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Chapter 81 Official Tucao

Chapter 81 Official Tucao
Hades's car didn't have a back seat.

Christine: "???"

Co-pilot decoration?
Are you bullying that I'm not as smart as you?
In fact, Hades suddenly remembered a joke from his previous life - "It's fine if you don't want to play games with me, you can even say that Summoner's Canyon is demolishing and building roads", and then applied it by the way.

"I'm really sorry. After the co-pilot is finished, if I'm lucky, I will definitely agree to carry you~" Hades said with a smile, "Then, goodbye, Ms. Christine."

After all, before Christine could react, Hades started the car and disappeared in a flash.

The matter has been settled, and Hades doesn't intend to date Christine, so what are you doing here, is it a waste of time?
"Fack!" Christine looked at Hades' taillights disappearing around the corner with a confused face, and it took him a while to react, stomping his feet angrily and exploding with swearing.

However, she has no way to retaliate against Hades now, because these are stipulated in detail in the confidential document she just signed. Unless she wants to go to jail, she cannot disclose anything about Hades. Tell anyone and publish anywhere.

Depressed, Christine came to her car, started the car and left.

Of course she came by car.


"I've always had a question," Barton asked curiously, looking at the pile of weapons in front of him, "How many safe houses does Fury have?"

"I don't know, but... New York alone, I have been to no fewer than five, and one of them is already a safe base." Natasha picked up some weapons and armed her body, "I guess at least ten indivual."

"..." Barton was silent for a while, then shook his head speechlessly, "I remember that the accounts we've seen didn't seem to mention the cost of the safe house."

"Sometimes embezzling public funds is still beneficial, such as now," Natasha stuffed the last tranquilizer pistol into her armed belt, "and, judging from the current situation, at least we can be sure that the money was spent on our On S.H.I.E.L.D., not on Hydra."

"That's true," Barton said with a smile, "Nearly half of the high-level executives have been identified..."

"I'm starting to wonder if our S.H.I.E.L.D. should be renamed Snake and Shield," Natasha couldn't help complaining, "I've never seen this kind of plot in a novel, and it's outrageous to write such a plot." The plot of the story will hit the street very badly!"

"Reality is often even more unbelievable than fiction," Barton shook his head, and brought the topic back on track. "Act tonight, can we... save those people?"

"We can't save it. Our purpose is the place where the experimental equipment is stored. Those people can only be rescued by others," Natasha shook her head and said, "Don't forget our real mission. Compared with Hydra There is a huge threat to the lives of these people...sometimes we have to make multiple choice questions."

Just then, an encrypted phone call came.

"I have arranged people to cooperate with you," Fury said, "We have coordinated with the police. They will launch an attack on the place where they are holding people tonight to rescue the hostages. You sneak in and find out Go to that place and find out what this company is doing.”

Of course, it is impossible for Fury's men to be used only by Natasha, Barton, and Coulson. That would be too incompatible with his status as the king of agents.

After getting information from Natasha that those gangsters were arresting people, Fury had a plan in mind, so he sent other personnel to complete some different tasks.

The people Fury used passed the preliminary screening. Since he suspected that there might still be Hydra people, he didn't tell them about Hydra. He just dispatched tasks normally, and when dispatching tasks , also went through layers of camouflage and turned several corners in order to conceal his real purpose.

For example, Fury's original intention was to find out what the Compney Company was researching, but what he asked his staff to do was--received information from an informant that an international The fugitive came to Hell's Kitchen and planned to organize another terrorist attack, so he sent a team to Hell's Kitchen to track it down.

The location given in the information happened to be in the area where the gangsters who arrested people for human experiments were active.

So the agents went to investigate, but because it was a secret investigation, the gangsters didn't know.

Then came the problem.

Of course, the agents who were constantly monitoring and investigating that area couldn't find the target, because it didn't exist in the first place.

However, they discovered a strange phenomenon-there were gangsters secretly arresting people.

Is it possible that these people are used to create terrorist attacks?
After having this doubt, they reported the news as a matter of course.

Then, this news naturally received high attention.

To catch so many people in a sneaky way, this might be a big mess!
Will it be some kind of terrorist attack?The suicidal kind?

Therefore, SHIELD immediately became active and shared this information with the police.

This is where things got serious in an instant.

Usually, they don't bother to care about the messy things in Hell's Kitchen, but this time it may be a large-scale terrorist attack!

The people on the police side were not fools. They considered that there might be scum in the police station colluding with the gangsters, so the news of this operation didn't even get out of the meeting room.

Even in the meeting room, only the person who received the news and the chief of the police station knew the real situation of this matter. They didn't even mention the location and details of half of the specific targets during the meeting!
Don't ask, it's absolutely confidential!To ask is to suspect that you are a spy!
Naturally, these two insiders also passed Fury's initial review.

If the people in the meeting room didn't know, the people under them would be even more unclear. Therefore, these policemen only knew that something big was going to happen tonight, but they didn't know what it was, when it was, and where it was.

They were dispatched with weapons and sat in the car, waiting for news from the supreme command above.

In this way, without knowing it, Fury's goal was achieved.

Even if Hydra started to track it down afterwards, what could they track down?


Street diary:

Others—chased, fell in love, showed affection, broke up, fell in love again...

I—Come on, brother, 99, brother, 99, it’s okay, brother, 99, brother...

 Ben Pujie loves code words, yes, that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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