The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 160 Preparing to 1 Enemy 2

Chapter 160 Preparing to One Against Two
Matt suddenly imitated women's language in a strange way, which disgusted Leo.

He hurriedly flew away in disgust, and then carefully recalled the meaning of Matt's words just now, and immediately guessed who the woman upstairs was.

The next moment, Leo hurriedly told Matt to run away.

The two quietly ran back to the other side of Mingde Street, and then Li Ao stopped and signaled that it was okay.

Night Demon stopped in his tracks and asked suspiciously:

"Mr. Erwin, why are we running away all of a sudden?"

"Because the woman above the Beautiful Life bar just now is a ruthless character, her fighting power is amazing, of course we have to hide first."

"Can't you beat her too?"

Night Demon was a little unbelievable. In his heart, Leo's current combat power was invincible.

"It's not that you can't beat it, it's just that it's unnecessary."

Leo explained casually,
"Our helper will be here soon, it will be safer to go together later when there are more people."

"You're not telling the truth."

Unexpectedly, Ye Mo's ability to distinguish lies by listening to his heart has been perfected, and he immediately exposed Li Ao's lies.

The expression on Li Ao's face suddenly seemed to be constipated. He suddenly felt that with such a humanoid self-propelled lie detector by his side, he couldn't even tell a white lie.

So he could only helplessly say:

"Well, let me be honest, that woman has the ability to control the mind, you can see that Bucky has been controlled by her.

I'm not afraid of her mind control, but I guess you will kneel when you meet her. Do you think your willpower is stronger than Bucky's? ! "

Ye Mo suddenly had no face to speak anymore, because he heard that Leo did not lie this time, Leo did choose to run away because he was worried about his safety.

The most embarrassing thing in the world is when people don't want to call you a burden, but you insist on forcing them to call you a waste...

Now Matt is in this embarrassing situation, so he chose to be autistic and kept silent.

"Don't be discouraged Matt, you are not a burden, you are also very useful, but you have a specialization in art, you are not suitable for this level of frontal battle."

Li Ao said the sincerity, and Matt naturally felt the sincerity in it. In order to break the embarrassment, Matt nodded and changed the subject:

"Who is that woman? Why do you and Teacher Bucky know her so well?"

"Have you heard of the Hydra organization?" Leo asked back.

"Of course I have heard that the Hydra organization is a force of Naqu, led by John Schmidt. In 1945, Captain America Steve Rogers led the army into the Hydra base camp and killed John. Schmidt, after the Hydra organization was destroyed, and Captain America disappeared..."

These contents are all written in the middle school history books. As a top student, Matt is naturally familiar with it.

"Enough is enough!"

Leo quickly cut Matt out, although the history books of this world are indeed compiled in this way, but every time Leo sees or hears this kind of history, he always has an inexplicable sense of weirdness, as if the world has no history at all. unreal.

After interrupting Matt, Leo continued,

"The woman's name is Sienna Schmidt, the daughter of John Schmidt, and the leader of the current Hydra organization."

"Hasn't the Hydra organization been completely destroyed?!" Matt suddenly opened his eyes wide, "It's written like this in all history books!"

"Are you a child? How can you believe everything in the history books?!"

Leo continued,

"Not only has the Hydra organization not been destroyed, but there are even more Hydra bases in the world than before, which is simply countless."

Matt nodded slightly involuntarily, as if trying to accept this shocking statement.

After a while, Matt asked again: "Then how did you and Teacher Bucky know her?"

Li Ao laughed twice, and said: "This is a secret, I can't tell you! You just need to know that Sienna and us are enemies!"

Matt is the one who knows the importance, and Leo didn't want to say it, so he didn't ask any more questions.

But for some reason, Matt suddenly had a whim, and asked in surprise:
"No, Mr. Erwin, if Sienna is the daughter of John Schmidt, why is she 50 years old this year, why is she still so..."

"Capable?" Leo saw Matt's tone of hesitation, so he spoke for him what he hadn't finished.

Matt nodded, apparently unable to understand the matter.

Leo didn't answer and asked instead:

"Matt, you might as well guess, how old is Bucky this year?"

"Thirty... at most 35, no more." Matt said firmly.

Li Ao laughed suddenly, and he approached Matt's ear mysteriously, and whispered:
"I'll tell you a secret, don't spread it out. Bucky and Captain America are young, and they are still good comrades in arms through life and death."

Hearing this secret, Matt froze for a moment. He opened his mouth, but couldn't speak for a long time.

He was stunned not only because Captain America was his idol.

It's even more because if you do a rough calculation like this, Mr. Bucky will be in his [-]s or [-]s this year, and he's still so capable!

Tsk tsk...that's just beyond Matt's disbelief.

Leo seemed to have guessed what was going on in Matt's head, raised his hand and tapped Matt's head, and said:

"Stop thinking about it, and listen quickly, are Sienna and Bucky over now?"

"Oh, oh, good." Matt came back to his senses, and immediately listened carefully.

"The two of them are getting dressed, and Sienna said that Bucky will take her to the El Technology Company and prepare to deal with you."

Li Ao nodded and suddenly asked:
"Can you hear where Natasha is now?"

"I'll give it a try." Matt listened carefully for two seconds before replying,
"Miss Romanov was about to go out at this time, and she said she would drive over."

Leo flew all the way here too fast, even including the time spent on Mingde Street, the total was less than 10 minutes, and Old Tom just ran home to inform Natasha.

If Natasha drives to Mingde Street again, it will take another 10 minutes.

If that's the case, time will be too late. Once Bucky and Sienna run to a more lively street, Leo's hands will not only be restrained, but will definitely cause a great sensation, which is not what Leo wants. .

With this in mind, Leo decided not to wait for Natasha, and prepared to do it himself first.

Whether one-on-two fights are good or not is another matter, but Li Ao feels that it is absolutely no problem for him to hold back two people. When Natasha comes, he must be sure.

"Matt, I'm going to go and entangle Sienna and Bucky first, you find a place to hide yourself, remember not to come and interfere with our battle."


Matt nodded, jumped onto the roof, and then hid in a corner in an instant.

Li Ao ignited and took off, quickly flew to the door of the Beautiful Life bar, and hovered silently.

He stared at the bar, his eyes seemed to penetrate the wall of the bar, and fell directly on Sienna upstairs.

Thinking back to when Li Ao just traveled over two years ago, he was still a researcher with no power to restrain himself. When he first met Sienna, he had to pretend to be stupid to survive.

But now, just two years later, he already possessed impressive strength, even daring to fight two with one.

Li Ao's heart was suddenly full of pride, and the flames of war were burning in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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