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Chapter 90 Stitch Monster?

Chapter 90 Stitch Monster?
The faster the speed, the greater the mass, and the greater the kinetic energy it has.

At such a speed, the vehicle generally can only keep driving in a straight line, and a slight deviation of the steering wheel may lead to very serious consequences.

like now.

After the collision, the commercial vehicle was slammed to the left. Under the extremely fast speed, the car was about to rush out of the road. Tom, who was driving the commercial vehicle, subconsciously turned the steering wheel to the right.

Oh wow.

As we all know, in this case, such an operation can only lead to one result.

The vehicle rolls over.

Then, at such a speed, the rollover of the vehicle will evolve into a finishing move - a death roll.

Hades is different.

Level five driving skills allowed him to easily control the vehicle, and admire the rolling heroic appearance of the car through the rearview mirror.

Although you were disgusting when you bombed me, and you were in a mess when you ran away, but the way you roll over is really pretty.

Slowing down, drifting and turning around, Hades drove the Reaper taxi to the dilapidated commercial vehicle at this time.

Opening the door, getting out of the car, closing the door, Hades walked to the commercial vehicle.

Rolling dozens of laps at the limit speed just now, unless it is a strengthened person, whether the people in this car can survive is a problem.

As for how to determine this... After all, Hades has seen several Piao Piao floating out.

However, the identities of these people are still worth confirming. After all, Hades is very curious as to why this group of people blew themselves up. Was it aimed at him in the first place, or just because he passed by and blew himself up by the way? ...

If they came here specifically to target themselves at the beginning, then the problem is very serious, which means that they have mastered Hades' real-time whereabouts, and Hades doesn't know it yet.

If he blew himself up because he was passing by...

Then Hades can only say that their incident really brought them more serious consequences.

It's too bad, I lost my life.

Arriving in front of the commercial vehicle, Hades directly grabbed a gap, puffed up his muscles, and tore open the modified car body shell with ease like tearing paper.

There were a bunch of broken limbs and broken arms in the car, even if Hades had expected it, it was a little disgusting.

"Hmm..." Hades glanced at it, turned around decisively, walked away a little, and took out the phone from his trouser pocket.

"Hello, Coulson? Tonight...uh, good morning."

"Yes, yes, I know you are asleep, that's right, something happened to me again."

"Well, it's actually not a big deal, it's just an explosion attack, and they blew up my car."

"Yes, they died..."

When Hades was talking to Coulson about letting him come over, something changed in the commercial vehicle.

When evacuating, the Hydra team took away a lot of the black blood in the test tubes that Natasha and Barton saw and the twisted and moving flesh in the culture tank.

In fact... those black blood and twisted and moving flesh and blood are all products from the abominable corpse.

After getting it, Hydra conducted preliminary research, and found that even if the abomination is dead, his flesh and blood can still survive in the culture medium after injecting some superpower potions, which is the kind that Captain America once used. Keep some activity!
And that blood is naturally the blood of hatred.

The test tubes and culture tanks containing the blood and flesh were broken during the rollover of the commercial vehicle, and then gradually mixed with these and completely dead corpses!
No, not outright death.

There was one more man, Captain James, who was still alive.

He was seriously injured, and he was about to die.

However, when the black blood and mutated flesh came into contact with his dilapidated body, it seemed as if his body had been forcibly injected with a little vitality, and it began to gradually gain vitality.

Hades was naturally unaware of the changes inside the car. He wasn't that perverted, he liked to stare at a bunch of stumps, or in other words, he never thought that there would be something that hates flesh and blood in the car.

At this moment, he was still on the phone with Coulson.

"I don't know who it is, and I don't know if they are targeting me on purpose."

"The body has turned into a heap of mud."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not that kind of pervert, I just played bumper cars with them once."

"How fast? I forgot, it's about 240 kilometers per hour."

"Ahem, um, come here quickly, here..." Hades said this, suddenly heard a movement behind him, turned around to look, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he said something, "This What the hell is he, a stitch monster?"

He saw a twisted mass of yellow and black flesh and blood!
This group of creatures seems to be all muscles, and it looks very difficult to mess with.

However, this thing was obviously born by accident, which resulted in a somewhat strange appearance. What Hades saw was that this thing had a lot of limbs on its body, all of which looked like muscles, and it was very powerful. It looks like, but... the position of these hands and feet is a bit strange.

Think about it, a yellow-black meat ball with a lot of muscle hands and feet stuck here and there, almost like this.

So... this is the stitch monster made up of those people's corpses?
"What, what stitch monster?" Coulson had just hurriedly put on his clothes and was about to go out, when he heard Hades' words, he asked subconsciously.

"It's nothing, it seems to be an accidental product of a biochemical experiment, and I don't know how they made it," Hades said, "Um... I think you should prepare before coming here, this thing is a bit difficult to deal with."


"Yes, it's probably similar to the Hulk Hulk that day, but the combat power doesn't look very good," Hades said, "I guess some people used that shit yellow giant to make it, um, So...Hydra, doing experiments, Compney Corporation...well, I kind of get what's going on."

"Wh... what?" Coulson looked confused, what happened just now?
Did you really speak English just now?Why do I know what each word means, but I can't understand it together?
"It's nothing, hurry up and find the right people and equipment to prepare for its funeral." Hades said.

"What? Why did you suddenly deal with the funeral?" Coulson was even more confused.

"It means that you don't need to solve this thing, you just need to bring someone over to deal with the corpses and traces." Hades sighed helplessly, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"Well... almost."

"By the way, remember to bring me a set of clothes when you come here, thank you."

Yaoshou, why are you so tired talking to Coulson?

Hades thought secretly.


Street diary:

Q: If you were given 1 minute to talk to yourself five years ago, what would you say?
A: I don't think 1 minute is enough time, don't get me wrong, I mean it's not enough time to convince the sand sculpture, in fact, I think... even an hour may not be enough time.

 That’s right, this point is very true. In fact, looking back, I did countless stupid things five years ago, but when I think about it carefully, maybe this is growth... If you don’t make mistakes, what is it called? What about youth?When you make fewer and fewer mistakes, you are getting older.

  PS: If you are interested, you can go and have a look at the py "Superman of the United States" with the boss~
(End of this chapter)

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