The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 150 Leo makes his debut

Chapter 150 Leo makes his debut
"Report, the sniper is in place, and found three attackable targets on the roof, namely the four-clawed monster, the green monster and the spider-man. No Level [-] non-staff personnel of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been found, please instruct."

The S.H.I.E.L.D. sniper on the roof in the distance, after ascertaining the situation, asked the squad leader for instructions through the walkie-talkie.

When this group of people took over the task, they were never told that Norman, the rescue target, would transform, so they regarded the green monster as an enemy at this time.

The team leader who had already led the team to the ninth floor, thought for a moment, and replied:
"The four-clawed monster seems to be the most destructive, so attack him first."

Then he ordered his team members to say,

"Start deploying pulse guns immediately."

The sniper in the distance received the order, aimed for a moment, and shot a burst armor-piercing projectile at Dr. Octopus.

Of the three people fighting on the top floor, only Peter sensed the bullets coming rapidly through the spider sensor, and also noticed that the bullets were heading towards Doctor Octopus's forehead.

At this time, it was too late to call out a reminder, Peter immediately sent a spider thread to the claw of Doctor Octopus, and pulled Doctor Octopus with great force, pulling Doctor Octopus staggeringly, the mechanical claw was pulled up by Peter, which happened to block the swift attack Explosive armor-piercing projectiles.

The bullet was directly embedded in the mechanical claw, and then exploded immediately.

Doctor Octopus's mechanical claws were directly blown off, and four claws became three claws.

The sniper in the distance saw that a bullet had done a good job, and quickly reloaded a new burst armor-piercing bullet, ready to fire another round.

Suddenly, two spider threads shot down from the air, directly sticking him and his companion protecting him to the floor of the roof, and the sniper rifle was instantly released from his hand and fell aside.

He and his vigilant companions were subdued in an instant without even noticing who the enemy was.

At this moment, out of the corner of the sniper's eyes, he saw a black battle armor suddenly descending from the sky and hovering five meters above their heads.

The sniper, who had never seen such a thing before, was horrified, struggled desperately, and started to shout.

His companion was glued with his head to the ground, not knowing what was going on, and when he heard the sniper shouting, he started shouting too.

Leo, who was suspended in the air, thought they were too noisy, so he landed next to them, lowered his head and stretched out a finger, and under the desperate eyes of the sniper, he poked at the sniper's rib.

The next moment, a huge electric current was transmitted through the fingertips, and it only took three seconds to make the whole body of the sniper flashlight twitch, mouth crooked and eyes squinted.

After doing the same to the sniper's companion, the two finally calmed down, and Leo rose into the air again.

Leo set off after receiving the news from Bucky. When he first came here, he was already in the current situation.

He looked at the ruined roof in the distance for a moment, and sighed secretly.

I thought that the trip to Nepal would help Otto solve his chronic illnesses, but unexpectedly, Otto turned black in the end.

But what Leo didn't expect was that the green monster next to Otto could be the Green Goblin? !

When he first got to know Norman, Leo had analyzed that Norman was not worthy of developing a body strengthening potion, but the reality gave Leo a slap in the face.

So Leo is going to make up for the mistakes he made, and kill the Green Goblin first!
He is now an ally with Peter and Otto, so Norman is naturally an enemy, and Leo has no psychological burden to kill.

The anti-gravity pulse blaster ignited suddenly, Li Ao accelerated instantly, and reached the ruined roof in an instant.

When Peter saw Leo, his face was filled with joy, and he was about to call out.

Suddenly, a shock wave came from downstairs, and the entire roof was blown away, Peter and others were also rushed into the air by the shock wave.

The first moment Li Ao felt the arrival of the shock wave, he immediately activated Zhenjin's defensive rune.

A shimmering translucent shield appeared, coupled with the power of the armor itself, Li Ao was able to stabilize his figure.

After the initial panic, Peter also calmed down. He was in mid-air, and the spider silk flicked and stuck to a floor that was thrown away in mid-air, giving him a little cushion.

Then he swung again and landed on a building not far away.

Due to his heavy weight, Dr. Octopus was not lifted too far. At this time, he grabbed the building with his mechanical claws and slid down for a while, stopping the falling trend.

Norman was relatively light, and was thrown at least ten meters away. He spread his fleshy wings and glides quickly in the sky, running farther and farther.

Norman's nervous brain finally felt something was wrong at this moment, and he was about to escape.

Leo flew up to Peter and said:
"I'm going to chase that green monster, how about you go and see Dr. Octavius."

Peter nodded, jumped off the roof in an instant, and went straight to Otto.

Li Ao ignited and took off, and quickly chased after Norman.

Norman can't borrow strength in the air, and his speed is certainly not as fast as Leo.In an instant, Leo chased after Norman.

Norman, who was shaped like a big bat, turned his head and saw Leo approaching rapidly behind him. He was shocked, folded his wings, and fell headlong.

Even so, his speed was still not as fast as Leo, and Leo swooped down from behind Norman to catch up with him, reaching out to grab Norman.

Unexpectedly, Norman's whole body was slippery, but Leo caught it in one fell swoop.

Leo began to change his strategy, planning to stick Norman with spider silk, but the liquid on Norman's body made it impossible for the spider silk to stick.

Li Ao curled his lips, and simply stretched out his palm, with a strong electric current between his five fingers, which directly imprinted on Norman's body.

Electric current is not afraid of the liquid on Norman's body, and even this liquid conducts electricity much better than musculoskeletal.

Hearing Norman's shrill and inhuman scream, he immediately twitched, lost the ability to resist, and then directly hit the ground heavily.

Li Ao fell to the ground and saw that Norman had been thrown to the ground and was bleeding, and it seemed that he was going to die.


One of the mechanical claws was broken, which seemed to have a great impact on Doctor Octopus. His other three mechanical claws grabbed the wall and remained motionless, as if they were seriously injured.

Peter made a few swings with his strength, and was about to land next to Dr. Octopus.

Suddenly, several guns protruded from the window above his head, attacking Peter frantically.

"Hi, I'm Spider-Man, are you crazy?!"

Peter yelled overhead as he dodged bullets.

In New York City, all policemen will automatically regard Spider-Man as a loyal partner and solid backing when they see Spider-Man. There is no reason to shoot teammates.

But the eight S.H.I.E.L.D. agents on the roof didn't seem to know that "Spider-Man is a good friend of New Yorkers", and they were still firing their guns bang bang bang.

The team leader of SHIELD agents is very angry now, and the sniper can no longer be contacted.

He originally wanted to use a pulse cannon to blast the monsters on the roof down and fall to death. Even if they couldn't fall to death, the New York police could cooperate with them to attack when they reached the ground.

But monsters are worthy of being monsters, and they cannot be judged by common sense. After the roof was blown off, these monsters were like eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers, and all of them were safe and sound.

The angry team leader originally planned to go down a few floors to deal with the four-clawed monster hanging on the wall. At this time, seeing the Spider-Man suddenly swinging back, he let his teammates attack the Spider-Man without hesitation.

Seeing that his persuasion hadn't had the slightest effect, Peter was instantly furious as the people on the roof were still shooting at him.

He relied on the spider silk to borrow a few times and climbed to the ninth floor in an instant.

Either shooting, hitting, or kicking, the eight S.H.I.E.L.D. agents lay down on the ground in an instant, and then they were glued tightly together, unable to move at all.

(End of this chapter)

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