Chapter 180
"Are they crazy? Don't retreat into the air-raid shelter, stay outside to die?! The long-range missiles that are flying in the sky now, once they explode on the ground, they will be razed to the ground within a radius of five kilometers!"

General Foss is now in a fit of anger, and his tone of voice is a bit aggressive.

"They are not waiting to die, they may be running for their lives..."

But Peggy, who was a little calmer, was thoughtful at this time.

In fact, the missing S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were the ones who sent the news to Director Simpson crazily.

They didn't trust Pierce anymore, so after passing the news to Simpson, the group of people hid and fled, and they didn't know where they were going!
But those people probably didn't expect that Dr. Zola would drop missiles at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base. Now those who didn't have time to go far heard the air defense sirens, and they might be huddled in an air-raid shelter in Washington!
What Peggy said just now meant that these missing S.H.I.E.L.D. agents might be Hydra spies.

But she couldn't believe her own thoughts. After all, if about 20.00% of S.H.I.E.L.D. were Hydra people, that would be too scary!
At this time, General Foss also calmed down, and understood what Peggy said.

20.00% of the people may be spies, it is extremely scary to think about it carefully!

The two guards of General Foss were also sensible, and they leaned towards General Foss in an instant, with vigilance in their eyes.

Since 20.00% of the people in S.H.I.E.L.D. have problems, it's not impossible to have more!
Maybe, there are many people with problems in this air-raid shelter!
Inside the air-raid shelter, the atmosphere suddenly became a little serious and heavy.

At this time, the TV in the air-raid shelter, which was broadcasting the air defense warning, suddenly flickered with snowflakes, as if the signal was not good.

At the same time, all the broadcasters no longer sounded the air defense siren, but instead made a piercing noise.

This change attracted the attention of everyone in the air-raid shelter.

About four or five seconds later, the snowflakes on the TV disappeared, but an old man wearing glasses suddenly appeared on the screen.

The old man smiled slightly, and the voice was sent out through all the broadcasters, echoing in the air-raid shelter:
"Hey, everyone, I'm Dr. Zola, the chief scientist of the Hydra organization!"

At this time, not only in this small air-raid shelter, but also the entire Washington DC, the entire New York City, and even the entire United States.

However, Dr. Zola's face appeared on all the screens connected to the Internet.Dr. Zola's voice sounded on all the speakers connected to the network.

In an instant, the entire United States was in an uproar.

Dr. Zola cleared his throat, straightened his tie on his chest gracefully, and continued:

"Maybe everyone is curious, or unbelievable.

It is clearly written in the history books that Captain America ended the Hydra era and brought a bright future to the United States.So how could Hydra still exist? ! "

Dr. Zola smiled slightly, like a professor,
"However, history books like to lie the most. Not only does the Hydra organization still exist, but it is growing stronger every day. Maybe your best friend, your wife or your husband is a member of Hydra .”

Dr. Zola had a smile on his face and looked very kind, but what he said was extremely cruel.

At the same time, various network security companies in the United States have been urgently recruited by the US government, preparing to work together to eliminate the "special virus" Dr. Zola.

But after working hard, they found that apart from physically disconnecting from the Internet, they could not do anything about this "special virus" in a short period of time!

At this time, Dr. Zola's words continued.

"Today is a very meaningful day, the deceived American masses, you finally know the secret that Hydra still exists.

Well, as a meeting ceremony, I have prepared for you... three Hydra missiles! "

Dr. Zola suddenly raised his hand and shouted, looking extremely excited, his eyes lit up (literally) and said,
"How about it, isn't it a surprise?!

The three missiles, one headed to the White House in Washington, and one to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base in Washington, are expected to be in…”

Dr. Zola suddenly looked down at his wrist,
"It will explode in 7 minutes and 35 seconds! I believe that friends in Washington have already received the air defense siren, and they are busy fleeing for their lives at this time. I guess they don't have time to listen to my nagging here.

However, I still want to tell those who survived in the end, why did you receive this special meeting gift. "

Suddenly, the TV monitor split into three, with Dr. Zola standing in the middle, and a black face and a white face appeared on both sides.

Dr. Zola pointed to his right side first, and said:

"He, Alexander Pierce, is the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He is a member of Hydra, and he has a high status in Hydra.

However, now he betrayed the Hydra organization and became a double-faced person, trying to clean himself up.

In return, I will publish the personal information of Mr. Pierce here, I believe many people will be very interested in it. "

Then, Pierce's face disappeared from the screen, and lines of sentences were displayed on the screen, which were Pierce's biographical information.

At this time, Dr. Zola pointed to the black man on his left and said:
"He, Nick Fury, is a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. He is also a Hydra member, and, like Mr. Pierce, he also betrayed the Hydra organization, so I also put Fury Announce your misdeeds."

Fury's face also disappeared from the TV screen, and lines of words began to scroll.

Dr. Zola raised his arms and shouted,

"It was their betrayal that made me decide to launch two missiles at Washington, please remember them, they have killed innocent people and done countless evils as before.

Although they are now trying to clean up, but do you really want to live in the same country as this kind of person?Can your safety really be guaranteed? "

At this time, General Foss, Peggy and others who were staying in the air-raid shelter had already changed their expressions, and the two guards of General Foss had even pulled out their guns.

They originally suspected that there were Hydra spies in S.H.I.E.L.D., but they never suspected Pierce and Fury.

Peggy knew Dr. Zola, and the series of scrolling information was logical and detailed, and did not seem to be lying.

However, Sienna was still killed by Pierce and Fury. How can this be explained? !
Peggy's mind was in a mess, and she couldn't judge what was the truth.

So she could only stand with General Foss and stay vigilant.

Naturally, Natasha knew the truth, and instantly realized that this was Dr. Zola's trick, in order to avenge Pierce and Fury, and at the same time discredit Fury.

Therefore, Natasha firmly stood next to Fury, ready to fight and protect Fury.

To be honest, according to the plan that Fury and Leo originally discussed, they expected that Fury would be retaliated by Hydra.

But they didn't expect this revenge to be so fast and so fierce.

Dr. Zola knew that the missiles fired could only destroy some buildings, at most ordinary people.

Those who he really wanted to take revenge on hid in the air-raid shelter and nothing would happen.

Therefore, Dr. Zola took advantage of this missile attack to stir up public anger through the Internet. At that time, even if Fury had something to say, he couldn't tell.

At this time, the two parties involved, Pierce and Fury, both chose to remain silent and stood quietly without trying to defend themselves.

Although the air-raid shelter was already tense, Dr. Zola's words continued:
"Of course, besides these two people, there are many people who contributed to this gift. I have a list here, and everyone on it has encouraged me to launch missiles in Washington. I believe that some people will definitely appreciate the contents of this list. interested.

But there are too many people, so I won't waste my time talking. You can go to www.xxxx to download the materials and take them back to read for yourself. "

The insane Dr. Zola actually chose to disclose the information about Hydra undercover in S.H.I.E.L.D. to the public!
Except for those who passed the news to Director Simpson in time, the other undercover agents were all judged as traitors by Dr. Zola.

Their list and detailed biographies are clearly in the data.

At this time, Dr. Zola continued:
"Oh, I almost forgot, I prepared three missiles for you, and the remaining one was fired at New York City. I believe that friends in New York are also running around looking for air-raid shelters at this time, right?
So why do I take special care of my friends in New York, why are you so lucky? "

Dr. Zola laughed again, this time a little maniacally, even sadly.

He continued:
"Next, I will grandly introduce another Hydra member to everyone. His name is Li..."

But before Dr. Zola could say Leo's name, all the display screens turned into snowflakes again, and only noise remained in all the speakers.

All those who listened carefully were stunned on the spot.

In the online world, there was a crisp voice excitedly:
"Om~Steam has caught you!"

(End of this chapter)

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