The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 155 Stim who got a new toy

Chapter 155 Stim who got a new toy

It has been a month since the disappearance of Norman Osborn. In order to reduce the panic of the citizens, although this matter has been forcibly suppressed on the surface, the new mayor has also taken office.

After all, this era is no better than the future Internet era, where everyone can speak freely on the Internet.

Now the dissemination of news among people mainly depends on newspapers, news and word of mouth.

As long as someone secretly pressures and lures newspapers and TV stations, it is easy to suppress some news.

But relying on word of mouth alone can easily distort the truth of the matter.

After a month of fermentation, the attack on the mayor at that time has been sung by enthusiastic New York citizens as another heroic deed of Spider-Man.

But secretly, the search for Norman's whereabouts has never stopped.

There are two groups of people who persevere in searching for Norman's whereabouts.

One group is the Austen Enterprises headed by Norman's son Harry Osborn.

Although the old butler Bernard has hinted to Harry many times that Norman is already in danger, he hopes that Harry can immediately take over the position of chairman of Aoshi Enterprises and concentrate on future development.

But Harry still finds it difficult to accept the fact that his father died, and has been spending a lot of manpower and material resources to search for Norman's whereabouts.

It wasn't until Pierce, the snakehead of S.H.I.E.L.D., took the initiative to contact Harry, that Harry seemed to know some truths, so he gave up the search, and started to cooperate with Snake and Shield secretly like his father.

The second group of people who have been searching for Norman's whereabouts are the New York City police.

The New York police, headed by Chief Olnia, have had a hard time recently.

With such a major incident as the mayor's disappearance, the police have been unable to solve the case for a long time. One can imagine the pressure from above.

Fortunately, Olnia had identified the real identity of the criminal early on, which saved her from being dismissed.

But the criminal Otto Octavius ​​has disappeared now, and the mayor has not been found for a long time, so Olnia put the breakthrough on Spider-Man.

But the strange thing is that Spiderman, the "New York friendly star" who always showed his face several times a week in the past, has not been found in the past month.

This is terribly frustrating for Olnia. He is alone in the office every day, pointing at the wall and yelling at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who disrupted the situation that day.

He believes that the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. must have attacked Spider-Man, which caused Spider-Man's delay in showing up.

But how could he have imagined that a certain Spiderman was about to become a strict wife!

These things happened behind the scenes, and Leo didn't know anything about it, and these things had nothing to do with Leo, and he didn't want to know.

The only thing that involved Leo was because Otto owned shares in Eltech, so the New York police sent people to Eltech to investigate the situation.

Due to the disappearance of the parties, the New York police did not have many useful clues in their hands. At this time, they discovered the line of El Technology Company. Olnia personally led the team, and the menacing attack was about to overthrow El Technology Company. upside down.

Fortunately, lawyer Matt Ma was there. At that time, he was wearing sunglasses, and his guide stick was stretched on the ground like a dog-beating stick. He was alone and blocked dozens of New York policemen at the gate of El Technology.

After that, he was eloquent and his tongue was full of green lilies. The straight-talking Olnia was speechless, and finally he could only retreat in despair.

At that time, Matt's face was filled with a strange brilliance, just like when Leo first flew into the sky.

When Matt scolded the New York police, Leo stood not far away and watched quietly. At that time, he suddenly realized that his subordinates did not know when they had already had so many talents, and each of them could be unique. .

And each of these talents is a well-known figure in the Marvel universe.

At that time, Leo had a smile on his lips, and felt that he had to pull every superhero under his roof as much as possible. At that time, it would definitely be an unstoppable force!
Just thinking about it makes me happy.

In a blink of an eye, another month passed.

No one can find out the whereabouts of Norman and Otto. Gradually, those who don't care have forgotten about it, and those who care have put it down.

Leo is the kind of person who is unintentional. Norman's death has long been forgotten by him. At this time, he is in the laboratory, with his legs crossed, happily reading the few books that Fury gave him. .

The authors of these books are Howard, and their content covers a wide range of topics, including various mathematical theories, and even addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Frontiers include the possibility of quantum communication, the speculation of various new elements, and even the demonstration of nanotechnology.

Li Ao has taken the time to read these books twice, and he has gained a lot from reading each time. He even feels that the mechanical force in his body has been mobilized by the contents of the books and has become more active.

Sure enough, learning the strengths of each family is far more relaxing than building a car behind closed doors.

Leo closed the book, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then called Steam:

"Steam, do you want to see the wider world?"

"Oh, I think."

Steam bobbed his head from side to side, looking very happy.

"Okay, come here, open your core library, and I'll install the networking module for you."


Suddenly a big hole opened in Steam's stomach, and after a moment of operation, Leo stuffed a small module that had been prepared a long time ago into Steam's stomach.

With this thing, Steam will be able to access the Internet through a wired connection in the future.

Leo had long planned to let Steam connect to the Internet, but he was worried that Steam's intelligence was not mature enough, so he delayed it.

Now that Steam is smart enough, Leo is going to give Steam access to the Internet so that he can learn by himself.

"Steam, since our company launched the El chip, personal computers and the Internet have developed rapidly in the past year, and many paper publishers have put their latest papers on the Internet one after another.

I will give you access to the Internet. While you are studying by yourself, pay attention to help me search for the latest published papers. The scope of the paper search is temporarily locked in three aspects: energy, communication, and materials. Remember to report to me once a week in the future. "

Leo arranged some homework for Stim, which also helped to improve Stim's intelligence.

Steam closed his belly and turned around happily:

"Buzz buzz~ Alright, master, Steam promises to complete the task."

After finishing speaking, Steam hurriedly ran to the computer in the laboratory, then carefully stretched out a connector from the robotic arm, and inserted it into the network port on the wall next to the computer.

For a moment, Stim's eyes flashed with colorful light, like a revolving lantern, Fafo discovered a wonderful world.

Leo watched Steam's series of reactions with a smile on his face.

Steam is far smarter than Leo thought, and his learning ability is super powerful.

Over time, Stim will definitely grow into an artificial intelligence that is a hundred times more powerful than Iron Man's Jarvis.

It is even possible for him to grow into a mechanical life in the future.

After all, Ultron and Vision in Marvel are considered mechanical life; and Nebula is transformed into a robot, which is also a kind of mechanical life.

If there is a coincidence in the future, Stim has a great hope to ignite the fire of life and become a real living body.

However, Leo's goal at this stage is still to allow Steam to gradually control everything on the Internet.

At that time, the whole earth will no longer have secrets for Leo!
Seeing that Steam was having a good time, Leo smiled knowingly again, and went back to his hut to sleep.

The large ark reactor has not been built yet, and Leo is actually quite tired every day, so he needs regular rest, and two hours of sleep a day is essential.

After Leo went to bed, Steam was left in the lab.

Steam, who just got the networking function, is like a child who got a new toy, and he can't put it down for a moment.

For Stim, every visit to a website is a new world; every time a new data stream is received, it seems that "life" is enriched.

(End of this chapter)

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