The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 190 The Current Situation of Fury and Natasha

Chapter 190 The Current Situation of Fury and Natasha

The agent apartment of S.H.I.E.L.D. is located at the back of the entire base. Not only is the house spacious and beautiful, but it also has supporting swimming pools, gyms, training rooms and other facilities.

Really luxurious!
Leo, who was the size of an ant, quickly shuttled from room to room in the apartment building, looking for Natasha.

Finally, Leo found her in a single apartment on the back of the fifth floor of the apartment building.

At this time, Natasha was sitting in the study reading a book quietly, neither in a hurry nor impatient, and at ease.

Li Ao sneaked closer and found that she was reading a literary classic, and she didn't feel the urgency of being imprisoned at all.

Li Ao circled the room first, and after confirming that there were no surveillance cameras, he flew behind Natasha, and the mechanical force surged, and he suddenly returned to normal size.

Before he opened his mouth to say hello to Natasha, Natasha had already sensed the uninvited guest behind her, and when she stood up, she kicked her back.

Li Ao hurriedly embraced the leg with both hands, and firmly caught the leg, then took two steps back to distance himself from Natasha.

Natasha turned around, retracted her legs, raised her hands, and put on a fighting posture, only then did she see Li Ao's attire.She was particularly familiar with the dark brown armor, so she tentatively asked:


Li Ao summoned his mechanical force and shrank the mask alone, revealing his increasingly resolute face.

He gave a thumbs up and said in admiration, "Natasha, you have a very sensitive reaction!"

It seemed that Natasha was indeed Leo, joy flashed in her eyes, then she frowned slightly and asked:
"How did you come in? Why didn't I hear the door? Besides, there are soldiers surrounded outside!"

Li Ao smiled slightly, instantly became smaller, and disappeared in front of Natasha's eyes.

"Leo, where have you been? What kind of trick are you doing??"

Leo, who had become the size of an ant, was suspended beside the ceiling, watching Natasha look around in surprise, and his heart was filled with a little pride.

He summoned up his mechanical force again, returned to normal size, took off his armor with a wave, shrunk it down to the size of a thumb, and stuffed it into his pocket.

At this time, Natasha hadn't recovered from Leo's magical operation, she opened her mouth slightly, and stared blankly at Leo who had returned to his casual clothes.

Li Ao waved his hand in front of Natasha's eyes a few times, smiled and called her name twice, making her regain her attention.

Natasha came back to her senses, subconsciously pursed her lips, and asked tentatively, "Did you just... shrunk?"

Leo nodded.

"How did you do it?" Natasha asked.

"Technology!" Leo replied calmly.

"Then can you grow bigger?" Natasha continued to ask.

"Of course!" Leo continued to answer calmly.

Natasha pondered for a moment, then said:
"Looks like fun!"

She made her own heart-wrenching evaluation of Pym particles.

Leo curled his lips helplessly, stopped talking nonsense with Natasha, and started asking about serious matters.

After a brief conversation, Leo and Natasha exchanged information, so they knew what they knew.

Then Leo asked:

"Now you are imprisoned, what do you want to do? Shall I help you get out of here first?"

"Everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. has been imprisoned, and everyone is suspected of being a Hydra agent. If I escape now, the white ones will also be said to be black."

"You still care about this?" Leo asked back.

"Care! Why don't you care..."

Natasha went on to say,

"I have been wronged once in the Soviet Union, and I don't want to experience that feeling again. And I like the United States very much. If I am labeled as Hydra again, I can't stay in the United States anymore. "

Li Ao pondered for two seconds, and said:

"Well, you can stay here and deal with the inspection with peace of mind. I will come over every morning and evening to confirm your safety. If there is no problem with your inspection, then everything is easy to talk about. If something happens, it will not be too late to leave. "

Natasha nodded and accepted Leo's kindness.

Li Ao thought for a while, and asked again:

"Where's Fury?"

"He and Pierce were named by Dr. Zola, and they are special care objects. They are probably in the guard room now."

Natasha didn't know, so she could only guess reasonably based on the situation.

Leo nodded:

"Then I'll go find him and discuss something with him. Stay here and take care of yourself."

In the end, Leo didn't forget to dig the wall,

"Be careful, Bucky is worried about you, and little Eric misses you too. And...

You still owe me a lot of money, and it seems impossible for Fury to pay it for you. There is no future with him. "

Originally, Natasha was very moved, but Leo's last sentence directly wiped away Natasha's moved emotions.

And when Natasha wanted to give Leo a blank stare, Leo had already put on the Viper VI armor and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

It took a full 10 minutes before Leo found Fury in a heavily guarded house.

The inner and outer walls of this room are made of metal, and there is only one bed inside.

But Fury was not abused, at least the clothes he wore were not prison uniforms, and he ate eggs and milk for breakfast, and took a hot bath in the morning.

In addition, he can go to the bathroom at most once every two hours while being guarded.

And Fury seemed to be in good spirits, sitting on a chair and thinking about the problem carefully.

When Leo flew in through the crack of the door, he saw "The Thinker" Fury.

Compared with Natasha's bachelor apartment, there are three cameras in this room, so there is no privacy at all.

So in order not to be exposed, Leo could only maintain an ant-sized body.

He quietly crawled to Fury's ear and whispered:

"Fury, I'm Leo."

It wasn't the first time that Fury heard Leo speak suddenly in his ear, and he had gradually adapted to Leo's disappearance, so he didn't show the slightest abnormality.

"Fury, what's your situation now, is there any danger?" Leo asked.

"It's just a review, there is no danger to life for the time being." Fury's lips moved slightly, his voice was as low as a mosquito, as if he was whispering.

But Li Ao heard it clearly, and it didn't affect the communication between the two of them in the slightest.

Leo then asked:

"Do you need me to take you out first?"

"Of course not! I haven't done anything wrong, and I'm not afraid of censorship. Now that I'm gone, won't it be justifiable?"

Fury's reaction was within Leo's expectations.

However, it is Fury's business to decide whether to go or not, but Leo's attitude is completely different if he asks or doesn't ask.

Fury didn't want to leave, and of course Leo didn't force it, so he thought about it, and then continued:
"Furry, according to the plan of the two of us, you will eventually take the position of director. But in this situation, do you think it is still possible?"

"It's hard." Fury thought for a while,

"At least in a short period of time, it's hard. I've been directly covered in dirty water by Zola. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Security Council can prove my innocence after review, it's impossible to promote me as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. On the cusp."

Fury went on to say,
"Leo, I have no hope of becoming the chief now, so I may not be able to fulfill the promise I made to you in SHIELD."

"It's okay, it's no fault of you, none of us thought that Dr. Zola would suddenly bite you back."

Leo said,

"Besides, I didn't help you get the position of director. I didn't help you. You don't have to feel guilty."

"No, you've helped me a lot." Fury didn't think so,
"You have identified the problem of Hydra spies within S.H.I.E.L.D., and the identities of most of the spies have been exposed, especially Pierce will also be reviewed. This is the greatest help to me."

"You put a lot of effort into it, and you don't need to put all the credit on me." Li Ao said with a smile.

"Without you, I would never be able to do this by myself." But Fury still thought that Leo was very helpful, and even thanked Leo at the end.

Li Ao was also polite and accepted it calmly.

Finally, after a little thought, he simply sold Fury another benefit, so he said to Fury again what he said to Natasha:
"I will contact you every morning and evening until your review is over. During this period, if you find anything wrong, please tell me immediately, after all, safety is the most important thing."

Fu Rui is not the kind of foolish and loyal person, of course he agreed with Leo's suggestion.

Then the two exchanged a few words briefly, and Li Ao left.

Leo didn't leave the S.H.I.E.L.D. base directly. He went to Fury's next room, where Pierce was being held.

Pierce is now in a similar situation to Fury, and has not been abused.

But unlike Fury's indifference, although Pierce was calm on the surface, his eyes occasionally flashed fiercely, as if he was very irritable.

But Leo observed quietly for a while, and then left Pierce's room.

This person is free to be reviewed by the Security Council. If the Security Council can't deal with him, Li Ao is ready to take action.

After leaving Pierce's room, Leo flew out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. base and headed for New York.

Next, he plans to take advantage of this time to update his equipment and completely transform the materials worth more than 30 billion US dollars into his own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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