The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 176 Simpson, pull our Hydra missile over!

Chapter 176 Simpson, pull our Hydra missile over!

Simpson's yell at the door of the laboratory was heart-piercing and shocking.

But what he said made Dr. Zola and Helmut even colder.

But in comparison, the unbelievability of the two is more.

At this point, Simpson had run up to Dr. Zola, and he repeated:

"Dr. Zola, something is wrong! The leader of Sienna is dead, and Alexander Pierce has rebelled. He joined forces with Nick Fury and assigned the black widow to kill the leader of Sienna."

The old man on the display screen on Dr. Zola's chest opened his eyebrows and scolded angrily:
"Simpson, what are you talking about?! Are you cursing Miss Sienna to die?"

Simpson was taken aback by Dr. Zola's loud scolding, but when he came back to his senses, he could only explain patiently with a bitter face:

"Dr. Zola, I dare not arrange this kind of thing even if I have the courage. What I said just now is true. More than one person from the undercover agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. sent a similar message, and even the leader Sienna Photos of dead bodies.

And the security numbers they provided match their identities completely, so they are absolutely telling the truth, I really am not lying. "

But Dr. Zola still couldn't believe it, or he didn't want to believe it.

So he tried to find other excuses to convince himself:

"Simpson, didn't you say that Miss Sienna was in New York the day before yesterday?! Calculate the time, she should call the base tomorrow, and I still have important things to report to her!
How could she die?How can she die? ! "

Simpson's bitter face became even more bitter at this time, and he cried and said: "I don't know either!"

No matter what Dr. Zola was thinking, or no matter how unwilling he was, he eventually followed Director Simpson to Simpson's office.

In front of dozens of computers flashing with various information and pictures, a robot is quickly browsing the information and pictures received not long ago.

After he watched it once, he watched it again and again... Finally, the robot stood up.

The old man on his chest closed his eyes in despair.

"Ah! Ahh! Why, why is this happening! Shet, Falk, Shet, Falk..."

Dr. Zola finally couldn't control his emotions. He repeated the words beginning with S and F, and a pair of mechanical legs crushed the wooden stool.

Dr. Zola vented for a full 2 ​​minutes before stopping his frantic actions.

At this time, Director Simpson quickly took the opportunity to ask:

"Dr. Zola, what shall we do now?"

"What do you mean?"

It seems that Dr. Zola still hasn't regained his sanity.

Simpson understood Dr. Zola's mood very well at this time. After all, when he first learned and confirmed the news of the death of Chief Sienna, he did not perform much better than Dr. Zola.

The mess on his desk is proof.

But at least Simpson had let off steam, so he could think more calmly about more pressing issues now.

So he patiently explained:
"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s undercover agents sent messages to the base one after another, and some of them were so anxious that they didn't encrypt the communication channels, the location of our base will be exposed soon.

So, Dr. Zola, what would you like to do about our next move?Should we evacuate first or..."

In fact, in Director Simpson's mind, he couldn't think of any better way than to evacuate.

Dr. Zola also calmed down after hearing Supervisor Simpson's question.

But Dr. Zola, who calmed down, was even more terrifying, and the decisions he made were even crazier.

Dr. Zola thought for a while, then asked coldly:

"Director Simpson, how many of our Hydra long-range missiles have been manufactured?"

After Sienna left the base for the Hydra missile, Dr. Zola learned the lesson that the previous base was destroyed and could not retaliate, and led the restart project, in order to finally fight back!
Director Simpson immediately understood the meaning of Dr. Zola's words, subconsciously persuaded:
"Dr. Zola, once we decide to launch missiles, with the current size of our base, there is absolutely no room for us in the United States! I still remember that time in [-]..."

"Shut up!" Dr. Zola interrupted Simpson and snapped,
"I ask you questions, you just answer them!"

Dr. Zola continued angrily,
"Miss Sienna is already dead. If we don't use an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth, then is there any need for the Hydra organization to exist?!"

Simpson opened his mouth and could only say dejectedly:

"Limited to funding and time constraints, only three Hydra missiles have been produced now."

Director Simpson, who finished speaking this sentence, seemed to be discouraged, and his heart was ashamed.

They launched a demonstration missile in [-]. Although the missile crashed for unknown reasons, the US government still went crazy and searched for them for a whole year.

During this period, many bases of the Hydra organization were searched out. Many conflicts broke out between them and the US military, and both sides suffered heavy losses.

But at that time, the Hydra organization was strong in the United States and could afford it with the US government, but now they have only more than 1000 remnants and defeated soldiers.

If three more missiles are launched in a row at this time, this group of people will definitely have no place in the United States.

Of course, Dr. Zola also knew the consequences of doing so, so he began to think, and after a full 5 minutes, he finally had a calculation in his heart.

He arranged:

"Director Simpson, immediately inform the entire base to pack up and evacuate, don't fantasize about staying in the United States any longer, just find a way to escape overseas, find overseas Hydra distribution and confluence, and slowly seek development.

Before leaving, set the target of the three Hydra long-range missiles, launch one to the Trident headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Washington, one to the White House in Washington, and the last one to New York! "

Dr. Zola had already come to his senses at this time. He learned from Stim's video a few days ago that not only Leo Irwin and the Winter Soldier were in Eltech, but he was also in the video. Saw Black Widow.

And Black Widow has been with ElTech for a long time.

And Miss Sienna happened to be in New York these two days, and according to the news from the S.H.I.E.L.D. undercover agent, it was the Black Widow who killed Sienna.

Therefore, Dr. Zola concluded that Miss Sienna's death was definitely related to Leo.

Therefore, the last Hydra long-range missile fired at New York went to El Technology Company.

Director Simpson got the order, no longer hesitated, and hurried to arrange.

Time is running out now, and every second must be raced against.

An hour later, everyone in the Hydra base knew the truth. After a huge psychological change, they all packed up their things and left in a hurry.

They will be divided into teams of about ten people, ready to flee to the Hydra base abroad.But as for how much you can escape successfully, it depends on your ability.

But the people in the base haven't finished walking yet.

Including Director Simpson and Dr. Zola, they haven't left yet.

At this time, in Dr. Zola's laboratory, Director Simpson said:
"Dr. Zola, the missile has already set the bombing coordinates, and it will be launched automatically in one hour, and the location of our base will be revealed instantly.

The car is ready, so we, the last group of people, have to start evacuating quickly. "

Dr. Ke Zola suddenly said:

"I won't go with you."

Supervisor Simpson was shocked:
"Dr. Zola, everything has been arranged properly, there is no point in staying here!, and we still need your leadership."

The young assistant Helmut, who was standing next to him, also tried to persuade him anxiously, "Doctor, why don't you evacuate with us."

The old man on Dr. Zola's chest smiled slightly, and told the two of them a great secret:
"Director Simpson, Helmut, you don't have to worry about me. My current form of existence is completely different from yours. You may not know that my consciousness has permanently existed on the Internet, and I am already immortal."

Dr. Zola looked at the two shocked faces, and continued:

"So, I will synchronize my consciousness to the Internet through the dormant device in a while, and then I will prepare a big gift for those who betrayed the organization.

You just need to put my robot body on the car and take it away, find a place to disassemble and pack it, take it to the new base to reassemble, and I can return. "

Simpson and Helmut were relieved when they heard this coquettish operation. They raised their hands and shouted: "Long live Hydera!"

The old man on Dr. Zola's chest, and the robot himself, hilariously returned the salute.

(End of this chapter)

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