The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 143 Natasha Appeared at Leo's House

Chapter 143 Natasha Appeared at Leo's House
Oakland is more than 500 kilometers away from New York, and it only took one hour for Leo to fly back, but it took a full day and a half for Green Fist and the others to drive back non-stop in rotation.

It was not until 10 am on Saturday that Green Fist drove little Eric to the gate of the El Building.

"Boy, get out of the car, Mr. Erwin is waiting for you in the building in front of you."

Putting little Eric down, Green Fist drove back to rest.

After several months of field work and more than 30 hours of driving fatigue, a strong man like Luquan couldn't stand it anymore.

Little Eric got out of the car and stood alone at the entrance of the El building, pulling a large suitcase, looking up at the six large characters of "El Technology Company" decorated in a grand manner, suddenly feeling a little lonely.

The surrounding buildings are so strange, there is no familiar face among the passers-by, and the doorman in front of the El building also looks so ferocious (that is Purple Fist).

Little Eric suddenly didn't dare to approach the El building alone, as if the building was a scourge that would swallow him up in the next moment.

But he didn't dare to leave alone. He had never been to New York, and he had less than 20 yuan in total. If he left, he would die!
Little Eric, who was very frightened, tightly clutched the lever in his hand, not even daring to move.

Just when the loneliness and fear were about to overwhelm little Eric, Leo walked out from the El building.

He took a glance and saw little Eric who was in a daze while pulling a suitcase.

"Hi, here!"

Leo waved to little Eric with a happy smile on his face.

Although Little Eric and Leo only met once, they only talked for less than half an hour.

But in this strange environment, being able to see a familiar face can give little Eric infinite courage.

He secretly took a few deep breaths, mustered up his courage, and walked to Li Ao's side with a large suitcase.

Leo leads Eric into the El building:
"Put the suitcase at the front desk, and I will show you around my company first."

Eric carefully hid the suitcase under the cabinet at the front desk, and then followed Leo to wander around the El building.

"Eric, I am a technology company here. Originally, according to the cooperation plan between me and your father, the company will even launch vibration gold products in the later stage, and truly promote vibration gold technology to the world."

Leo started making up nonsense again,

"Although your father passed away, there is still you now. I hope that in the future, El Technology Company can still research Zhenjin Technology as planned, and truly realize the progress of science and technology for all mankind."

Hearing Leo talking about his father's ideals, Eric nodded vigorously.

Next, Leo walked and chatted, and took Eric around the company.

Li Ao talked about some of the stories he had made up these days, most of which were about the "details of cooperation" between him and Enjob, and he made no secret of his selfish desire to win gold.

I don't know what little Eric really thought after hearing these stories. Anyway, after a chat, a smile appeared on his face again, and he seemed to be quite familiar with Leo.

After more than an hour, the two returned to the gate of the company.

Leo suddenly said seriously:
"Eric, for your safety, your identity must be kept secret.

You will be my distant nephew Eric Stevens in the future, and you must remember not to reveal your true identity to anyone. "

Eric nodded:
"Uncle Erwin, I see."

Suddenly, there was a soft sound in Eric's stomach, he rubbed his stomach, and smiled awkwardly.

"Hungry? Let's go, let's eat something first."

Leo led Eric to the door.

But Eric didn't follow, he pulled out his big suitcase from the front desk like a baby, and then he caught up.

"What's inside?" Leo asked casually.

"Some changes of clothes, and the relics left by my father."

When Eric talks about his father now, he has learned to keep his sadness in his heart and stop crying.

"Can't you put it here first? Eat first and then come back to get it."

Eric shook his head stubbornly.

"Uh... well!"

Leo touched his chin,
"It's troublesome to pull a big suitcase. Let's go. I'll take you to the place where you live first. After you've settled down, put your things down first, and then I'll take you to dinner."

Eric nodded upon hearing this, and obediently followed behind Leo.

The house that Leo is renting now has two floors, and there are still two vacant rooms, so he is going to put Eric there to live with Bucky and Old Tom.

The El building is not far from the house, only one block away. Not long after, Leo brought Eric to the house.

Raising his hand to pry the door lock with mechanical force, the door opened immediately, and Li Ao took the large suitcase from Eric's hand and led him in.

As soon as he entered the door, Leo heard laughter and laughter from the second floor. Hearing the sound, it turned out that Bucky and Natasha were chatting.

Leo put the suitcase behind the door casually, and went up to the second floor in doubt.

There is also a large living room on the second floor, with three sofas and a table, and a TV by the wall.

At this time, Natasha and Bucky were lying on a sofa, eating melon seeds, watching TV, and chatting.

Seeing Leo coming up, Bucky hurriedly greeted:

"Leo, you're going home?! Do you want melon seeds?"

"No, thank you."

Leo waved his hand, looked at Natasha frowning slightly and said,

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here to talk to Mr. Bucky about fighting skills."

Natasha and Leo were at odds with each other, they curled up their legs to make themselves sit more comfortably, and casually said,

"Get ready to eat together in a while."

Leo glanced at Chaplin on the TV, and thought to himself: I believe you ghost!
But it's not working time now, and Leo couldn't instruct Natasha to do this or that, so he simply ignored this "exposed undercover agent".

He thought of little Eric, turned his head and looked behind him, and found that little Eric hadn't followed.

Leo looked down the stairs suspiciously, and found little Eric standing in the middle of the stairs holding his precious suitcase, as if a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, come up, you will live here from now on."

Only then did little Eric carry a big suitcase, and went up to the second floor.

Both Natasha and Bucky noticed little Eric and looked at him with curiosity.

Bucky suddenly realized:

"Leo, is this the kid you were talking about named Eric?"

"Well, that's right, the person has been found."

Bucky nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He didn't care about Eric, but he cared more about the three hundred people who were brought out by the Rainbow Brothers to search for Eric.

Now that Eric has been found, the three hundred people will come back one after another. Bucky needs to think about how to adjust the next training plan and personnel arrangement.

However, Natasha's interest was raised, and Fury sent her to investigate Leo's secret. This sudden extra child might be an important clue.

She put away her laziness, turned around and knelt down, resting her chin on the back of the sofa, and asked excitedly:
"Leo, who is this child? An illegitimate child?"

"No, why don't you have good words in your mouth?!"

Leo was quite speechless,

"Also, remember to call me Mr. Irwin. You are an employee who owes money and doesn't pay back. You are not qualified to get close to the boss."

"It's fine to call your husband during working hours. We've known each other for so long, so we can just be casual."

In Natasha's place, all men have no majesty, she can call her whatever she wants,
"Leo, tell me, who is this kid?"

"It has nothing to do with you. Do what your secretary should do. Don't ask around. I'll let you know what you need to know."

Leo scolded.

Who knows if Fury has any connection with Wakanda now, so Leo doesn't want to reveal Eric's true identity to Natasha.

Being reprimanded by Leo, Natasha was not angry, instead she was smiling all over her face as if she had discovered something interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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