The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 188 Something Happened to Natasha and Fury!

Chapter 188 Something Happened to Natasha and Fury!
After Old Tom took Eric away, only Leo and Bucky were left in the small living room.

At this time, Bucky began to chat with Leo about things that were inconvenient to say in front of Old Tom and Eric.

"Leo, what happened yesterday? Why did missiles fly over suddenly, and Zola also disclosed the Hydra thing on TV? Why was the alarm inexplicably lifted in the end?"

For Bucky, Leo wasn't prepared to hide anything.

So he quickly told Bucky the strategy he and Fury had planned, omitting the details from beginning to end.

"You mean to say that Hydra has really been wiped out in the United States?" Bucky couldn't believe it.

Leo nodded:

"The location of Hydra's last base has been discovered and occupied by the U.S. military, and some of the Hydra spies inside S.H.I.E.L.D. escaped, and those who remained should have been captured.

Hydra is basically wiped out in the United States. "

Bucky leaned back suddenly, and lay sprawled on the sofa, as if he was sighing.

After a long time, he sat up straight again and said with emotion:

"The hydra organization has gone from its peak to its collapse, and it has only been more than two years... Li Ao, you really have it!"

Bucky couldn't help stretching out his thumb, pointing upwards.

"Don't blame me for destroying your life goals ahead of time." Li Ao smiled.

He didn't forget that when he first took Bucky out of the Hydra base, the only thought in Bucky's mind was to seek revenge from the Hydra organization.

Bucky stared at Leo's face, and suddenly said seriously:

"Leo, thank you."

He said this thank you sincerely, without affectation.

Because Leo not only took him successfully escaped from the Hydra base, rescued him from the fire and water, but also took him in when he had nowhere to go.

A while ago, Leo helped him catch Sienna for him to vent his anger, and finally let him kill her, which settled his knot.

And now Leo has avenged him by destroying the Hydra organization in the United States.

All of this, regardless of whether Leo did it for him or not, but Bucky's kindness to him is indeed real.

Originally Bucky agreed to follow Leo, besides he had nowhere to go, he also had the intention of repaying his favor.

But in the end, he found out that he was just making soy sauce the whole time, and he basically didn't help at all.

Without Bucky, Leo would have had a smooth time in America.

So Bucky has always had a sense of gratitude to Leo in his heart, and the more he accumulates, the more he accumulates.

Since he found that he couldn't help Leo with some practical things in return in the short term, he could only use the word "thank you" to express his feelings.

Leo accepted the "thank you" calmly, and then said half-jokingly:
"You're not going to finish 'thank you', say goodbye to me, and travel far and wide?"

Bucky looked confused, and subconsciously replied: "Why should I leave?! It's good to stay here! Eat and drink and don't work."

"It's nothing, it's nothing, I just mentioned it casually." Li Ao suffered from the fact that no one understood, so he could only twitch his lips.And judging by Bucky's reaction, it is estimated that he will be salted to the end in the future!
Bucky thought for a moment, then asked again:
"You just said that Dr. Zola falsely accused Fury of being a Hydra member, so what is the result now?"

"I actually don't know. I didn't stay at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base for too long yesterday. After the alarm is lifted, I'll go to the Hydra base." Leo shook his head,
"But Fury is not afraid of the shadow slanting, so there should be no problem in the end... right?"

"What about Natasha? Natasha used to be an agent of the Soviet Red House, and she has a lot to do with Hydra, so she won't be affected this time, right?" Bucky asked.

"You care about her a lot? Are you interested in her?" Leo winked at Bucky.

Leo was wondering just now why Bucky suddenly cared about Fury, who was out of reach. It turned out that Bucky really cared about Natasha!

"Don't talk nonsense, nothing." Bucky explained,

"I was born in the 20s, but now it's the 90s, and there are not many people I know well, so..."

Speaking of this, Bucky was a little sad.

He cared about Natasha only out of concern among friends, and the friendship between teachers and students, not that kind of love between men and women.

Leo stopped joking, and said seriously:

"I don't know if Natasha will be involved in what happened yesterday. Dr. Zola's trick of splashing dirty water is really unexpected!"

Leo thought for a while, took out the mobile phone in his pocket, and handed it to Bucky,
"If you want to know how Natasha is doing now, it's actually very simple, just call and ask."

Bucky wasn't hypocritical, he actually dialed the phone, but the phone beeped until it finished ringing, but no one answered.

Leo and Bucky frowned at the same time.

"I'll try calling Fury." Leo took the phone from Bucky and dialed Fury's number.

The phone was able to get through, but no one answered until the ringing stopped.

The two looked at each other and understood that something had happened to Natasha and Fury.

Bucky frowned and said:

"I'm worried about Natasha, Leo, how about going to Washington with me?"

Leo thought for a while and nodded.

"Come on, let's start now." Bucky stood up abruptly, ready to drive.

Leo quickly stopped him:
"Bucky, don't worry. Why don't I go alone, I have a battle armor, I can fly there in a short time, and it will take you four hours to drive to Washington, which is enough time for me to go back and forth a few times."

It was only then that Bucky realized that he was in a mess when he cared, and for a moment he forgot about Leo's ability to fly.

Leo went on to say,

"I'll fly over to see the situation first, and I'll call you when the time comes. If necessary, it's not too late for you to go."

Bucky nodded and agreed to Leo's suggestion.

In front of Bucky, Leo took out the thumb-sized Viper VI from his pocket, instantly changed his clothes and shrunk down, and disappeared instantly.

Bucky only felt that Leo had disappeared in a blink of an eye, and opened his mouth instantly.


Five minutes later, Leo had covered a distance of nearly 5 kilometers and stopped at the gate of the Trident Base.

But before entering the door, Li Ao noticed something unusual.

At the gate of the SHIELD base, the guards were not SHIELD agents, but four soldiers with live ammunition.

Li Ao frowned, and flew into the base.

Leo was not familiar with the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, nor did he know where to find Natasha and Fury.

So he can only fly around the base like a headless chicken, slowly collecting information.

It is also because he is the size of an ant and is extremely convenient to move around, so in less than 10 minutes, he already has a general understanding of the situation in this base.

There are currently three main types of people in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

The first type is naturally the soldiers of the U.S. Army, about 2000 of them.They surrounded the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, and anyone who entered or exited had to show a valid ID, and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were forbidden to go out.

According to the information collected by Leo, these soldiers were dispatched under the order of General Foss.

The second type of people is the investigators sent by the Security Council, about 50 of them.These people are in suits and leather shoes, men and women, and they just arrived this morning.

The third type of person is the SHIELD agent who originally stayed in the SHIELD base.

There are about 600 of these agents, and they can be divided into two categories.

One category was those whose names were on the list provided by Dr. Zola, who were imprisoned in a gymnasium on the right side of the base, guarded by American soldiers.

The other kind of people are the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who are not on the list. Their conditions are slightly better. They stay in the agent apartment. No one has their own private room, but they are forbidden to leave the apartment, and all communication equipment is confiscated.

These two types of people are almost half and half.

This ratio is due to the fact that 20.00% of the Snake Shield agents have escaped.

After thinking for a while, Leo knew where to find Natasha.

She should be staying in the apartment now, and Leo just needs to find them one by one, and Leo is very fast, so it shouldn't take too much time.

But when Li Ao was about to look for it, he was attracted by a familiar figure.

 Some Calvins always feel that the rhythm of writing is a bit wrong... Please adjust slowly, everyone, please bear with me!

(End of this chapter)

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