The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 26 The Immortal Nine-Headed Snake

Chapter 26 The Immortal Hydra
Bucky clenched the fist of the robotic arm, while Leo stood motionless in front of him, looking at him coldly.

After a long time, Bucky let go of his fist, sighed, lowered his head dejectedly, and said:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Erwin. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to!

I just suddenly couldn't accept the fact that I killed Mr. Stark with my own hands, so I seemed a little excited. "

"You actually have another choice."

Leo didn't forgive Bucky just because he apologized, and continued coldly,
"Right now, on the third floor of the base, Sienna is there. You can go up to her and try to avenge Stark."

After listening to Leo's suggestion, Bucky shook his body, as if a little impulsive.But in the end, he still stopped where he was, and whispered in frustration:

"Her mind control is too strong. If I go up, I won't have a chance to make a move, and I will be controlled. Although I really want to die with her, I guess I can't even do this."

Seeing that Bucky had regained his sanity, Li Ao's expression softened, and he said:
"In this case, you should leave the base with me first. I have other ways to deal with Hydra. As long as you follow me, one day you will be able to kill Sienna and avenge yourself and Stark."

Leo turned around and walked out of the base, Bucky followed behind him without saying a word.

The two walked all the way to the garage not far from the entrance of the base.Leo had already prepared an off-road vehicle, which was loaded with the equipment he needed.

He let Winter Soldier Bucky sit in the back seat of the car, and drove the car slowly out of the garage.

However, as soon as the car drove to the gate of the base, Li Ao suddenly discovered that the director of the base, Sha Daen, was organizing people to close the gate of the base.

The 033 base is located in the deep mountains, with no villages or shops in front of it.If the people in the base want to go out to buy something, they have to drive an off-road vehicle in the mountains and forests for three or four hours.

Therefore, the gates of the base are usually not closed. When the people in the base have no missions, they can go out to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountains, pick some mushrooms, buy some game and so on.

How could Leo have guessed that Sienna would temporarily ask Shadaen to close the bases because of an experiment.

But at this time, it was too late for Leo to turn around and go back to the garage. Shadaen had already found the off-road vehicle Leo was driving, and was bringing two people here to check the situation.

"Bucky, bow your head, get down."

Leo let Bucky lie on the back seat, parked the car himself, got out of the car door, walked two steps forward facing Shadaen, and said with a smile while walking:

"Director Shadaen, on such an important day today, why didn't you watch in the laboratory, but came to the gate of the base to look at the gate instead?"

Shadarn recognized Leo from a distance. After all, Leo came here with Chief Sienna and was a student of Dr. Zola, who played a pivotal role in the super soldier experiment.

Therefore, when Shadaen found out that Leo was in the off-road vehicle, he also put on a smile:

"It's the leader's order. I can't do it if I don't come. On such an important day today, Mr. Erwin, why didn't you work in the laboratory? Where are you going?"

Li Ao casually found an excuse, and said perfunctorily:

"I have been busy making various equipment and instruments for the past two days, and finally finished it yesterday. I am quite tired these two days, and I plan to drive out for a stroll today and relax."

Shadaen frowned, his face slightly ugly and said:
"Mr. Erwin has really worked hard these days, but you may not be able to go out today. The leader has ordered that the base will be sealed off today, and no one can enter or leave. Please don't make things difficult for me, Mr. Erwin."

"That's okay. Since it's the leader's order, I won't go out today. I'll go back to the laboratory right away, maybe I can catch up with the most exciting moment."

After speaking, Li Ao was about to return to the off-road vehicle, ready to forcefully rush over.

But Sadaen stopped Li Ao and said:
"Mr. Erwin, I'm really sorry. Since you have already planned to go out today, according to the rules, I have to check this off-road vehicle. After all, I have to report to the leader at night."

Saying that, Shadaen walked towards the off-road vehicle one step ahead of Leo.

Leo followed and said:

"Director Shadaen, why don't you read it, I'll explain it to the leader later, so I won't bother you."

But the more Li Ao refused to let him see, the more suspicious Shadaen became, and the faster he walked, he soon reached the off-road vehicle.

He looked at the front row of the car first, and found that there was nothing, and then looked at the back row of the car.

Suddenly, an iron fist directly shattered the rear window of the off-road vehicle, and fell straight on Shadaen's head near the window.

Accompanied by the crisp shattering sound of the glass, Shadaen's head was smashed to pieces like a ripe watermelon, with red and white dripping all over the floor.

Li Ao, who had just arrived on his back foot, looked at the headless corpse of Shada En who was blown away a few meters away, shrugged helplessly, and said:
"I told you not to read it, but you didn't listen! Sigh..."

The two agents who came to check the situation with Shadaen were stunned by the sudden situation, and their minds went blank for a while.

But Li Ao didn't stay in a daze, he turned around quickly, the pistol at his waist flew up automatically, and was grabbed by Li Ao.

Lai Hao Li Ao is also a person with [Basic Firearms Proficiency] skills. With two bang bang shots, two agents were directly headshot.

The gunshots alarmed the other guards at the gate of the base, but they didn't know what happened, but the clever agents had sounded the defense alarm.

Leo turned around and got into the overnight car, turned his head to Bucky while starting the car, and said:
"Bucky, you did a great job. You just blew the enemy's dog's head off with one punch."

Bucky was taken aback after hearing this, he had thought that Leo would reprimand him because of his presumptuous assertion.But after only being stunned for a moment, he came back to his senses and praised Li Ao:
"Mr. Irwin, you did a good job. You shot your head with a gun."

Li Ao stepped on the accelerator, the engine of the off-road vehicle roared, and the whole vehicle rushed out at once, knocking into the air a few agents who had just assembled, and rushed out of the gate of the base.

After rushing a few hundred meters, Li Ao took out a remote control in his pocket and pressed the red button.The next moment, the explosives that Li Ao had arranged in the base in advance exploded one after another.

Due to the rush of time, the explosives released by Li Ao could not blow up the entire base, but it could also cause some casualties and panic to the Hydra.

Li Ao was sitting in the off-road vehicle, and with the sound of an explosion, lines of system prompts suddenly appeared in front of him.

[System prompt: You have triggered the mission - the immortal Hydra]

[Task reminder: The Hydra organization has been destroyed once, but a new Hydra has been reborn, just like the slogan of Hydra, cut off one head, and two will grow back!In the unknown corner, the conspiracies led by Hydra happened one after another.As an agent of Hydra, you defected from the Hydra organization in pursuit of freedom.When you choose to stand against it, you also assume the responsibility of destroying it! 】

[Task reminder: This task is a long-term task, and the current task completion rate is 0%. 】

[Task reminder: This task is mandatory and has been accepted by default. 】

Li Ao looked at the newly triggered task and silently closed the system panel.

For Leo, this task cannot be solved in a short while, and the role is dispensable.So Leo didn't plan to specialize in completing it, just let nature take its course.

 Hope you like my work.Thank you for reading!
(End of this chapter)

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