Chapter 7 Jane and Daisy

It is naturally impossible for Hades to know that two middle-aged and elderly professors are planning how to "pull him back to the right path", and they still want to use the method of beauty tricks. If he knew, he must... Will gladly accept.

After watching a lot of reports about Stark Industries and some "expert" comments on TV, Hades turned off the TV.

It's only around seven o'clock in the evening, and Hades can't go to sleep now, so he plans to go to the bar to have some fun.

Although he will pick up Professor Smith and the others at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, Hades is not worried at all. With his current physical fitness, he won't get drunk even if he drinks all night, and he won't feel tired if he doesn't sleep for a few days. a feeling of.

More than 800 points of [Body] have brought too much enhancement to Hades.

After changing his clothes, Hades came to the garage leisurely, took out the key and opened another car in the garage, a silver-gray AMG Vision Gran Turismo, and headed outside.

Logically speaking, one should not drive when going out to drink, but with Hades' current physique, there is no difference between drinking and drinking, so it doesn't matter much.

And Hades didn't go to the bar to drink, his main purpose was to be known to everyone.

This car is the car of Master Wayne in the movie "Justice League" that Hades watched before, and Hades has liked this car since then.

Without him, only handsome ears.


"Jane, why do you still study your thing here?"

"Daisy, this is nothing, this is my life's work, and all my research results are here."

"But this is a bar! Why do you want to do research here?"

"I didn't want to come, but you insisted on dragging me here, okay?"

In a booth in the bar, a beautiful woman holding a thick small notebook said innocently to the big "fierce" beautiful woman with her hands on her hips.

"Please, Jane, don't do this, it's his loss that guy left you," Daisy naturally knew why Jane was like this, she sighed, and put her hands on Jane's shoulders, "You deserve better, but You have to put some of your attention on everyday life and not on those celestial studies..."

"Okay," Jane reluctantly put the small book back into her bag, "what should I do now?"

"In the bar, of course you have to find a handsome guy!" Daisy said with high spirits, "Come on, I'll take you to Lieyan!"

Daisy pulled Jane out of the booth, and after just a few steps, Daisy stopped.

"What's wrong?" Jane asked a little strangely.

"Look at that! The one in the white jacket over there!" Daisy pulled Jane over with bright eyes, and quietly pointed to a man in front of the bar not far away, "That man is so handsome!"

"It's quite handsome." Jane looked in the direction Daisy pointed, and after seeing the face of the man in the white jacket clearly, she came to a conclusion decisively.

"And the suit of clothes on his body costs at least tens of thousands." Daisy's eyesight is excellent to identify the brand of the clothes on the man's body, "he is definitely a rich man!"

"Then go quickly," Jane smiled and pushed Daisy, who was about to flow out of her saliva, "what are you waiting for?"

"No no, today is for you, you should be the one to go," Daisy swallowed hard, then shook her head, but pushed Jane instead, "Go quickly, such a good piece If you don’t eat the meat, can it be snatched away by others?”

"I... I'm not in the mood," Jane shook her head hesitantly, "You should go."

"Oh, what's so good about that scumbag, do you still think about him?" Daisy stomped her feet anxiously, "Look at this one in front of you, he's more handsome and richer than him, you still think about him Well? Hurry up!"

"I... just forget it..." Jane pushed back a strand of hair that was hanging down, and then forced a smile, "Oh, you're going, leave me alone, okay?"

"Why do you want me to go like this!" Daisy rolled her eyes, "Okay, okay, let's go back and drink, hey, I knew I wouldn't pull you out today, I should have a drink with you in the hotel You're so drunk, keep your head clear."

"Can drinking clear your mind?" A very magnetic man's voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Of course not," Daisy replied subconsciously. "Of course, the more you drink, the more drunk you become. How can you be sober?"

After answering, Daisy realized that something was wrong. Whose voice is this?
So Daisy and Jane turned around together.

It was the "handsome" and "rich" man in the white jacket they were talking about, that is, Hades.

"I wonder if it's an honor to invite you two to have a drink?" Hades said with a smile.

Hades' hearing is very good, and the [body] of more than 800 points allows him to hear the discussion between Daisy and Jane even in the bar.

In addition, these two people have very good looks and good figures, which fully meet Hades' standards, so he came here.


"Astrophysics expert?"

While chatting, the topic suddenly seemed to turn in a different direction. Hades asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

"Why, doesn't it look like it?" Jane blinked.

"That's not true," Hades shook his head, "I just didn't expect to meet my peers like this."

"You too?" This time it was Jane's turn to be surprised.

"Undoubtedly." Hades smiled and turned on the pretentious mode, "That's one of my degrees."

"One??!" Daisy asked in surprise, "meaning you have many other degrees?"

"I had too much time in college, so I just read a few more," Hades said inhumanly. "If you don't believe can test me?"

"I don't understand. I'm just an ordinary student majoring in political science." Daisy shook her head resolutely. "Jane, it's time for you to perform. You are a doctoral student in astrophysics who can apply for an independent internship."

Daisy is still sending out assists.

Jane is naturally obliged. A qualified scholar will become very rigorous in matters related to his profession, so it is naturally impossible to tolerate people without skills to brag about it. She decisively raised the question: "Einstein- Another name for Rosen Bridge?" (I was thinking about it, I'm too lazy to look for it, so don't spray)

Hades: "Wormhole."

Jane: "Tools commonly used by theoretical astrophysicists?"

Hades: "Analytical models, computer simulations."

Jane: "A pillar of the Big Bang model theory?"

Hades: "General relativity and cosmological principles."

Jane: "Basic principles of general relativity?"

Hades: "The principle of equivalence and the principle of general relativity."

Daisy: "Gulu Gulu..."

"Obviously they all speak words, why can't I understand?" Daisy thought a little sadly, and then began to drink away her sorrows, drinking non-stop.


Street diary:

At ten o'clock in the morning, I was finally noticed by the editor, but until now there is no news about the next step...

Could it be that it was cut because it was too outrageous?

 It's strange, why do so many people say that the question is something elementary school students can answer?Are all the people who read my book majored in this field?

  Even if these questions are all conceptual questions, if you ask anyone, 90.00% of them will not be able to answer them!

  Or are you pretending to know what you don’t know to make yourself strong?

(End of this chapter)

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