tom hadn't said a word, Leo urged him.

"I really can't think of it for a while, let me think about it slowly..."

Old Tom was a little embarrassed.Suddenly, he saw the destination, and hurriedly said:

"Mr. Erwin, stop the car, this is the place to apply for the ID card, I'd better go and get the ID card for you two first..."

Leo didn't make it difficult for Old Tom either. He stopped the car, but Old Tom didn't get out of the car.

"What's the matter? What are you doing in the car? Going to apply for identification?"

Old Tom sneered and faltered:
"I, I don't have any money...the money fell into the office of the Black Bear Gang..."

What Old Tom meant was obviously that the money fell into the Black Bear Gang, and now it's back in Leo's hands.

"How much?"

"Twenty thousand..."

"to be frank!"

"two thousand……"

"You and the Black Bear Gang are really dark!"

Li Ao pointed out two thousand dollars, not even a cent more.Right now when Li Ao was short of money, he wished he could split a penny into two and spend it.

When handing old Tom the money, Leo said:

"Keep in mind what I just asked you, think about it, and ask around, where is the house I want in Hell's Kitchen?"

Old Tom took the money, got out of the car in a hurry, and thought as he walked, "This hell's kitchen is going to change completely."


Leo waited in the car for a full three hours before old Tom returned to the car.As soon as he opened the car door, Old Tom said with joy on his face:
"Everything goes well, and the certificate will be processed in about four days."

After finishing speaking, Old Tom looked at Leo with a flattering expression.

"Why, you still want to ask me for a commission? Is your life worth anything? Is it enough to pay your commission? All the members of the Black Bear Gang are dead, and you are the only one who survived. Isn't that enough for the commission?!"

Old Tom immediately shrank back on the co-pilot with an expression of lovelessness.According to Old Tom's life principles, life is number one, and money is number one.Now there is no money to make, rounding it up is equivalent to losing a life.

"Actually, it's easy if you want money. As long as you help me find the house I mentioned to you when you came here, I can reward you two thousand... two hundred dollars."

Old Tom gave Leo a resentful look, then nodded helplessly, indicating that he would try his best to find him.

In a flash, five days passed.

In the past five days, except for going out to buy newspapers and meals every day, Leo spent the rest of the time in the Harvest Hotel, constantly extracting and simplifying the computer chips, Internet-related technologies and technologies from the blueprints of the [Autonomous Awareness Multifunctional Robot]. drawing.

During these five days, Bucky was out at night every day, and he didn't know what he was busy with.Leo took the time to ask, and Bucky said that he was busy with his own grand plans and he didn't need Leo to worry about it.

After Old Tom completed the identification procedures for Leo and Bucky on the first day, Leo ordered him to dispose of the box of gold, silver and jewelry that was robbed from Minnesota.

Of course, Leo was worried about Old Tom's character, so he asked Bucky to go with Old Tom.

Old Tom's contacts were unexpectedly good, and a box of gold, silver and jewelry was successfully sold the next night, and there was a particularly valuable gemstone in the box, and finally a box of things was exchanged for 27 US dollars.

Of course, Bucky also contributed a lot during this process, raising the price violently and solving some unavoidable troubles.

Li Ao now has more than 30 US dollars in cash all of a sudden, which can be said to be rich overnight, but compared with the cost of starting a technology company, Li Ao is pitifully poor...

After several days of hard work, all the core technologies are almost ready.Li Ao was looking at the thick formulas and drawings on his desktop at this time, thinking about how to make money.

dong dong dong...

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and then Old Tom's voice rang out:

"Mr. Erwin, this is old Tom, are you in the house?"

Leo first sorted out a stack of drawings, stuffed them into a box, and then said on the chair:
"Come in directly, the door is unlocked."

Old Tom pushed the door open and entered, still holding a plastic bag in his hand.Old Tom first put the plastic bag on the table in front of Leo, and then said:

"Mr. Erwin, this is the identity certificate I issued for you and Boss Bucky five days ago. Fortunately, the certificate has been successfully issued, and you can see if you are satisfied."

There were two social security cards and two driver's licenses in the bag. Li Ao took them out to look at them, and after finding that there was no problem, he put away the documents.

With these identification certificates, Leo and Bucky have an official identity and can live a normal life like ordinary American citizens.

"I asked you to find a big free house a few days ago. Have you found any news?"

Leo asked without hope, just like every time he saw Old Tom these days.Who knows, Old Tom didn't say no this time, he replied excitedly:
"I've already inquired about a house that meets your requirements. You're guaranteed to be satisfied with that place."

(End of this chapter)

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