The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 147 Doctor Octopus and the Green Goblin

Chapter 147 Doctor Octopus and the Green Goblin

The sky is fine today, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse. Although the street lamps and the moonlight illuminate the road brightly, it is difficult to see a person in the streets and alleys.

The nights in New York City are very quiet, as if the day is too noisy and has consumed all its energy.

It was nearly two o'clock in the morning, when people were most sleepy, and most people fell asleep, including Norman.

Since Norman became the mayor, he has done a good job on the surface. He moved out of a tall and luxurious villa and moved into a mid-priced residential building in Queens.

The residential building has 12 floors, and Norman lives in neither high nor low. He bought a three-bedroom apartment on the ninth floor, and there were only him and his old housekeeper, Bernard, in the whole house.

At this time, Norman was asleep in the house with his head covered, and he didn't feel at all what kind of monster his recent actions had created.

A muffled sound like thunder suddenly sounded in the residential building, and the building itself began to tremble non-stop, as if an earthquake had struck.

Stab it!

The ear-piercing sound of steel rubbing finally awakened Norman from his sleep.

He turned over and sat up. Taking advantage of the moonlight, he saw a strange four-clawed monster on the balcony of the house. It had torn through the protective window and was crawling into the house.

Norman reacted very quickly. He didn't even turn on the light, and immediately pressed the alarm beside the bed. This alarm is directly connected to the New York Police Department. Since it is an express line, the police car will arrive at his building within 5 minutes. Down.

Then, Norman didn't even have time to put on his clothes, he only put on his underpants, and ran towards the door even scrambling.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and before Norman had time to run to the door, he was caught by the mechanical arm extended by Dr. Octopus and dragged directly in front of him.

Norman was frightened for a moment, his whole body was sore and weak, and he couldn't use his strength.

Doctor Octopus grabbed Norman in his "hands", turned around and left the room without saying a word, inserted his tentacles alternately into the building, and quickly led Doctor Octopus and Norman to the roof of the building.

At this time, the residential building was already brightly lit due to the noise caused by Dr. Octopus, and there were a lot of scolding and screaming, and the phone number of the New York Police Department was about to explode.

The housekeeper, Bernard, had also been awakened long ago, picked up the pistol from under the pillow, and immediately rushed into Norman's bedroom next door.

But at this moment, the bedroom was in a mess, and Norman was nowhere to be seen.

Berner quickly ran to the window with a big hole in it, and looked up, only to see two mechanical tentacles flashing by.

The messy bedroom and the torn protective window bars all told Bernard that his master was in danger, and the perpetrator was not like ordinary people.

Berna rushed to the living room immediately, followed his memory, and made a phone call.

He didn't know where the call was going to. He only knew that Master Norman had said that if something beyond his imagination happened, he must remember to make this call quickly.


Residential buildings are near the sea, and the roofs are windy.

Doctor Octopus lifted Norman high with his tentacles. When the sea breeze blew, the frightened Norman felt cold all over his body. In an instant, he regained some sanity.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

An instinct of fear drove Norman to ask the question.

Doctor Octopus stared angrily at the terrified Norman through the two holes in his eyes through the mental sensing helmet:
"Norman Osborn, don't you even know me?"

Although Dr. Octopus's voice was a little hoarse, Norman immediately recognized who Dr. Octopus was.

Norman found out that he was being held hostage by Otto, and his heart turned cold for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Otto, who is usually soft and weak, can hide such a big killer, and dare to do such a crazy thing.

After a little thought, Norman knew that begging for mercy to Otto was of little use and could not save his own life.

And relying on his usual arrogance, he cursed at Otto, maybe... he would die sooner.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Norman laughed out loud, and gave up the treatment completely. Anyway, if he died, he might as well just say it happily,
"Otto, are you angry? Are you crazy? Are you angry, are you desperate?

You know, when you refused to study genetics with me, I was as angry and desperate as you!
You may not know that I have been born with a congenital disease, due to genes, I will never live to be 50 years old, and now I am 43.

When you left Aoshi Enterprise, I was only 30 years old, young and vigorous, and I felt that without you, I could research a cure for me.

But I failed, my IQ is not as good as yours, 13 years, I did not succeed. "

Facing Norman's remarks, Dr. Octopus didn't know how to feel, but just kept silent and didn't say a word.

Norman didn't want to hear Otto's answer, so he said to himself:

"In the past 13 years, I have become more and more crazy and hopeless every day. If I had you, I think I should be healthy now.

Hehe, but you gave up on me, I am hopeless now...

Then why can you live well? ! "

Norman suddenly lowered his head and yelled at Otto, heart-piercing.

After shouting, Norman said in a mocking tone,

"Hmph, you still travel to Nepal, and you still take a share in some El Technology company, you will be a winner in life immediately...

I'm just jealous, I just can't see you well, I'm going to find a way to drive you out of New York University, I just like to see you become angry from embarrassment.

Ah ha ha ha ha ~"

Norman looked up and laughed again, his eyes were red, as if he had lost his mind.

Doctor Octopus looked up at Norman, who was laughing wildly and dancing, and murmured in a low voice:
"So it is, Norman, you are such a selfish villain."

Unexpectedly, Norman's hearing ability was suddenly superior, and he actually heard Dr. Octopus's words clearly:

"I'm a villain, I'm selfish, I'm going to die, why should I let you be nice."

Doctor Octopus doesn't want to talk nonsense with Norman anymore. This kind of person has his own set of logic in his own favor, and he can't understand it no matter how he says it.

Explaining to him is tantamount to talking to a duck, a waste of words.

What's more, Doctor Octopus felt that his sanity could hardly hold on, and he was on the verge of madness at any time.

This neural sensor device is immature. The longer Dr. Octopus wears it, the more he understands that the sensor device will amplify his desires, erase his conscience, and eventually turn him into a mad monster.

So Doctor Octopus did not intend to delay any longer. He looked at Norman and said in a deep voice:

"Then let us both die together!"

Doctor Octopus was about to kill Norman, then he took off his helmet and jumped directly from the top of the building.

Thinking of this, he clamped down on the mechanical tentacles fiercely, intending to clamp Norman into several pieces.

For some reason, Dr. Octopus suddenly felt that the tentacles were not under any force, and they were directly clamped.

Doctor Octopus was startled and angry. He looked intently and found that Norman had escaped from the tentacles at some point and landed on the rooftop.

Norman, who was lying on the roof, had changed at this time. His original white skin had turned green, and the surface was covered with green thick liquid, and even his underpants were almost corroded.

This liquid is not only corrosive, but also not slippery. Just now, Norman used the liquid to suddenly slip from Doctor Octopus's tentacles, leaving him with a gap.

Norman was not in a good state at this time, lying on the roof twitching non-stop, dying, and his throat seemed to be stuck in liquid, coughing uncontrollably.

At this time, the alarm that Norman pressed on the bedside finally worked, and the siren sounded not far away.

Doctor Octopus didn't dare to delay any longer, a mechanical tentacle raised high, and poked towards Norman who was lying on the roof.

A big hole was directly poked on the roof, which may have punctured the water pipe, and the water jet sprayed high under the action of high pressure.

But this time he missed Norman. Norman, who was lying on the ground dying, suddenly seemed to have completed his transformation at the moment when he was about to be poked. At the very moment, he dodged the sharp tentacles and rolled dexterously. to the side.

(End of this chapter)

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