The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 283 Return of the Ancient 1 Venerable

Chapter 283 Return of the Ancient One

Jingle bell~
Li Ao glanced at the phone number and found that the caller ID was a local phone number in Kathmandu, and he had a vague guess in his heart.

Sure enough, after he connected the phone, Otto's voice came from inside:
"Mr. Erwin, the Ancient One just came back. I asked in advance, and the Ancient One promised to see you. You can come to Kama Taj tomorrow morning, and I will take you to see her."

Li Ao thanked him, said a few more polite words, and then hung up the phone.

Ancient One is back, it seems that she didn't hide from Li Ao on purpose.

What Li Ao was most worried about did not happen, he felt a little relieved, and continued to work hard to refine the Mechanical Force.

The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning, Leo came to Karma Taj and met Otto.

After seeing Otto and making sure that Otto was in good health, Peter and Mary Jane were completely relieved.

Peter, who has a strong sense of responsibility, expressed his desire to return to the company as soon as possible last night, and rejected Otto's persuasion and Leo's persuasion. He took his wife and flew back to New York this morning.

Of course, Peter and Otto have agreed that he will take his wife to visit Nepal when he is on vacation in the future.

And Otto also said that he would take time to visit Peter in New York in the future.

At this time, in Karma Taj, Li Ao followed Otto and shuttled in the courtyard.

Karma Taj is indeed very big, just counting the distance that Leo walked just now, it is already more than 500 meters.

These Marvel mages are really a group of amazing real estate owners.

Turning and turning, Otto brought Li Ao to a domed house and motioned for Leo to stop.

Otto knocked on the door, and an indistinguishable male and female voice came from the room: "Please come in."

Otto turned his head and glanced at Leo, Leo nodded, Otto pushed open the door, and the two walked back and forth into the house.

The house is an old house mainly made of wood, and the sun shines in through the perforated windows, making the interior appear spacious and bright.

There were no chairs in the room, only a few futons. A bald-headed mage Gu Yi in a gray-white robe sat cross-legged on a futon, meditating with his eyes closed.

Just when Li Ao was hesitating whether it was appropriate to interrupt at this time, Gu Yi slowly opened his eyes, and pointed to the futon in front of him with one hand:

"Mr. Erwin, please sit down."

When Li Ao read novels and learned how to cultivate immortals in his previous life, he often meditated quietly by himself, so he was no stranger to sitting cross-legged.

At this time, he sat up naturally, and he was able to find a rather comfortable position.

Otto didn't sit down, because Master Gu Yi waved to him, Otto immediately retreated respectfully, and he didn't forget to close the door when he left.

Seeing that there were only himself and Gu Yi left in the room, Li Ao took the initiative to say:

"Ancient One, I..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gu Yi:

"Mr. Erwin, Master Octavius ​​has already told me about you. It's just a curse. It shouldn't be a big problem. You keep quiet and sit down, and I'll take a look for you."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yi put a convincing smile on his face, his eyes flashed, and he looked at Li Ao solemnly.

The next moment, Li Ao felt a strange force penetrate into his body.After wandering for a while, the strange force rushed into his brain and disappeared.

He said it disappeared because Leo couldn't feel this power in his body anymore, but the strange power didn't disappear, but went towards Leo's soul.

Suddenly, Leo had a strange feeling, which was exactly the same as when he was in Wakanda when Lilith used the soul data to transmit the heart-shaped herbal cultivation information to him.

So naturally, this strange force that wanted to penetrate into Leo's soul was also blocked by Leo's body protection mechanical force.

The strange force felt the resistance generated by the mechanical force, and there was a sudden pause, and then the force did not regain its momentum, but dissipated.

At the same time, Gu Yi's slightly surprised voice sounded in Li Ao's ear:

"Mr. Erwin, I checked it in detail and found that this curse is not in your body, so it can only be in your soul.

But you need to take the initiative to dissipate the magical power that protects the soul body, so that I can investigate your soul in detail. "

Li Ao didn't close his eyes, and his consciousness remained awake, so he saw the surprise on Gu Yi's face, and it didn't seem like a fake.

Moreover, no matter from Gu Yi's expression or eyes, or the active dissipation of power just now, Li Ao didn't feel Gu Yi's malice.

But even so, Li Ao was unwilling or afraid to disperse the body protection mechanical force to let Gu Yi check his soul.

So Leo asked in embarrassment:
"Ancient One, is there any other alternative?"

Gu Yi heard the meaning of Li Ao's words, and understood that Li Ao was very wary, and he didn't want to let himself explore his soul.

But she was not annoyed, but said:

"There is really an alternative, that is, I will use spells to force your spirit body out of your body, so that I can use my magic eyes to inspect your spirit body from the outside to the inside, and determine the location and type of the curse without Requires mana hacking into your astral detection.

However, this way of observation has a disadvantage, that is, I may not be able to discover some extremely clever curses, or misdiagnose them. "

Li Ao immediately understood the difference between the two methods that Gu Yi said before and after. This is like western medicine using ultrasound or nuclear magnetic resonance to detect diseases in the human body, which can be seen at a glance, while Chinese medicine uses the technique of seeing, hearing, asking and knowing, which can only be deduced based on experience.

Which of the two is stronger, which is better, which is better, and which is worse, just look at the diagnostic methods popular in hospitals today, and it will be clear at a glance.

But even so, Li Ao was unwilling to let Gu Yi explore his spirit body, so he decisively chose the second method.

Even if it is misdiagnosed, then misdiagnose it!
Anyway, this curse has been hanging for almost two years, and it has not brought any actual harm.It is best for Gu Yi to solve it, and Leo doesn't care if he can't solve it.

Seeing that Li Ao had made a choice, Gu nodded, rubbed his hands together a magic circle different from Otto's, and pushed Leo across the air.

All of a sudden, all of Leo's senses were in a trance. After he regained his vision, besides Gu Yi, there was another person sitting with his head bowed in front of him.

Although he only saw the back view, Li Ao could also tell that the man was a handsome guy, especially the familiar and appropriate attire, which made Li Ao understand that the person sitting with his head bowed was his physical body.

Li Ao lowered his head slightly, and saw that his feet were off the ground, floating up, and his whole body was relaxed, feeling the breath of freedom.

He is now in a spirit state!
However, since Gu Yi did not have Lilith's virtual reality technology, Leo saw more differences in his spiritual body.

To see the difference, you need to compare.

At this time, Leo's comparison object is Strange's spirit body in the "Doctor Strange" movie in his memory.

Although it's been a long time, Leo can't remember the details of the spirit body in the movie, but he can at least confirm that there is absolutely no golden light flickering on Strange's body.

This golden light is the visual manifestation of mechanical force. Although it cannot be seen with the naked eye, it can be seen clearly under the soul body.

As Li Ao exhales and inhales, his soul memory subconsciously mobilizes the mechanical force, so his spirit body also flickers on and off.

The golden light covered his whole body, making Li Ao very sacred, like a god.

 Recommend a friend's book, titled "The Root of Beauty Man", it is worth reading


(End of this chapter)

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