The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 165 The Curse from Sienna

Chapter 165 The Curse from Sienna
There were three poles in the sun, and it was already past ten o'clock in the morning.

Natasha had already been busy with work, so Leo moved Sienna and Bucky, who were still unconscious, to the basement floor, next to the unfinished large ark reactor.

ding ding bang!

Li Ao is an extremely hardworking person. Taking advantage of this short time, he can sneak in to add bricks and tiles to the Ark reactor.

But under such a loud noise, Bucky and Sienna lying beside them showed no signs of waking up.

I have to say, Leo's electroshock therapy... is really ruthless!
It wasn't until noon that Bucky, who had received electrotherapy for a relatively short period of time, woke up in a daze.

Since the chip control terminal is broken, and Leo helped him replace it with a new signal jammer, it is not the cold, heartless, murderous Winter Soldier who wakes up.

It was Bucky Barnes, chief security officer at ElTech.

When Bucky woke up, he rubbed his head first, and then felt a raw pain in his wrists, as if he had been strangled by something for a long time, which was very uncomfortable.

It was strangled by Li Ao with mutated spider silk, but after three hours, the spider silk had automatically decomposed.

Bucky sat up subconsciously, and then saw Leo who was squatting on the steel frame, with mechanical tentacles all over his body dancing wildly with demons.

Of course Leo also noticed him, so he stopped what he was doing, jumped down, took a bottle of bottled water and threw it to Bucky.

Bucky was really thirsty, too, and drank it all in one gulp.

At this time, he became more sober, and immediately remembered what happened before he was controlled by Sienna.

"Leo, I just met Sienna on Mingde Street, she..."

Bucky frowned.
"She seems to have me under control!"

Bucky's memory after being controlled is always a little fuzzy, and he seems a little confused at this time.

Leo smiled, pointed behind Bucky and said,

"Look at what's behind you?"

Bucky turned his head and saw Sienna's unforgettable face.

He suddenly jumped up from the spot and assumed a defensive posture.

But he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Sienna's whole body was covered with white spider silk, her face was black, and she was unconscious.

"Get out!"

Leo scolded with a smile,
"Sienna has been subdued by me, she won't wake up for a while, don't be nervous."

Bucky grinned at Leo, then moved closer to Sienna and observed carefully for a while.

Suddenly, Bucky slapped Sienna hard on the face, and cursed: "Heh... bah! Bitch!"

Who knew that this slap woke Sienna up, she opened her eyes suddenly, and saw Bucky and Leo clearly.

The next moment, Sienna's eyes were shining brightly, and her hair was windless and automatic. She tried to control Bucky through her mind control ability to save herself when she was completely unable to move.

With Bucky's mental strength, he couldn't bear this. He immediately lost his eyes and fell into a daze.

Seeing this situation, Li Ao immediately rushed forward and slapped Sienna so hard that her eyes stared.

Sienna suffered such a heavy blow, so naturally she couldn't use her mind control ability any longer.

Bucky woke up because of this, and immediately became angry from embarrassment, rushed up to punch and kick Sienna, and directly beat her until she vomited blood.

Leo didn't stop him, and allowed Bucky to beat Sienna.

Bucky frantically vented the grievances and grievances he had received over the years. Although Sienna was rough and thick, she was beaten to death in the end, her face ashen.

Li Ao saw that Sienna would be killed if he continued to fight, so he quickly stopped Bucky and said:
"Don't hit me yet, try to interrogate her and ask her where the rest of Hydra are hiding, especially Dr. Zola."

Bucky nodded and began interrogating Sienna.

Li Ao saw that Sienna's fate in the interrogation was worse than when she was beaten just now, so she quickly covered her face and watched quietly through the gap between her hands.

The interrogation lasted for half an hour, but Sienna kept silent during the interrogation, and kept staring at Leo with resentment, which made Leo's heart shudder.

Li Ao couldn't help but mutter in his heart: Bucky is the one who interrogated and tortured you, why don't you speak ill of Bucky, why keep staring at me...

The interrogation is actually very tiring, and Bucky has also consumed a lot of energy in recovering his body, and it is already a bit overwhelming at this time.

He panted and said:
"Li Ao, this bitch won't talk, what should I do?"

"Kill it!"

Leo said lightly,
"I've tortured her hard enough just now, let's be quicker this time and give her a good time."

Bucky nodded and raised his iron fist.

At this time, Sienna, who had been silent all this time, suddenly screamed loudly:
"Leo Erwin, in the name of the nine-headed god, I curse you..."

But Bucky's iron fist had landed on Sienna's face, slamming her words back.

Leo turned around and walked a few steps towards the laboratory, preparing to stay away to avoid being splashed with blood. As for Sienna's curse, he didn't take it seriously at all.

But when Li Ao had just taken two steps, a system prompt popped up suddenly, which made him pause.

[You were under the "curse of the nine-headed god" by Sienna Schmidt before she died, and it is being judged... The judgment failed, and you may be interpreted by some people. 】

Li Ao immediately frowned, and turned to look at Sienna who was already cold.

Above Sienna's body, he seemed to see a vicious soul staring at him viciously.

But in an instant, this feeling dissipated. It should be that Sienna's soul had dissipated between heaven and earth.

However, [Curse of the Nine-Headed God] still exists in the system status bar, with a faint light, which proves that the feeling of resentment that flashed just now is not out of thin air imagination of Li Ao.

Bucky then asked:

"What about Bichi's body?"

Due to the curse, Li Ao was a little absent-minded, and just waved his hands and said:

"I have my own use. You can help me clean up first, and then you can leave first."

Bucky nodded:

"After packing up, I'm going to prepare for dinner. Li Ao, are you hungry, do you want to come together?"

Leo was shocked by Bucky's words, he didn't even care about cursing, but frowned and waved his hands in disgust:
"Bucky, is it disgusting when you talk about eating at a time like this..."

"Hahaha, what is this? On the battlefield, during the protracted war, in the trenches full of corpses, which soldier didn't eat dry food with relish!"

"You are so powerful!"

Leo could only give Bucky a thumbs up.

Bucky chuckled lightly and said:

"Where does it come from whether it is strong or not? At that time, it was just the idea that after eating this meal, there would be no such meal."

But no matter what Bucky said, it was impossible for Leo to go to dinner with Bucky at this time:
"Go and eat by yourself, I have something else to do!"

Bucky didn't force it, so he lowered his head and started to clean up the scene.

Li Ao pondered about the curse for a while, and found that the curse was placed in the status bar, neither painful nor itchy, just looking at people who were irritated.

So Leo directly closed the attribute panel, and simply kept out of sight and out of mind.

After all these things are over, Leo thinks that he can take Peter to visit Dr. Octavius ​​in Kamataiji in some time.

Those nagging mages might be able to solve the curse on Leo!

While thinking about it, Leo walked to the laboratory. He reached out for his mobile phone and called Fury.

Now that Bucky is awake and Sienna is dead, it's time to meet with Fury to discuss the next steps in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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