The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 224 Vibrating Gold Warehouse

Chapter 224 Vibrating Gold Warehouse
It never occurred to the Wakanda that outsiders could slip unnoticed into the depths of the vibrating gold veins.

Therefore, no protective measures were set up at Zhenjin's mining opening, the gate was wide open, and there was not even a door panel, so it was easy for Li Ao to sneak in, and it was impossible to be discovered at all.

Inside the cave is an irregular circular cave, illuminated by the lamp tube at the top, exuding blue and white light.

Li Ao suddenly fell in love with learning, and activated the mechanical force analysis skill against the lamp tube, and obtained a blueprint called "Zhenjin Lamp".

However, apart from using the original vibrating gold for energy, this lamp has nothing special compared to ordinary lighting lamps. It is simply a waste of energy.

So Li Ao didn't look at this blueprint any more, he directly closed the system panel, and returned his attention to the cave.

The ground in the cave has begun to become uneven, and the cave is not straight but extends inwards with twists and turns.

No wonder there is no way to set up a maglev train here, and only tractors like forklifts can be used to carry goods.

At this time, another forklift drove out of the cave with two rows of ten vibrating tubes in total, and passed by Li Ao quickly.

Since the forklift is not powered by a common internal combustion engine, the noise is very small, and the sound of the wheels rolling against the ground is louder than the forklift itself.

Li Ao glanced at the forklift, no longer looked at it, but began to accelerate, and flew quickly along the winding cave.

After flying in for about six or seventy meters, it suddenly became clear.

This is a huge circular space with a ground diameter of more than 20 meters and a height of about [-] meters.The lights here are not only brighter than the cave just now, but the ground is also polished very flat.

Here, Leo saw the "multifunctional maintenance robots" he analyzed just now, and there were quite a few of them, flying around, scanning here and poking there, like exploring geology.

However, Li Ao's attention was obviously not on the "multifunctional maintenance robot" at this time. His eyes were fixed on the ground through the helmet.

I saw huge glass cabinets placed on the ground, and inside the cabinets were neatly stacked vibrating gold glass tubes, which had a strong visual impact.

one, two

Four hundred and twelve, five hundred and twelve...

Li Ao gave up the statistics. In this open space, there are at least tens of thousands of vibrating gold of standard quality.

This turned out to be Wakanda's vibrating gold storage warehouse!
And the middle-aged man that Leo saw at the entrance of the cave just now was walking around in the warehouse, directing the workers in Wakanda to load the standard vibrating gold from the glass cabinet onto the forklift, and then transport it out.

No wonder Wakanda's vibranium output suddenly doubled as quickly as a sow giving birth. It turned out to be eating inventory.

Speaking of which, the Wakanda people are really chicken thieves. After mining the vibration gold, it is not transported out of the mine, but stored in the mine on the spot. Don’t you know to build a warehouse outside?
Or if you put it in the warehouse outside, someone will dare to grab it from you?
This group of people is not afraid of the mine suddenly collapsing, and reburies the vibration gold mined with great difficulty!

Li Ao started to complain crazily, so as to relieve the impulse in his heart.

Because he faced so many Zhenjin at once, he suddenly had a strong desire to pack them all up and take them away.

This desire was so strong that Leo's hands were subconsciously placed on the storage belt.

This is tens of thousands of vibrating gold, worth several trillion U.S. dollars, and Leo can make countless powerful machines with it.

And this is the original vibrating gold, a machine made by Leo, so there is no need to worry too much about energy issues.Unlike the vibrating energy storage stone that he rebuilt with a vibrating hoe and a vibrating shield at that time, it needs to be charged again.

But at the critical moment, Leo still held back.

Wakanda's various black technologies have not yet had time to learn, and the heart-shaped herbs have not yet had time to eat, so let's keep a low profile and bear it first, so as not to lose the big.

And as long as he masters the principle of Wakanda's shield generator, he can come and go whenever he wants to Wakanda in the future. Putting vibrating gold in Wakanda is no different from putting it in his pocket.

Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, impulsive is the devil!
After taking a few breaths, Li Ao calmed down, raised his head proudly and ignored the Zhenjin on the ground, left the warehouse, and continued to fly deeper into the cave.

Li Ao guessed that if he went further, he should be able to reach the front line of Zhenjin mining, where the Zhenjin had not yet been weighed and installed, so he could take it with confidence without fear of being exposed.

His little mind has already been stimulated by the visual impact of the tens of thousands of vibrating gold just now, and he feels so distressed if he doesn't put some vibrating gold in his pocket first.

After passing the Zhenjin Warehouse, the road surface became uneven again, but fortunately, Leo relied on flying and did not need to walk.

Not long after, Leo flew to the end of the mine, and suddenly heard a loud noise in the mine.

This kind of sound, creaking and creaking, occasionally accompanied by the sound of breaking and cracking, is like a giant gnawing on a stone and chewing hard, slightly penetrating.

With doubts, Leo followed the loud noise to the end of the mine, and was slightly taken aback by the scene in front of him.

After a long time, Leo closed his mouth, and finally knew how the Wakanda people mined vibrating gold.

At the end of the mine, I saw a huge metal creation like a swimming fish.

It was about five meters long and three meters wide, covered in black metal scales, and its huge tail was swinging left and right, emitting light blue light from the tail, providing power for itself, as if swimming in the air.

Especially its head, not only has four huge metal pincers that can easily pinch off boulders, but also has sharp roller teeth, which are rotating at high speed, gnawing the stone wall mixed with vibrating gold and ordinary rock layer by layer Eat it, swallow it in your stomach.

The creaking, creaking, piercing noise was made by this kind of metal creation.

Li Ao waited and watched for a while, then flew directly to the fish monster, fixed himself with mechanical force, and opened the mechanical force analysis for the huge monster under his feet.

[Found an analytic object "semi-automatic vibrating gold mining machine", do you want to analyze it? 】

"Yes." Leo said silently in his heart.


Ten seconds later, Li Ao took the initiative to interrupt the mechanical force analysis skills.

Because according to his estimation, it would take a full ten hours to fully analyze this alien monster-like "excavator".

Although it seems that this mining machine has a high technological content, and many useful technologies and blueprints can be obtained after analysis, but ten hours is too long, and Leo does not want to delay.

So, Leo quickly flew around the mining machine to investigate some information.

As a result, he was surprised to find that the mining machine had a cockpit, and two Wakanda men, a man and a woman, were driving inside.

No wonder the name of this behemoth has a "semi-automatic" prefix, it turns out that it really needs to be operated by hand.

Originally, according to Leo's plan, if there is no one in the mining machine, he can use the Pym particle equipment in the storage belt to shrink this huge monster, and then he can analyze it successfully in a short time.

But now that there are people in the mining machine, he has to give up this plan.

Standing in the cockpit, Leo watched the two Wakanda men skillfully operating the mining machine, while listening to them chatting with unintelligible words in cadenced tones, he began to meditate.

(End of this chapter)

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