Chapter 211 Experienced Leo
At ten o'clock the next morning, Li Ao came home on time.

Today is not Saturday or Sunday. Natasha and old Tom are both at work, and Eric is at school. Bucky should be the only one at home who is bored.

Leo walked to the basement, and sure enough, Bucky was here.

At this time, the strong black man named Mark has also been subdued by Bucky, and he is obediently standing aside with Ulysses.

Seeing Leo coming in, Ulysses leaned over quickly and handed Leo two pieces of paper:

"Boss Leo, the above is a topographic map of Wakanda. However, this topographic map is from three years ago. Some details are not accurate, but the important positions should not have changed.

Below is a map of my shipwreck, off the coast of the Republic of South Africa, but a bit out of the way.There are several iconic buildings on the map, which can be used as a reference when you fly to the place.If you can't find it, you can find the nearest city first, and then I will show you the way. "

Leo nodded, and took the two maps from Ulysses.Ulysses's painting is good, at least the rivers, mountains, city names and main buildings are well-defined and orderly.

He first put away the upper map, and then carefully looked at the second map.

After 2 minutes, Leo had already firmly remembered the map in his heart.

He took two steps back to make room, then took out three small things that looked like dormant compartments from his storage belt, and placed them on the ground.

The dormant pods were enlarged under Leo's control, and then lined up.

"Are you ready? If you are, let's go."

Ulysses and Mark naturally had no objections, but Bucky whispered:
"Leo, when I was brainwashing Mark last night, Natasha heard the movement and came down to find the two of them."

Bucky pointed to Ulysses and Mark, and continued,
"Then Natasha asked me what was going on, and I told her about the situation, and she also knew about our going to Africa today."

"Oh, did she say anything?"

Bucky smiled: "She said let's be careful on the road."

Li Ao smiled knowingly, pointed to the three dormant compartments on the ground, and said, "You three get in and lie down. I'll take you to South Africa, and we'll be there in a little over two hours."

Ulysses and Mark were obedient and lay down first.

After seeing them lie down, Bucky casually put on the down jacket on the side, and then lay down in a learned manner.

Li Ao waved his hand, and the lids of the three hibernation chambers closed immediately.

"Leo, it feels very comfortable inside, and the design is particularly ergonomic. Ah, there is even an air conditioner, and it's not stuffy at all, but it's a little dark, and it feels a little boring." Bucky's dull voice came from the dormant compartment. Come.

"If you're bored, just lie down and have a good sleep, and you'll be right there when you wake up." Leo replied angrily, then closed the sleeping compartment and sent it to the mustard house inside the storage belt to fix it.

With mechanical force surging all over his body, Li Ao activated the shrinking function of the Viper Seventh Generation armor, and immediately shrunk down to the size of an ant, flew out of the gap in the room, and soared into the sky.


Two and a half hours later.

Leo was suspended at a height of [-] meters, with the endless beach beneath his feet.

The sea water is rippling, slowly hitting the coast, wetting the beach that has been slightly dried by the setting sun again and again.

On the coast of the sea, there are more than a dozen scrapped giant ships docked in a circle. The smallest of these ships are more than 100 meters long and [-] meters wide. I don't know why they were scrapped here.

According to the sign on the map, this is Ulysses' lair, a shipyard on the coast of the Republic of South Africa.

It actually only took two hours for Leo to fly to South Africa, but it took half an hour to find this place.

This place is extremely remote. Although there is a city of average size three kilometers away, there is a not-so-low hill between the shipyard and the city. As a result, the coast of the sea has not been developed. There is only a narrow road that can pass through the city. To this side of the coast.

It took Leo a long time to find this kind of dark place under the lamp. No wonder Wakanda couldn't find it.

I don't know where Ulysses got the shit luck to find such a hidden place as a stronghold.

Since the Republic of South Africa is six hours ahead of New York, the time here is now nearly seven in the evening.

But this place is in the southern hemisphere, and it is not far from the equator. Although it is winter in New York, it is indeed summer here. At seven o'clock in the evening, the sun in South Africa has not yet set, and the sky is still very bright.

Li Ao, who was as big as a mosquito, found a relatively flat seaside to dock at random. After returning to normal size, he took out three dormant compartments from his storage belt.

The dormant compartment became larger under the action of Pym particles, and Leo waved his hand and opened the three hatches with mechanical force.

Bucky, Ulysses, and Mark suddenly saw the bright light, and subconsciously covered their eyes with their hands.

After the three of them got used to the bright light in front of them, they climbed out of the dormant cabin, and the first thing they did was to take off their thick down jackets.

It is now the end of December, and the weather in New York is hovering around zero degrees Celsius, but the highest daytime temperature in South Africa can reach 12 degrees Celsius. The three of them are wearing thick down jackets, how can they bear it.

Bucky didn't consider the difference between the weather at all. He took off his down jacket and wore thermal underwear inside. In the weather of nearly [-] degrees, it was still too hot.

But if he took it off again, he would be shirtless!

And he is not only hot on the top, but also hot on the bottom...

Leo also took off the Viper armor at this time, and it shrunk and got stuck on the storage belt, but he was wearing short-sleeved shorts and a pair of breathable sneakers.

Bucky stared blankly at Leo's outfit, then at himself, and squeezed out a few words: "Leo, why are you so well prepared..."

"This is experience!" Leo looked at Bucky's embarrassment, with a smile on his face,

"You have to know that sometimes I often have to run around the world in order to purchase a suitable material, so before each departure, I will check the time difference and weather between the destination and New York."

"Then what should I do now? It's too hot." Bucky suddenly stared eagerly at Leo's storage belt and asked, "Did you bring an extra change of clothes?"

Needless to say, Li Ao did bring a change of clothes, and there were more than one set. He had prepared clothes for the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

But before he could speak, Ulysses on the side suddenly said:

"Boss Bucky, there's no one else here anyway, why don't you just be like Mark and me, and make room for a while. When we get to our ship later, we can get whatever we want."

Ulysses and his younger brother Mark were shirtless at this time, their clothes were tied around their waists, and their trousers were rolled up, looking very cool.

Ulysses patted his strong pectoralis major, boldly and honestly,

"After a while on the boat, not only is there air conditioning, but you can also drink cold drinks while listening to music, and you can eat Haagen-Dazs ice cream. On hot days, I often escape the heat like this.

Moreover, even if Boss Leo gave you a change of clothes, why don't you still show your ass here?At least there is a private space on board. "

When Bucky heard the first half of Ulysses' words, he was not moved, after all, he is not a person who seeks to enjoy himself.

But the second half of Ulysses' words hit Bucky's pain point.

Yesterday Leo also said that he was gay, but now if he changed his clothes in front of everyone, it would embarrass him to death, and it would also damage his image as the boss in front of Ulysses and Mark.

So Bucky nodded pretendingly, neither continued to undress, nor looked eagerly at Leo's storage belt, but endured the intense heat, waved his hand and said:

"Ulysses, lead the way, let's go to the boat as soon as possible."

Ulysses quickly walked a few steps, walked to the front of the crowd, and led the way for them.

Originally, Leo was about to change clothes for Bucky, but he was so happy to see Bucky change his mind.

After all, Bucky was one size bigger than him, so even if Bucky put on his clothes, he would probably look very funny, not much better than wearing winter clothes in summer.

While thinking about it, Ulysses has gone away with Bucky.

Bucky endured the scorching heat and was eager to go to the boat to change clothes. At this time, he turned his head and saw Leo who was behind, and urged, "Leo, hurry up."

"Alright, alright, here we come." Leo walked a few steps quickly, caught up with the three of Bucky, and followed Ulysses' guidance, approaching the hulk.

(End of this chapter)

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