The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 270 Marvel Mercenaries

Chapter 270 Marvel Mercenaries

After making preliminary arrangements for everyone's future, Leo said again:

"The plan to enter the universe, according to my vision, will be carried out around the end of next year or the beginning of the next year. Before that, I am going to do my best to eliminate potential threats on the earth.

Currently on Earth, the organization that poses the greatest threat to Erwin Technology is the Hydra organization.

The most threatening person is Assam Zola. "


On the side, Stim projected a holographic image of Assam Zola with his eyes in a timely manner, and attached a series of text and voice instructions, briefly telling Dr. Zola's life story and ability.

After Steam finished speaking, Leo continued:

"It just so happens that when Bucky and I went on a business trip to Wakanda, Africa a while ago, we ran into a group of Hydra squads. Finally, Bucky tracked it down and found a large Hydra base in Africa."

"After Bucky and I researched it, we decided we were going to destroy the base.

The candidates for the destruction operation are tentatively determined to be Bucky, Natasha, and Matt. Do you three have any opinions? "

The three people who were named shook their heads, expressing that there was no problem.

Even if Heather is pregnant, if Matt is asked to go on a field trip on Earth, he still won't resist.

After all, Heather wasn't one of those fragile women who needed to be with everyone all the time, and Matt liked some solitary space.

Moreover, because Matt has special hearing, he actually knows a lot of Leo's secrets.

For example, he knew that Leo had the ability to bring people to and from Africa in a short period of time.

Then going to Africa for a field trip is actually similar to driving from New York to Washington and back, and you can go back and forth on the same day.

That being the case, Matt has no thought of refusing.

The three people who were named had no objections, but Pete, who was not named, raised his hand:

"Mr. Erwin, I also really want to go to the Hydra base to destroy Hydra, especially this robot named Assam Zola."

Before Leo could answer, a fierce light suddenly appeared in Peter's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said,

"More than a year ago, Hydra launched a missile towards New York. It was inhumane. They dared to threaten the lives of the people of New York. I wanted to settle with them!"

Hearing what Peter said, Leo immediately figured out why Peter's sudden surge of anger came from.

Back then, because Leo exposed his position, one of the two Hydra missiles flew towards Hell's Kitchen in New York City.

Although the Hydra were targeting Hell's Kitchen, in fact, air defense sirens sounded at the same time in a large area around New York City.

Aunt Mei, who lived alone in her home in Queens, suddenly thought of her only relative, Peter, after hearing the harsh air defense warning.

However, when she was about to call Peter, because she was too anxious and Aunt Mei was old, she accidentally fell and broke her leg unfortunately.

After the fall, Aunt Mei couldn't stand up and walk.

Enduring the severe pain, she crawled to the table, grabbed the phone with difficulty, pressed the phone number with difficulty, and dialed Peter.

Fortunately, the call was made.

After dialing, Aunt Mei did not ask for help, but said to Peter:

"Son, the air-raid siren is sounding. You should find a safe place to hide. I'm fine now, and I'm going to the air-raid shelter not far downstairs. Time is running out, so I won't say much. I'm leaving Now, you must take care of yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Aunt Mei hung up the phone.

And silly Peter, he really believed it!
So he ran to find his lover Mary Jane.

After Leo stopped the bomb with his bare hands and the air defense siren was lifted, Peter and Mary Jane rushed to Aunt May's house to check, only to find Aunt May who had passed out in pain on the ground.

According to Leo's question about Mary Jane afterward, Mary Jane relayed that Peter at that time...

very scary!
Fortunately in the misfortune, the missile was not shot down in the end, otherwise Peter would probably blame himself for the rest of his life.

Later, Peter and Mary Jane immediately sent Aunt May to the chaotic hospital, and finally found doctors and nurses to stabilize Aunt May's injury.

Leo didn't know the above story.

In the end, because Peter and Mary Jane's savings were not enough for Aunt May's surgery and follow-up treatment, Peter had to ask Leo for help, and Leo knew the truth.

Since then, Peter's hatred and anger towards Hydra have been irreconcilable.

Originally, Li Ao did not arrange for Peter to destroy Hydra, because he was going to take Peter to Nepal, fearing that time would be too late.

But now that he saw Peter's furious look, it was obvious that Peter was going to go on this trip to suppress bandits in Africa!

So, Leo decided to change the plan a little bit:
"Okay, Peter, you will be given the task of destroying the Hydra base. Also, since everyone is going to slaughter snakes, I might as well go together, just in time for our teams to train together."

With the weapons that Li Ao currently possesses and the abnormal combat power of the five of them, it may take less than two hours to wipe out a Hydra base.

So before going to Nepal at the worst, take a day to go to Africa.

Anyway, the speed of going back and forth is very fast, so there will be no delay.

Seeing that Mr. Erwin agreed to let him go to Africa to eliminate Hydra, Peter seemed very happy.

Moreover, I don't know where Peter's whimsy came from, and suddenly asked:

"Mr. Erwin, does our combat team have a name? In the movies I watched, generally similar action teams have names."

This question stunned Leo, because he really didn't prepare a name for the team.

Peter keenly noticed Leo's expression, and smiled even more happily:

"Can I give our team a name?"

Leo managed to get Peter interested:
"What's it called? Tell me."

Peter suddenly said with a serious face:

"Spider Alliance!"


"Bad name."

"Om~ It's hard to hear."

Everyone expressed their views one after another.

"Why? The name sounds good! Think about it, now we have the blueprint of the spider silk launcher, and everyone can equip one. In this way, the name Spider League is very appropriate!"

Bucky shook his head and said:
"Each of us has our own fighting style, and not everyone likes to use a silk shooter. So, Spider League is not suitable, and it doesn't sound good."

"Okay." Peter was a little frustrated, "Then tell me, what's a nice name?"

Steam immediately shouted first:
"Om~ Call Erwin Team!"

Li Ao suddenly got goosebumps and felt embarrassed.

But what is amazing is that the other four people did not raise any objections, but showed expressions like "not bad" and "beautiful".

" you really think this name sounds good? We will continue to use this team name when we go to the universe in the future!" The embarrassed Leo asked awkwardly.

"It's okay." Natasha said, "Irwin Laboratory Building, Irwin Technology Company, they all sound very pleasant."

Others chimed in.

Steem, in particular, was buzzing with excitement.

But Leo thinks it's better to forget it.

With this name, it is estimated that they will be laughed at when they perform missions in the universe in the future.

Moreover, he still wants to recruit more teammates and subordinates in the universe in the future. With this team name, he may be regarded as a team bully or dictator by others, which will greatly affect other people's first impression.

Therefore, Li Ao, who felt that his teammate's name was unreliable, began to rack his brains, trying to come up with a good name.

Suddenly, a good idea jumped into Leo's mind:
"Why not, how about we call our team the Marvel Mercenary Group?"

Matt, who has rarely expressed his opinion, suddenly asked:

"The name Marvel is pretty good, but why is it called the Mercenary Group? Do we still need to charge money for missions in the future?"

Leo suddenly smiled mysteriously and said:

"of course!

As far as I know, in the universe, as a citizen of a low-civilization planet, if you want to start in the universe and quickly gain a foothold, being a mercenary is a very good choice. "

(End of this chapter)

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