Chapter 43 Returning to Mingde Street

After Leo finished shouting, the hotel room fell into silence.After a long time, the innkeeper asked again:
"You were two when you left, why did you become three when you came back?"

From the sound of it, the hotel owner should have gone to watch the surveillance screen just now.So Leo explained:
"The third person is a friend of mine. He sprained his ankle and it was getting late. He couldn't go back today, so he planned to spend the night with me."

"You let him stand at the door of the hotel and look up at the camera on the signboard of Harvest Hotel. I want to see what he looks like."

Leo had no choice but to tell Old Tom to obey.

Old Tom was very afraid that the innkeeper would shoot him through the wooden door, but in comparison, he was even more afraid that if he didn't obey, Leo would directly punch him to death.

So, old Tom stood at the door of the hotel in fear and looked up at the camera.

The hotel was quiet again, and the hotel owner did not speak for a long time.And the less the hotel owner spoke, the more frightened old Tom became, and his body began to tremble.

Just when Leo couldn't bear it any longer and wanted Bucky to smash open the door of the hotel, the lights in the hotel suddenly turned on.Next, the door was opened a crack, and the innkeeper whispered:

"I thought the two of you were dead outside! Since you are still alive, come in and move quickly."

Leo and the three filed in, and then the hotel owner closed the door again.After the hotel owner locked the door, he turned around and said:

"This new guy can't live in the same room as you. You have to open another single room for $20."

Li Ao took out two 20-dollar bills, photographed them in the hotel owner's hand and said:

"He didn't have a driver's license either, and the house price doubled. I know that. It's really troublesome for you at night."

However, the boss took out one of the two banknotes in his hand and handed it back to Li Aodao:
"His name is Old Tom, and I know him. So, instead of doubling the price, just give 20."

Old Tom looked at the innkeeper and asked in surprise:

"Why do you know me?"

"Ten years ago, when I first sneaked into New York, I also asked you to apply for an identity certificate. I thought I could come here to live a good life, but who knew I could only live in Hell's Kitchen for 10 years."

The innkeeper said something quietly, and then he didn't want to say any more, so he changed the subject and said,
"It's getting late, you guys go to bed early, here is the key to 205, a single room, just opposite to 203."

After the innkeeper finished speaking, he was about to leave, but Li Ao realized that he had almost forgotten his business, so he immediately reacted and stopped the boss in time:
"Boss, the car we parked at the door was pried open by someone, and the contents inside were stolen. It just so happens that you have a surveillance camera here. I want to check the surveillance video and find out who stole our things."

"What's the use of knowing who stole it? Don't you dare to look for it in the middle of the night and get it back? You don't want to die?"

"These two bosses are not simple. Not to mention getting the things back, it's not uncommon for them to double the value of the things by the way."

Old Tom answered quickly.He thought he was sycophanting, but in fact he was madly dying without knowing it.

Leo shook old Tom's head and pushed him aside.Old Tom smiled awkwardly, but dared neither to be angry nor to speak.

The innkeeper saw the respectable old Tom in Hell's Kitchen, and he couldn't help but guess who these two shameless tenants were.

Leo turned to the innkeeper again and said:
"Boss, you just need to let me watch the surveillance screen, and you don't have to worry about other things. I promise it won't cause you any trouble."

The innkeeper was silent, frowning, with a troubled look on his face.

Li Ao took out his wallet, took out a stack of thick banknotes and handed it to the innkeeper, and said in a slightly cold voice:

"Boss, since you choose to open a hotel, you can be regarded as a businessman, so I will use the money to buy news from you. The money is already quite a lot. In Hell's Kitchen, it should be enough to buy a life, right?!"

The innkeeper heard Li Ao's threat, and dared not refuse Li Ao again.Compared with ordinary gangsters, the hotel owner felt that the person in front of him who didn't know whether he was good or evil was more terrifying.

The innkeeper didn't dare to take all the money. He carefully took a brand new hundred-yuan bill from the top of the pile of money, and said angrily:

"This money is enough. My news is not so precious, it is not worth a life."

Afterwards, he took Li Ao to the counter, and prepared to call out the surveillance video of the last few hours at night.


On the electronic tube display, a black pickup truck appeared in the picture with snowflakes.Then, two sneaky men in black casual clothes got out of the car.

They circled around Leo's car parked in front of the hotel several times.Then, they took tools out of their pockets, pried open Leo's car, emptied everything in the car, and finally drove away.

The time of the surveillance screen showed that the theft happened half an hour before Li Ao returned, which was not too long.

After watching the monitoring screen, Leo noticed that Old Tom's face was different, and asked immediately:

"Old Tom, do you know these two men?"

"Uh... I know, I know. These two people, one named Monkey and the other named Crow, are... members of the Black Bear Gang."

"Oh?! In this way, you should be very familiar with the two of them?"

Old Tom quickly waved his hand and said:

"Unfamiliar...unfamiliar. It's just an acquaintance. I have nothing to do with them."

"Then do you know where they usually go to sell their stolen goods?"

"The Black Bear Gang has very strict gang rules, so they don't dare to sell things privately. All stolen things must be handed over to the Black Bear himself in the end, and let him deal with them in a unified way..."

Leo nodded and went upstairs.

After unlocking the door and entering the room alone, Li Ao lifted the bed and found that the backpack was still there, feeling relieved.

So, 10 minutes later, Leo and Bucky returned to Mingde Street.

Old Tom was placed in the Harvest Hotel by Leo. Before leaving, Bucky had a friendly exchange with him. I believe that Old Tom would not dare to run around at night.

At this time, Mingde Street was no longer the lively scene it was an hour ago. Now all the bars had closed their doors, and 10 police cars lined up in the middle of the street.

Seeing so many policemen, Leo and Bucky quietly hid in the alley, observed secretly, and did not act rashly.

The police look like they've been here for a while.At this time, there were seven or eight body bags on the ground at the entrance of the Pure Love Bar.Several policemen were working in groups of two, moving the corpses to the corpse truck.

There were already several corpses in the corpse truck, and Li Ao counted them from a distance. It is conservatively estimated that at least twenty people died in this fire.

Suddenly, a large number of police officers poured out of the Nightmare Bar, crushing more than 30 people whose hands were handcuffed behind them.There were men and women among these people, and Leo didn't know whether they were from the Black Bear Gang or the Poisonous Wolf Gang.

These prisoners were crushed into police cars one by one, and the policemen removed the cordon and prepared to leave the scene.

Leo didn't want to cause trouble, so he and Bucky waited patiently until the police car disappeared along the street, and then they walked out of the alley.

In front of the Pure Love Bar, there was a mess.The gate was densely covered with bullet holes, and the blood in the house had not yet solidified, leaving behind a human-shaped bloodstain.

The people in the bar seemed to have run away, the entire first floor was empty, and the surroundings were quiet, only the pale lights were on, highlighting the bleakness and sadness of the place.

Bucky glanced at the lobby on the first floor and asked:

"Leo, what should we do now? It seems that the members of the Black Bear Gang and the Lone Wolf Gang are gone!"

Li Ao is also a little irritable, is it just a waste of time tonight?After a whole night of delay, who knows where the Black Bear Gang will sell their stuff to!

Li Ao didn't know what to do next. Suddenly, there was movement on the second floor of the bar, and Li Ao vaguely heard someone talking.

(End of this chapter)

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