The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 220 Beautiful Wakanda

Chapter 220 Beautiful Wakanda
The drone continued to fly between virgin forests, mountains and rivers, and after passing through the messy post-war area, the speed increased significantly.

Bucky no longer dared to squat on the drone, and resumed the posture of lying on his back.

And Li Ao still stood firmly on the top of the drone, with mechanical force surging all over his body, and facing the "huge" drone under his feet, he activated the mechanical force insight and mechanical force analysis skills at the same time.

This is the first Wakanda high-tech product he has seen since he came to Wakanda.

Although the technology that Li Ao has now mastered can already make similar drones, but stones from other mountains can be used to make jade, and Li Ao will naturally not let go of this opportunity to learn.

[Find an analyzable item "Multifunctional Scout Drone", whether to start analysis. 】

"Yes." Leo said silently in his heart.

[Confirm the analysis, in the process of analysis...]

[The analysis is successful, and you get the blueprint "Multifunctional Reconnaissance Drone". 】

Li Ao hurriedly called up the system panel to check, and searched carefully in the blueprint of the "Multifunctional Reconnaissance Drone".

Sure enough, after a while, he found an identification module similar to Wakanda's electronic pass in the drawings.

However, the difference from the D-level electronic pass that Leo obtained from Ulysses is that the electronic pass identification module carried by this multifunctional drone adopts a two-way verification mode.

This means that even if Leo copied the equipment that is exactly the same as this drone, he still cannot unilaterally break through the protective shield and enter Wakanda, and must obtain permission from within Wakanda.

I don't know if the verification mode of the drone is two-way verification, or since the incident of Ulysses stealing vibrating gold happened, the verification method of all shields has been changed to a two-way verification method.

Originally, Leo wanted to quietly obtain a certificate that could freely enter and exit Wakanda, so that he would become a frequent visitor to Wakanda in the future, and come to visit whenever he has nothing to do.

But now after analyzing the drone, he realized that it is not so easy to treat Wakanda as the back garden of his Leo family.

However, Leo still has the ultimate solution, which is to enter the interior of Wakanda and analyze and master the blueprint of the shield generator.

Once he knew the principle of the shield's production and function, at that time, the shield would naturally be nothing to him, and he could even put the shield on the armor to make the armor truly invisible.

The speed of the drone is fast and slow, and at this time it has circled a semicircle around Wakanda.

Leo and Bucky also got a rough idea of ​​the size of Wakanda.

The total area of ​​Wakanda is very large. Not to mention the territory outside the shield, the area within the shield alone is at least [-] square kilometers. After all, there are vibrating gold veins and Wakanda cities inside. and schools and other infrastructure.

In addition, Leo stood on the drone and found that there were some small tribes like nomads living around the Wakanda shield.

The drone did not hide from the people of these small tribes. Instead, when it flew over the tribe, it slowed down and swayed from side to side, as if to say hello.

Moreover, the people of these small tribes did not show any surprise when they saw the drone, but even jumped up and waved at it excitedly, looking very affectionate.

Seeing this, Leo immediately understood that these tribes were actually Wakanda people in disguise, forming Wakanda's first protective barrier.

At this time, the drone passed by a small tribe again, and actively slowed down and shook the fuselage to say hello.

Bucky also took this opportunity to sit up again, and looked at the ground with his head.

"Leo, pay attention, this small tribe is similar to the previous tribes, there are several injured people.

Moreover, around their tribe, there are also traces of being bombed by guns.Although those traces have been processed by them, if you look closely, you can still find some shallow bullet marks. "

Li Ao nodded. He had actually discovered these shallow traces a long time ago.

Combined with the blood-stained grove that passed by just now, Leo guessed that Wakanda should be targeted by a large organization!

Leo thought for a while, then said:
"Bucky, after entering Wakanda in a while, I'll go find Zhenjin, and you go and investigate which organization Wakanda was fighting with a while ago."

"Okay." Bucky nodded.

Li Ao was a little worried, hesitated for a while, and then emphasized,

"Once your battle suit is damaged and a hole is made, it will lose the ability to zoom in and out.

And the materials it uses aren't very bulletproof, but Wakandari's weapons are advanced, so you'd better keep shrinking and not get bigger.

If you are accidentally exposed, please send me a message immediately, and I will go to support immediately. "

Facing Li Ao's instruction again, Bucky didn't feel any discomfort, but nodded solemnly again, apparently not ignoring Leo's words.

Li Ao is also very satisfied with Bucky's attitude. Bucky is old, experienced, mature and stable, and is Leo's most capable man.

This is one of the reasons why Leo is willing to bring Bucky to Wakanda.

If Peter and Matt wanted to follow, then Leo would definitely not want to.

The drone continued to fly, and quickly circled Wakanda, ended the cruise mode, and returned to the vicinity of Leo's previous stone throwing position.

The border tribal fighters who had been commanding the drone began to order the drone to return.

To be careful, Leo pulled Bucky up, followed the gap on the left side of the drone, and went directly into the drone, waiting patiently.

The light blue hexagon suddenly flashed like a bubble, and the drone passed through the "light blue sky", entered the real Wakanda, and flew towards the arsenal of the border tribes.

Leo pulled Bucky out of the drone, suspended in mid-air, and let the drone fly farther and farther.

Bucky, who was pulled by one arm by Leo, hung on Leo's body, staring down, his mouth gradually opened.

"Is this the real Wakanda?!" Bucky asked himself, "It's so beautiful!"

Leo didn't complain about Bucky's words this time, because Bucky used the word "beautiful" appropriately.

If Leo were to add another word, it would be shocking, even more shocking than what Leo imagined.

Leo and Bucky were suspended at a height of more than 500 meters above the ground at this time, and the entire city of Wakanda could be seen by the two of them.

A large river cuts through the city of Wakanda, splitting Wakanda in half.The river water is slightly rippling, and the reflected sunlight is sparkling and extremely beautiful.

The buildings in the city of Wakanda have circular spires, high or low, reflecting the sunlight and water in the sky, full of layers.

Moreover, in the city, several trains passing through can be clearly seen, those trains are actually suspended in mid-air, and the speed is extremely fast.

In addition, there are various aircraft flying around the top of the city.The nearest aircraft was within [-] meters away from Leo and Bucky, yet it flew over without a sound, which was surprising.

Bucky's voice came from the helmet:
"Just now outside the protective shield, what I saw were endless mountains and virgin forests. I didn't expect that after passing through the shield, it turned out to be such a beautiful city!"

Leo agreed with Bucky's statement very much, and subconsciously looked behind him at this time.

It was found that through the shield, everything outside Wakanda could be clearly seen from inside.But from the outside, you can't see a tiny bit of Wakanda's interior.

This shield actually has the function of one-way perspective, and the technological content has suddenly increased by a large amount.

Li Ao suddenly salivated at this shield, secretly thinking that he must learn the technology of this shield!
(End of this chapter)

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