The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 246 I, Leo, Whoring For Free

Chapter 246 I, Leo, Whoring For Free

The girl in black organized her words and began to introduce to Leo:
"Actually, Zhenjin has existed on Earth for millions of years before I woke up, so the local animals and plants have been more or less passively affected by the life essence contained in Zhenjin."

After I became conscious, I began to try to use the mutated plants to cultivate heart-shaped herbs.

In the end, I found a native Wakanda vine with extremely tenacious vitality. Using the life essence contained in vibrating gold, I cultivated the original version of the heart-shaped herb. After several generations of evolution, it grew into I ordered the version that Shiqian ate.

Later, I improved several versions. Today's heart-shaped herbal medicine is the final result after my improvement. Its strengthening effect is more than ten times that of the version that Shi Qian ate. "

"Why do you want to cultivate heart-shaped herbs?" Leo interrupted and asked.

"Because I want to see the outside world!" said the girl in black,
"When I was first conscious, I couldn't see the real world, so I started to figure out how to solve this problem.

After almost 1000 years, I finally found something that works.

The life essence contained in the heart-shaped herb is essentially my soul power, so when the intelligent creatures who take the heart-shaped herb are strengthened by the life essence, their soul frequency will automatically resonate with me, as long as they lie on the ground, There will be an opportunity to enter the space of my domain, and I will be able to know the outside world based on this. "

"Wait a minute." Leo suddenly interrupted the girl in black, "You mean, I exist in the state of a soul now?"

"Yes." The girl in black nodded.

Well, now Leo finally figured out how he was communicating with the girl in black.

But he thought about it carefully and realized that this seemed useless, so he asked a second question:

"Just now you said that the essence of life is essentially the power of your soul. What do you mean? Also, why is the power you possess called soul power?"

"Let me answer your second question first."

The girl in black thought for a while,
"I actually don't know what the name of my power should be. Later, I found out that I can use this power to communicate directly with human souls, so I call it the power of the soul."

The unremarkable reason and the non-distinctive way of naming, so there is nothing suspicious, so Leo nodded slightly to express his agreement.

The girl in black went on with a natural expression,
"As for why I said that the essence of life is essentially the power of my soul, it's because Zhenjin itself was born with the power of my soul."


Li Ao seemed to have heard something extraordinary, and suddenly opened his eyes wide.
"Wakanda's history book clearly states that Zhenjin is actually a meteorite from the sky, why did you give birth to it?"

"That's right, that meteorite is me."

The black panther girl said with a serious face that Leo seemed to have seen a ghost,

"After I became conscious, I found that wherever the vibrating metal extends, it is where my body is.

I can use soul power to transform dead objects such as rocks and soil into vibrating gold. This is also the basic ability I said earlier that I can control the earth. This knowledge is stored in my innate memory.

But I don't know what's going on now. There is a problem with my ability to transform vibranium. I can only transform vibranium in the area of ​​Wakanda, and it can only extend down about 20 kilometers, barely entering the mantle. , not even reaching the Earth's core.

How annoying! "

Leo: ...

Fortunately, you can't extend your body any longer, otherwise, after 5 years, the earth would have been swallowed up by you!
At that time, the whole world will be vibrating gold, and the ecological environment must explode!

It seems that the boss who woke you up 5 years ago was very foresighted. I don't know what stumbling block was used to curb your heaven-defying behavior in time.

But Li Ao wanted to think so, but he couldn't say that.

He has now realized how defiant this little black-clothed loli who claims to be the goddess of the panther is.

So he didn't dare to delve into too many secrets anymore, now that he knew enough, don't accidentally violate the taboo of this god loli.

Although she looks harmless to humans and animals, and looks like a good girl, but based on what she said just now, Leo knows that this girl is by no means an easy-going lamp.

If she wanted to kill Li Ao, Li Ao felt that she definitely had more than one way.

While thinking about it, Li Ao started chatting casually:
"The Wakanda people dig vibration gold every day, isn't it equivalent to digging holes in your body and digging out your flesh and blood, does it hurt you?"

"It doesn't hurt. My way of existence is different from your carbon-based life forms. I don't have so-called pain-sensing nerves."

The girl in black said,

"Also, compared to my huge body, the vibration gold they mined is only a small amount. If it's gone, it's gone. I can grow it again. I don't care."

In fact, the girl in black didn't tell the truth here. She didn't care about the vibrating gold mined in Wakanda, because it was not the core of her body.

At this time, about 20 kilometers directly below the center of Wakanda, there is a group of translucent lenses the size of the Irwin Building, which is shining with blue-purple light regularly, as if the heart is beating.

This is the core of the girl in black, her real body, even if it is missing even a little bit, she will be so distressed to death, as if an ordinary person lost a piece of flesh.

And the huge vibrating gold veins, like blood vessels, cover the entire Wakanda from this core to the surroundings.

But no matter how heartless the girl in black is, she also knows that this core cannot be easily revealed, so here, she lied to Leo for the first time.

However, covered by countless truths, Leo believed the words of the girl in black without any doubt.

Leo asked the girl in black a few more innocuous questions, and the girl in black answered them truthfully.

Time passed in such small talk, and suddenly, the girl in black asked hesitantly:

"Leo, don't you have anything to ask?"

Leo nodded.

"Then can you listen to me now? I want to ask you to help me." The girl in black was very polite.

"Okay, let's talk about it first."

Li Ao had a smile on his face, but his heart was always full of criticism. He didn't dare to reject the big devil in front of him without any reason.

Although free prostitution is cool, it also depends on the target.

If Li Ao heard this girl tell so many secrets and disappeared directly, who knows if the girl would become angry and give Li Ao a heavy punch.

Although the girl in black said that she couldn't influence the real world too much, but after hearing so many secrets, Leo couldn't believe that she really couldn't do anything.

In fact, this girl in black can really do something to Leo. The only way she can threaten Leo is to trap Leo's soul to death in her own domain.

But Leo has already used mechanical force to break the barrier between the real world and the realm of the girl in black, so the girl in black has nothing to do.

But Leo didn't know, his cautious character made him unwilling to take risks, so he was going to hear what the girl in black needed his help for.

If he can, he doesn't mind lending a hand.

But if he can't do it...

Ha ha, then don't blame him for being a prostitute for nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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